Why We Need to Bring Down MLK's Monument


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I have been listening and following closely to the "protesters" who are tearing down monuments of immoral people across the Country.

Washington and Jefferson... Slave holders. They have to come down. Teddy Roosevelt.... a white guy who fought in the Spanish American War. Clearly anti-Latino. Gotta come down. U.S. Grant.... I'm not sure, but he's a white guy. The statute has to come down.

And that brings us to MLK. He was a man of God who happened to be a serially adulterous. I mean Mike slept with a lot of women....and I mean a lot of women, but unfortunately only one of them was his wife.

So by the logic of the "protesters" doesn't MLK's monument have to come down? He was clearly immoral. He violated his vows as a Man of God.

What do you think?
I disagree. The monument to King can just be reworked a bit and redesignated as the George P. Floyd monument. Vice President Biden, the undisputed leader of the Democrat Party has stated that Floyd is a lot more important the King.

And to the best of our knowledge, Floyd was impeccable and without faults.
I have been listening and following closely to the "protesters" who are tearing down monuments of immoral people across the Country.

Washington and Jefferson... Slave holders. They have to come down. Teddy Roosevelt.... a white guy who fought in the Spanish American War. Clearly anti-Latino. Gotta come down. U.S. Grant.... I'm not sure, but he's a white guy. The statute has to come down.

And that brings us to MLK. He was a man of God who happened to be a serially adulterous. I mean Mike slept with a lot of women....and I mean a lot of women, but unfortunately only one of them was his wife.

So by the logic of the "protesters" doesn't MLK's monument have to come down? He was clearly immoral. He violated his vows as a Man of God.

What do you think?
No, I disagree, that would make us as low as these rioting scumbags.
I disagree. The monument to King can just be reworked a bit and redesignated as the George P. Floyd monument. Vice President Biden, the undisputed leader of the Democrat Party has stated that Floyd is a lot more important the King.

And to the best of our knowledge, Floyd was impeccable and without faults.

George Floyd was a filthy hood rat shit bag who was big and tough when it came to pregnant chicks. Wonder if the pregnant woman whos gut Floyed stuck a gun into and robbed. While it is wrong that a cop killed him, and that cop is the same kind of shit like Floyed was. Still, it's cosmic justice Floyed was killed getting choaked out begging for his life. Fuck that piece of shit. Let his ass for in hell. Floyed isn't worthy of being remembered.
I have been listening and following closely to the "protesters" who are tearing down monuments of immoral people across the Country.

Washington and Jefferson... Slave holders. They have to come down. Teddy Roosevelt.... a white guy who fought in the Spanish American War. Clearly anti-Latino. Gotta come down. U.S. Grant.... I'm not sure, but he's a white guy. The statute has to come down.

And that brings us to MLK. He was a man of God who happened to be a serially adulterous. I mean Mike slept with a lot of women....and I mean a lot of women, but unfortunately only one of them was his wife.

So by the logic of the "protesters" doesn't MLK's monument have to come down? He was clearly immoral. He violated his vows as a Man of God.

What do you think?

dumb idea
I like the idea of a George Floyd monument. :thup: Maybe a depiction of the home invasion where he put a knife to a pregnant woman's belly. She was white so by definition she is a racist. Bitch had it coming.

What a great way to honor Floyd and the BLM movement.
I have been listening and following closely to the "protesters" who are tearing down monuments of immoral people across the Country.

Washington and Jefferson... Slave holders. They have to come down. Teddy Roosevelt.... a white guy who fought in the Spanish American War. Clearly anti-Latino. Gotta come down. U.S. Grant.... I'm not sure, but he's a white guy. The statute has to come down.

And that brings us to MLK. He was a man of God who happened to be a serially adulterous. I mean Mike slept with a lot of women....and I mean a lot of women, but unfortunately only one of them was his wife.

So by the logic of the "protesters" doesn't MLK's monument have to come down? He was clearly immoral. He violated his vows as a Man of God.

What do you think?

dumb idea

Then the left is all for it
I have been listening and following closely to the "protesters" who are tearing down monuments of immoral people across the Country.

Washington and Jefferson... Slave holders. They have to come down. Teddy Roosevelt.... a white guy who fought in the Spanish American War. Clearly anti-Latino. Gotta come down. U.S. Grant.... I'm not sure, but he's a white guy. The statute has to come down.

And that brings us to MLK. He was a man of God who happened to be a serially adulterous. I mean Mike slept with a lot of women....and I mean a lot of women, but unfortunately only one of them was his wife.

So by the logic of the "protesters" doesn't MLK's monument have to come down? He was clearly immoral. He violated his vows as a Man of God.

What do you think?

dumb idea

Then the left is all for it

I have been listening and following closely to the "protesters" who are tearing down monuments of immoral people across the Country.

