Why were the GOP so confident about Mike Johnson being Speaker?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
The way they were smiling, they clearly knew they had the votes. So what happened?

I have three theories:

1) The RINO's knew that their voters had had it with their antics, and that one more vote against a Speaker for being "too Republican" would do them in.

2) The RINO's themselves put up Johnson's name due to his being not as well known as an outspoken Trumper and conservative.

3) They knew that going more weeks without a Speaker would make it harder to cut a deal to keep Pelosi-level spending past November.

Likely it was a combination of all three. Number 2) was probably negated by the media's immediate painting of Johnson as Literally Hitler Part Deaux.
The way they were smiling, they clearly knew they had the votes. So what happened?

I have three theories:

1) The RINO's knew that their voters had had it with their antics, and that one more vote against a Speaker for being "too Republican" would do them in.

2) The RINO's themselves put up Johnson's name due to his being not as well known as an outspoken Trumper and conservative.

3) They knew that going more weeks without a Speaker would make it harder to cut a deal to keep Pelosi-level spending past November.

Likely it was a combination of all three. Number 2) was probably negated by the media's immediate painting of Johnson as Literally Hitler Part Deaux.
The tRumpers were counting on the fact that Manic Mike wasn't well known enough to for them to be aware of his radical stance on many subject. That's why they rushed him through in just a few hours. So nobody had time to do any research on the clown.

Now they are stuck with the whack-job until one of them gets the balls to call a vote on him like gaetz did for Spineless Kevin.

On the plus side, they pretty much just handed the Democrats the House next election.
I am pretty sure Hitler was more openminded than Johnson.
The tRumpers were counting on the fact that Manic Mike wasn't well known enough to for them to be aware of his radical stance on many subject. That's why they rushed him through in just a few hours. So nobody had time to do any research on the clown.

Now they are stuck with the whack-job until one of them gets the balls to call a vote on him like gaetz did for Spineless Kevin.

On the plus side, they pretty much just handed the Democrats the House next election.

Johnson said he was going to change the rules so it is harder to get rid of him. I had to laugh my ass off at that one
Damn, he's got you leftists running skeered.

What's next, are they going to hit him with their worn out old saw of "he's a threat to democracy"?

You peeps are pitiful but hey, it's of your own doing.....Your little lock-step fuck-fuck game with McCarthy did not pan-out very well did it?
Actually, it was fun to see your retard party running around like chickens with their heads cut off. :lol:

And, we had so much fun that after we give you guys a break, we will start it all over again.

Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Anybody miss that subhuman inside trader as speaker? I know I do.

The new speaker's spouse runs some kind of charity, I think. The old speaker's spouse was having car wrecks with naked, underaged boys or hammer fights at 2am with homeless homos.

I do miss that wholesome decency that pelosi brought... just because the citizens shit in her driveway, that does not make her a bad person.

pelosi got a new dog.jpg
Israel needs American shekels fast, so the GOP knew that they needed to find a new speaker fast.
The way they were smiling, they clearly knew they had the votes. So what happened?

I have three theories:

1) The RINO's knew that their voters had had it with their antics, and that one more vote against a Speaker for being "too Republican" would do them in.

2) The RINO's themselves put up Johnson's name due to his being not as well known as an outspoken Trumper and conservative.

3) They knew that going more weeks without a Speaker would make it harder to cut a deal to keep Pelosi-level spending past November.

Likely it was a combination of all three. Number 2) was probably negated by the media's immediate painting of Johnson as Literally Hitler Part Deaux.
Happy that Hakeem didn't get the gig.
The way they were smiling, they clearly knew they had the votes. So what happened?

I have three theories:

1) The RINO's knew that their voters had had it with their antics, and that one more vote against a Speaker for being "too Republican" would do them in.

2) The RINO's themselves put up Johnson's name due to his being not as well known as an outspoken Trumper and conservative.

3) They knew that going more weeks without a Speaker would make it harder to cut a deal to keep Pelosi-level spending past November.

Likely it was a combination of all three. Number 2) was probably negated by the media's immediate painting of Johnson as Literally Hitler Part Deaux.

So, now that is looks like he will rely on Dem votes to pass his Two Phase CR, are you going to call for his removal since that is what Mac was removed for?
So, now that is looks like he will rely on Dem votes to pass his Two Phase CR, are you going to call for his removal since that is what Mac was removed for?

That's not what Kevin was removed for. Kevin was removed for colluding with Democrats to pass a "clean CR," meaning a continuation of the Pelosi budget with no concessions whatsoever. He did that in a surprise move, with explicit or implicit agreement with the Dems, so the GOP got rid of him.

I like this bill. I've called for something similar in previous posts. Fund the government through the holidays, which are already starting. I've had the first of many Thanksgiving meals already, a Sunday get-together with Mrs. Flops' co-workers, and a special cafeteria Turkey lunch at my school yesterday. Tomorrow is the schoolwide pot-luck. Eating season is here, no one wants to have a budget fight, nor watch one.

Every Republican's NY resolution should be to stop stealing our grandchildren's future. Splitting it is brilliant. All funding needs to be done this way, and now the Dems have been forced to accept the first step in that direction. Without any spending of money we don't have to help Ukraine, Israel, and for border spending sure to be wasted by your administration.

That's not what Kevin was removed for. Kevin was removed for colluding with Democrats to pass a "clean CR," meaning a continuation of the Pelosi budget with no concessions whatsoever. He did that in a surprise move, with explicit or implicit agreement with the Dems, so the GOP got rid of him.

I like this bill. I've called for something similar in previous posts. Fund the government through the holidays, which are already starting. I've had the first of many Thanksgiving meals already, a Sunday get-together with Mrs. Flops' co-workers, and a special cafeteria Turkey lunch at my school yesterday. Tomorrow is the schoolwide pot-luck. Eating season is here, no one wants to have a budget fight, nor watch one.

Every Republican's NY resolution should be to stop stealing our grandchildren's future. Splitting it is brilliant. All funding needs to be done this way, and now the Dems have been forced to accept the first step in that direction. Without any spending of money we don't have to help Ukraine, Israel, and for border spending sure to be wasted by your administration.

This is a clean CR that is a continuation of the Pelosi budget with no concessions whatsoever, all it does is last longer than McCarthy's.
This is a clean CR that is a continuation of the Pelosi budget with no concessions whatsoever, all it does is last longer than McCarthy's.
Splitting the CR is a consensus. Both the Dems and the RINO's were strongly opposed to it, for obvious reasons.

Not sending more money we don't have to Ukraine and Israel was a concession by Dems and RINO's. Not giving your president money that he could pretend to spend on border security now that he's floundering in the polls was a concession to the same group.

I know you love to pretend that different events are the same, but they're not even close in this case.
Splitting the CR is a consensus. Both the Dems and the RINO's were strongly opposed to it, for obvious reasons.

Yet it was them that voted for it because the "hard liners" would not. Weird.

I know you love to pretend that different events are the same, but they're not even close in this case.

The only thing that changed was how long they last, but hey I get it, your beloved party could not take the hit of another clown show of weeks and weeks of finding yet another Speaker
Yet it was them that voted for it because the "hard liners" would not. Weird.
Yeah, they compromised. That's how it works.
The only thing that changed was how long they last, but hey I get it, your beloved party could not take the hit of another clown show of weeks and weeks of finding yet another Speaker
You Democrats would do better finding a plausible candidate to run against Trump than trying to convince the GOP to keep rubber stamping your massive spending.

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