Why We Are Safer



An excellent commentary by Charles Krauthammer on why we are safer due to the removal of Saddam Hussein.

The War on Terrorism has liberated Iraq and Afghanistan, enabling these two countries to begin the first steps towards self-government and democracy; caused Libya and Iran to agree to arms inspections; caused DPRK to re-open negotiations towards nuclear disarmament; flipped Pakistan to assist in combating instead of exporting terrorism....

This is why the Dems will lose in 2004. They just don't get it.

"One of the attacks they don't bring up very often anymore is the Saddam Hussein thing, that it's not safer since Saddam Hussein's been captured -- because we now have 23 troops killed and we're having fighter planes escorting passenger jets through American airspace. I noticed that line of attack disappeared fairly quickly."

-- Howard Dean, Newsweek, Jan. 12 issue

Howard Dean may end up as a footnote in history, but he has already earned a place in the dictionary as the illustration accompanying the word smug. He claims that not only was he right that we are not safer with Saddam Hussein captured; not only has he already been vindicated by history, all 21 days of it; but he has been so obviously vindicated that his opponents, bowing to his superior wisdom, have stopped their attacks on this point.

They have not. He has been peppered with questions about this statement, most recently during the Jan. 4 Iowa debate. How could he not? The idea that we are not safer (a) because we are still losing troops and (b) because al Qaeda has not been extinguished, amounts to an open-court confession of cluelessness on foreign policy.

The first is the equivalent of saying that we were not safer after D-Day because we were still losing troops in Europe. In war, a strategic turning point makes you safer because it hastens victory, hastens the ultimate elimination of the hostile power, hastens the return home of the troops. It does not mean there is an immediate cessation, or even a diminution, of casualties (see: Battle of the Bulge).

The other part of the statement -- we cannot be safer because we are still threatened by terrorism -- is even more telling. It rests on the wider notion, shared not just by Dean but by many Democrats, that so long as al Qaeda is active, we are never any safer. This rests on the remarkable assumption that we have a single enemy in the world, al Qaeda, and that it and it alone defines "safety."

It is hard to believe that serious people can have so absurdly narrow a vision of American national security. The fact is that we have other enemies in the world.

Saddam Hussein was one of them, and he is gone. Libya was another, and it has just retired from the field, suing for peace and giving up its weapons of mass destruction. (Gaddafi went so far as to go on television to urge Syria, Iran and North Korea to do the same.) Iran has also gone softer, agreeing to spot inspections, something it never did before it faced 130,000 American troops about 100 miles from its border.

These gains are all a direct result of the Iraq war. A spokesman for Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi told the London Daily Telegraph in September that Gaddafi had telephoned Berlusconi and told him: "I will do whatever the Americans want, because I saw what happened in Iraq, and I was afraid."

The idea that we are not safer because al Qaeda is not yet stopped is absurd. Of course we have terror alerts. We will continue to have them until al Qaeda is extinguished, and you do not eliminate in two years a menace that was granted eight years of unmolested growth and metastasis when Dean's party was in power.

But look at the region whence al Qaeda came. Not only has the Taliban been overthrown, Afghanistan just this week adopted a new constitution agreed to by a loya jirga (grand council) representing every part of this fractured tribal society. It is an astonishing development in a country with so little experience in representative government and ravaged by more than a quarter-century of civil war. And it came about as a result of American force of arms followed by American diplomacy.

Look at Pakistan. On Sept. 11, 2001, it was supporting the Taliban, ignoring al Qaeda and assisting other Islamic extremists. Force majeure by the Bush administration turned Pakistan. The Musharraf government is now a crucial ally in the war on terror.

And now, just this week, another astonishing development: a summit between India and Pakistan leading to negotiations that, the joint communique said, "will" solve all outstanding issues, including the half-century-old fight over Kashmir. Both Pakistani and Indian observers agree that intense behind-the-scenes mediation by the Bush administration was instrumental in bringing about the rapprochement.

From Libya to India, ice is breaking and the region is changing. In this part of the world, there is no guarantee of success. But if this is not progress -- remarkable, unexpected and hugely significant -- then nothing is.

