why we need electoral college:Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states


If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

This shows a total lack of understanding about how Proportional Representation works.

PR would INCREASE the number of political parties to at least 5 or 6. This means that you wouldn't have the Republicans and Democrats controlling everything.

Also, it would mean THE AMERICAN PEOPLE would get a say on who their politicians are.

The German election is an interesting election to look at because the people vote FPTP and PR on the same day, at the same time.

The larger political parties do better with FPTP and the smaller parties do better with PR.

German federal election, 2017 - Wikipedia

In FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes in FPTP and 77% of the seats. How is that fair in any way?

Under PR, on the same day, they gained 33% of the votes, they lost 4.2% of the vote and got 35% of the seats. Much fairer you'd have to presume. Seeing as only 33% of German voters wanted them to represent them, not 77%.

The FDP got 7% of the vote with FPTP and gained ZERO seats. 7% of people wanted them to represent them, but they got nothing. How unfair is that?

With PR they got 10.7% of the votes and 11.4% of the seats. Much fairer. The voters actually got the representatives THEY WANTED.

So, the only reason to support FPTP is when you want an unfair system that doesn't represent the wishes of the people, but helps big business to control everything.

Under PR smaller parties could represent what you ACTUALLY believe in, rather than having to vote for the closest crap to your views.

Nothing makes FPTP look good.

The reality is that California and New York only make up a small percentage of the country.

However Republicans KNOW that the system favors them, and so they don't want to lose an unfair system.
Fuck crazy Cali and insane New York...

If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

"Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states"
Not only is it home to more people but it's home to the filthiest of humans. Southern Mexifornia is a disgusting thirdworld shithole full of disgusting low iQ thirdworlders, pole puffers, chicks with dicks and welfare sucking bottom feeders. Thank God the filth here can't elect our POTUS on their own.

Thank God there's no Democracy huh? God is a fascist, he's not into democracy.

Yeah, great one dude.

Nice treason flag, by the way.
This is supposed to be a republic dumb fuck...
The reason we did this, is because the heavily populated areas would just roll over the less populated areas, had we gone with a pure democracy.

Ah yes, like Houston and Dallas and Fort Worth roll over Texas... oh wait. OK like Miami and Orlando and Tampa roll over Florida..... oh wait.... I got it, like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh roll over Pennsylvania.....
why we need electoral college:Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states

One person, one vote. People vote - not acres. Or, are acres now people, too? That would make humans competing with corporations and acres.
Washington redskin, A pure democracy is mob rule you stupid motherfucker.
Stay out of the firewater

I have no problem with the Electoral College and neither did the democrats, until Hillary got beat.
Democratic winning presidents have always won the popular vote along with winning the electoral college....

The Republican presidents as of late, not so much...and that's when it's the issue...when a president doesn't even come close to winning the popular vote of the people yet wins the presidency through the electoral college only...and not by its citizen's choice too or even close to its citizen's choice too....

And it makes sense for there to be discontent among citizens, when that happens....imo
There’s a reason for the electoral college, to keep crazies like yourself at bay.
Dallas also has a large population; the EC was set up since lack of transportation made voting time consuming, transporting ballots impossible in places, and was intended to reflect the popular vote. Problems begun with Adams/Jefferson, Tilden/Hayes led to riots. Clinton's popular vote victory was large enough to make the error glaring. There is no reason why my vote counts less than that of an Iowa citizen. Popular vote, OR, modified EC reflects the actual vote. Two states have modified EC.

Explain why small states (population) receive greater weighted votes.

Sadly they've only "modified" them into slightly smaller versions where an entire Congressional District is still lumped into a single vote, which is only a reduction of the same issues.

In Maine's case for example Clinton won the popular vote 48% to 45% yet won the electoral vote 3 to 1. A proportionate vote would have been 2-2.

My state has 15 EVs, which Rump won by a razor-thin margin. Allocated proportionally they would have been 8-7.

So Trump received all 15, same with Florida 2000. A couple hundred votes, Bush received all. Election by popular vote is long overdue.
why we need electoral college:Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states

One person, one vote. People vote - not acres. Or, are acres now people, too? That would make humans competing with corporations and acres.
Washington redskin, A pure democracy is mob rule you stupid motherfucker.
Stay out of the firewater

Then elections of Senators and House Reps. are by mob rule? Easy to get rid of Ryan, and McConnell your way :)
The rest of the country is leaving you assholes alone. Check out the stats on the number of businesses/people AKA$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!! leaving your shithole.
Whenever the subject of the EC is brought up a good question is: What do you think the people in the small states would think if the EC was removed?

I live here, we make more than most states....We drive expensive cars....we live in perfect weather and we are enjoying our lives. We don't hate on nobody and we don't car what a miserable racist red neck think of us. :)

When you say "we" are you referring to the high iQ tech folks of Silicon Valley, the wack-jobs of Hollyweird and a few others that make the spread sheet look good?
It doesn't matter how many times you make your retarded proclamation...it won't become truth or fact....everyone knows that Mexifornia is full of low iQ, disgusting Mexicans...that's why it's become such a shithole on paper and otherwise. A Mexifornia without all the filthy wetbacks is a nicer, safer, more productive CALIFORNIA....this isn't an opinion, the data proves it...Here are some of those things you hate...FACTS!

CA=12% of the nations population...33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=20.6% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state...coincidence?
CA=Crime rates off the charts
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
Any questions?

Couple, yeah.