Washington and Jefferson... Slave holders. They have to come down. Teddy Roosevelt.... a white guy who fought in the Spanish American War. Clearly anti-Latino. Gotta come down. U.S. Grant.... I'm not sure, but he's a white guy. The statute has to come down.

And that brings us to MLK. He was a man of God who happened to be a serially adulterous. I mean Mike slept with a lot of women....and I mean a lot of women, but unfortunately only one of them was his wife.

So by the logic of the "protesters" doesn't MLK's monument have to come down? He was clearly immoral. He violated his vows as a Man of God.

What do you think?
I think :no_text11:. He did a lot of good and is a real American hero.
The "protesters" might want to take him down, I say we don't let them!
As much as America was behind the Civil Rights Act, is about as much as America is against BLM/ANTIFA.
I'm here to tell you it was most people.
Most of Americans wanted the Civil Rights Act and our land to come together and heal.
A supermajority of AMericans did not like that segregation stuff and Jim Crow laws.
And it did! From the mid 60s up until Obama.
I completely misjudged how bad that POS set race relations back.
I was like "Aww, couple years into the next president, everything will be back to normal"
I was wrong, and wrong bigly.
People of all races were friends when I grew up, not sure what these brainwashed commies are on about, but they're not going to triumph over America. America will grind you commie pukes and your useful idiots into dust, I suggest you stop poking the bear and choose another path, because the one you are on leads to destruction.
I have been listening and following closely to the "protesters" who are tearing down monuments of immoral people across the Country.

Washington and Jefferson... Slave holders. They have to come down. Teddy Roosevelt.... a white guy who fought in the Spanish American War. Clearly anti-Latino. Gotta come down. U.S. Grant.... I'm not sure, but he's a white guy. The statute has to come down.

And that brings us to MLK. He was a man of God who happened to be a serially adulterous. I mean Mike slept with a lot of women....and I mean a lot of women, but unfortunately only one of them was his wife.

So by the logic of the "protesters" doesn't MLK's monument have to come down? He was clearly immoral. He violated his vows as a Man of God.

What do you think?

dumb idea

Why? The founders were men. They were flawed. MLK was a man. He was flawed. The founders made morally questionable decisions regarding slavery. MLK violated one of the most sacred commandments of his faith over and over again.

Shouldn't we cancel MLK? He advocated non-violence. Isn't that wrong when people are burning down buildings and toppling monuments? MLK advocated whites and blacks living in harmony. That clearly won't fly when we now will have separate but equal national anthems based on skin color.

Nope. MLK must go.
The bed wetters want to erase the entire history of democrook enslavement, so it makes sense to erase MLK as well since his notoriety is derived from continued democrook oppression of blacks.

In fact I'm wondering how long it will be before democrooks demand the relocation of all blacks to Africa, and all caucasians (except for them of course) to europe.

I disagree. The monument to King can just be reworked a bit and redesignated as the George P. Floyd monument. Vice President Biden, the undisputed leader of the Democrat Party has stated that Floyd is a lot more important the King.

And to the best of our knowledge, Floyd was impeccable and without faults.

George Floyd was a filthy hood rat shit bag who was big and tough when it came to pregnant chicks. Wonder if the pregnant woman whos gut Floyed stuck a gun into and robbed. While it is wrong that a cop killed him, and that cop is the same kind of shit like Floyed was. Still, it's cosmic justice Floyed was killed getting choaked out begging for his life. Fuck that piece of shit. Let his ass for in hell. Floyed isn't worthy of being remembered.

George Floyd? Who's he?
Need to get out of revenge shit. There is zero valid reason to take it down.

I think MLK is one of the greatest Americans in our history. My point with this thread is to highlight the utter hypocrisy of the BLM movement and the American Left. MLK would be called an Uncle Tom today. He would either be mocked or completely ignored by the Left and the media. I think he would be shocked by how far we have fallen.
We need another MLK badly IMHO.
I briefly held out hope that the meat puppet faggot would make the case to the American people that we have gotten past the era of racial inequity. I hoped he would inspire black people to return to the traditions of family, spirituality, and hard work. I hoped he would do something like trump has done, to reverse the Clinton crime bill that deliberately put black people in jail for small amounts of crack for decades.

Alas, Queen Antifa deliberately opened wounds rather than heal them. He instigated racial strife, kept the economy in the shitter so that fewer people than ever could prosper and it hit black people harder.

The thing is there are lot of black leaders who don't have a cult of personality built up under them like the media did with obozo. If Alan Keyes had won the republicrat nomination in 2000 instead of that RINO Bush, do you think the media would have exalted and praised him, or tried to bury him? If we ever have another black leader who talks like MLK did, they will be crushed by the media as well. The only way blacks will ever have a good leader in this country is by acknowledging the ones picked for them by democrook apparatchiks in "journalism" are designed to keep them in a cycle of poverty, shitty cities, shitty schools, shitty jobs and in prisons.


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