I agree with Kruthammer. There is no doubt that we are safer, which by no means implies 'safe.' It should be obvious that the days where we can pretend that we are safe, are gone. That in itself means the government must do what is within its powers to do to keep us, 'as safe as possible', along with a careful weighing of civil liberties.
As Benjamin Franklin said:

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security ."

We never were safe to begin with - just relatively safer than most of the rest of the world due to our economic system, national security strength and our system of government.
As Benjamin Franklin said:"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security ."

Never has a quote been taken out of context so often. To think that the people who would put world consensus before US security first use this quote is preposterous.

Franklin also said this: "All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move."

The Islamicist extremist are the first. The Euro weenies are the second. The coalition of the willing are the third.
Kathianne - excellent post.

I completely agree.
Thanks wonderwench, love your pic! Hey us conservatives tend to be hit and not respond. I think that is a mistake. Believe me, if it had been a conservative that made the Ghandi gaffe, it would be a front pager for DAYS.
Your welcome! And thanks.

But I must give credit where credit is due. SinisterMotives is my Personal Avatar Master Extraordinaire!
Gosh I want that bod. 'Going to take my Christmas money to healthclub!'
I wish it were as easy as taking money to a health club.

who was ben franklin talking about? the king of england? security? didn't franklin say "tyranny cannot exist with a free press" what would he think now? if he was here right now.......hmmm.....I personally know a woman who was In germany during hitler's time(as a young girl)...she happens to think that we are headed for tyranny.....a police state if you will...is she a conspiracy wacko....perhaps.....she keeps telling me she is worried...she doesn't want to live in a police state... she sees the patterns forming...so do I. now before you jump on me for equating our system to that of the nazi's you need to read the patriot act's own definition of a terrorist I am not going to tell you Bush is Hitler or saddam is Hitler....this is it......A woman that I know personally, who came to bask in the freedom and glory of our country, is telling me she thinks our leaders, or the puppet masters behind them, have led us down the road to a police state. a police state not unlike the one she lived in as a small child in germany. go ahead and make fun of her ethnic background... it is very revealling. the fact is, the nazi's used the media to generate nationalism. go watch triumph of the will...yes, I do love America...but I hate watching it be destroyed.
Funny my whole family came from Germany under Hitler and don't seem to share the same feeling at all !

I think most of us here are concerned about preserving our liberty and avoiding the development of a police state.

Freedom requires eternal vigilance; we cannot take it for granted.

There is an excellent book by Leonard Peikoff called "The Ominous Parallels". He does a quite good job drawing the comparison between developments that led to the rise of Nazi Germany and parallel conditions in the U.S. The causes he gives for these are quite different than yours. Some of the people you seem to admire are the very ones creating the risk.

didn't franklin say "tyranny cannot exist with a free press" what would he think now?

I don't think he said that, but it's close to a Jeffersonian quote, but not on the Money....
Hey Wench, god I feel like a guy! You are telling me. I think you are a couple decades younger than myself and you have NO IDEA of the truth of which you speak.
Although I do believe the ultimate sin is to Know evil is active and cloaked in light (deception,) and not doing anything about it. I feel like throwing in the towel. Just forgetting all that I think I know, and getting out of political discussions altogether. But I can't. There are known knowns and known unknowns that is to say.....nevermind. How many freemasons are in this forum? I think I want to join the scottish rite. 2b1ask1, right? Any Task Masters or Worshipful Masters in here? 32nd degree or 33rd degree freemasons? Blue lodge? Albert Pike's books are great, Manly Hall too. I need some friends and business contacts. Grand master, bring me into the light. I could help rebuild King Soloman's temple.
Kathianne, it is only stuff that freemasons understand. My great grandfather was one, and my great, great grandfather, Lewis Addison Armistead was one. Lewis Addison Armistead was the general who led the confederate army during pickett's charge in the civil war.
My sig, "so mote it be," is something they (freemasons) say at their "meetings."
Hey aren't they the non-union guys who did my driveway !:p:

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