  1. "CA=12% of the nations population...33% of the nations welfare recipients" <<-- Question 1: what does this have to do with the electoral college? Question two -- Link?
  2. "CA=20.6% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation" -- Provably bullshit. Question 3,: what does this have to do with the electoral college? Question 4, why are you not counting Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, DC, Georgia, West Virginia, AridZona, Tennessee, BOTH of the Carolinas, Texas, Florida and Oklahoma? Have they seceded?
  3. "CA=Home to more illegals than any other state...coincidence?" <-- Question 5: home to more PEOPLE than any other state.... math? Question 6 what does this have to do with the Electrical College? Question 7: Link?
  4. "CA=Crime rates off the charts" <--- Question 8: "charts"? Suddenly we abandon specificity? Link?
  5. "CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state" <--- Question 9: same as Question 5 Question 10: Link? Question 11: what the fuck does this have to do with the electrical college?

California isn't in the top 6, by percentages. Poverty stricken states are Republican. The popular vote should elect the President(.) Trump stated he would have won the popular vote if he had chosen to, wwhy the bizarre, incorrect posts?

I know it isn't --- that's what I just said, noting that Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, DC, Georgia, West Virginia, AridZona, Tennessee, BOTH of the Carolinas, Texas, Florida and Oklahoma have higher poverty rates. Which is also what my link says.

Just a statistic to prove you were correct, my apologies.

If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

That's a good argument against the Electoral College.
The red parts of the country control/supply the food, natural resources and territory. We cant have progressive shit stains thinking for the country...

California is the top agricultural state in the nation.
But the counties are red where that agriculture is raised you dumb fuck
Dallas also has a large population; the EC was set up since lack of transportation made voting time consuming, transporting ballots impossible in places, and was intended to reflect the popular vote. Problems begun with Adams/Jefferson, Tilden/Hayes led to riots. Clinton's popular vote victory was large enough to make the error glaring. There is no reason why my vote counts less than that of an Iowa citizen. Popular vote, OR, modified EC reflects the actual vote. Two states have modified EC.

Explain why small states (population) receive greater weighted votes.

Sadly they've only "modified" them into slightly smaller versions where an entire Congressional District is still lumped into a single vote, which is only a reduction of the same issues.

In Maine's case for example Clinton won the popular vote 48% to 45% yet won the electoral vote 3 to 1. A proportionate vote would have been 2-2.

My state has 15 EVs, which Rump won by a razor-thin margin. Allocated proportionally they would have been 8-7.

So Trump received all 15, same with Florida 2000. A couple hundred votes, Bush received all. Election by popular vote is long overdue.

And every country in the world that has a vote has recognized that.

Well, except us. And Pakistan.

If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

That's a good argument against the Electoral College.
The red parts of the country control/supply the food, natural resources and territory. We cant have progressive shit stains thinking for the country...

More evidence you want oligarchical, not democratic, government.
This is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy
The thread title is exactly why we need and have the Electoral College.

It's not surprising that the OP is a constitutional illiterate who doesn't understand the concept of the Tyranny of the Majority.

Read some Tocqueville, bub.

If ever there was an argument for the Electoral College... this may be it.

You didn't even make an argument here, Dumb Shit.
Nor are you even capable of making one.

This is so simple....Our founding fathers saw what's happening before it ever happened.
They knew metropolises would form and many would become inhabited by foreigners who would drop their anchor babies in the laps of legit Americans. They knew these filthy foreigners would be low iQ ignorant humans.....they knew that despite fleeing their filthy shitholes to seek a better nation these ignorant human cockroaches would bust their asses trying to morph America into the very shitholes they fled. The electoral system prevents that from happening....simple shit...THE END!
Dallas also has a large population; the EC was set up since lack of transportation made voting time consuming, transporting ballots impossible in places, and was intended to reflect the popular vote. Problems begun with Adams/Jefferson, Tilden/Hayes led to riots. Clinton's popular vote victory was large enough to make the error glaring. There is no reason why my vote counts less than that of an Iowa citizen. Popular vote, OR, modified EC reflects the actual vote. Two states have modified EC.

Explain why small states (population) receive greater weighted votes.

Sadly they've only "modified" them into slightly smaller versions where an entire Congressional District is still lumped into a single vote, which is only a reduction of the same issues.

In Maine's case for example Clinton won the popular vote 48% to 45% yet won the electoral vote 3 to 1. A proportionate vote would have been 2-2.

My state has 15 EVs, which Rump won by a razor-thin margin. Allocated proportionally they would have been 8-7.

So Trump received all 15, same with Florida 2000. A couple hundred votes, Bush received all. Election by popular vote is long overdue.

Exactly. What pisses me off is that Carolina's electors went to Congress and stuttered "wow, this is amazing, literally everybody in the state of North Carolina voted for Rump so here's all fifteen votes" which is absolute crapola. And for those of us who didn't want Rump (or Clinton) to win we were FORCED to vote for Clinton (or Rump) in order to block, like a giant game of freaking Tic Tac Toe, because that was the only way to do it.

And that's exactly how the Duopoly is perpetuated. Because to vote outside the Duopoly is to piss one's vote away on a protest that nobody will notice because while a D or R vote may or may not be thrown out, a 3P vote definitely will no matter what.

And that's what these WTA-pologists want to continue as if it's a good idea. :cuckoo:
The thread title is exactly why we need and have the Electoral College.

It's not surprising that the OP is a constitutional illiterate who doesn't understand the concept of the Tyranny of the Majority.

Read some Tocqueville, bub.

One Tocqueville over the line sweet mama
One Tocqueville over the line
Sittin' down on a political forum
One Tocqueville over the line.... :eusa_whistle:

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