Why Trump Wins It All


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
REP elites and talking heads have been screaming that Trump is...........you fill in the blanks for months.
They whine that Trump only has about 39% of the committed REP vote.
What they fail to understand is Yes all the others candidates in the race have a thin slice of the REP voter pie. Why do all the other candidates have such tiny slices? Why is the darling of the REP elite Jeb Bush's slice of the pie not big enough to keep a family of mice feed for a day?
None of the candidates but Trump would have a chance in hell of beating Hillary. None.
The REP elite are not taking into account that REPS generally are a lot more committed to Party than an individual as LIBS are. For LIBs it's about 'personality' and 'First The This and the First that' as President. If their favorite 'personality' doesn't win the nomination they are just as likely to say "FUCK IT!" and stay home. This is especially the case with the shiny fresh cheeked starry eyed Sander's supporters. These supporters have recently been hatched from the Liberal Indoctrination Center incubators called schools and colleges where Socialism was their mother's milk. All they really care about is seeing a Socialist President in the Oval Office next year. They should all take a holiday to Greece.
Back to Trump.
As each slice holder is forced to exit stage right their supporters by and large are going to vote for anyone who can keep the Clintons from getting another chance to steal the sterling silver and furniture again and to keep Bill away from the females, whatever their age.
These failed candidates are pragmatists and above all else politicians. Those that go quietly into the night know they'll maybe get another kick at the can someday. Those who kick the cat on the way out the door will have committed political suicide no matter which party wins. All the failed candidates will 'dog whistle' to their supporters to hold their noses if they have to but they must help put a REP President in the Whitehouse.
Then there are the DEMs who never voted for Hillary last time. Who have had enough of Obama's Socialist wet dream. Who could REALLY use a job about now. And who's the certified 100% honest to God mega 'job creator'? They know who.
Same with Independants. These people are the ones who will put Trump in office. They have watched the economy stagnate. Watched their health insurance premiums skyrocket. Watched millions of illiterate illegals flooding into the country all needing to be fed and clothed and housed. Who can' find work because increasingly employers are looking over their shoulders watching for a black car to pull up filled with people who want to see the employees work papers.
They know Hillary as President is just another four year term for Obama. Who in their right minds what's that again?
The left and center and a majority of the right are less thrilled about Trump than they are about Hillary. If Bernie takes the nomination, he will beat Trump by at least 15 points.
Honestly, i think any Republican Candidate has a good shot at winning. Look for a big cross over with many Democrats crossing over and voting Republican this time around. The Gun Grabber impact on voters especially, is gonna be much bigger than the Left/Democrats believe.

Many Democrats fully support the 2nd Amendment. And the Democratic Party is only offering them Communist Gun Grabber candidates. Candidates like Clinton and Sanders will be no-goes for them. The Left/Democrats ignore these voters, but they might just lock it up for the Republicans.
paulitician, you are barely functional most of the time, so be careful telling us why who is going to do what. There will no Dem cross over vote of more than 3%.

A Rubio Haley ticket would win. Almost no other Republican has a chance, particularly Trump.
paulitician, you are barely functional most of the time, so be careful telling us why who is going to do what. There will no Dem cross over vote of more than 3%.

A Rubio Haley ticket would win. Almost no other Republican has a chance, particularly Trump.

Yeah, y'all on the Left are ignoring the Gun Grabber impact. There are still many Democrats who fully support the 2nd Amendment. Their Party has left them on that issue. They'll vote Republican. I think any Republican has a real good shot at winning.
paulitician, you are barely functional most of the time, so be careful telling us why who is going to do what. There will no Dem cross over vote of more than 3%.

A Rubio Haley ticket would win. Almost no other Republican has a chance, particularly Trump.

Yeah, y'all on the Left are ignoring the Gun Grabber impact. There are still many Democrats who fully support the 2nd Amendment. Their Party has left them on that issue. They'll vote Republican. I think any Republican has a real good shot at winning.
If there were any REP candidates anywhere close to Trump I say they could win the nomination. There aren't any.
Trump is famous for NEVER quitting. He's not going anywhere.
If the GOP back-room boys try to pull any stunts at the convention Trump will make fools of them. They know this.
paulitician, you are barely functional most of the time, so be careful telling us why who is going to do what. There will no Dem cross over vote of more than 3%.

A Rubio Haley ticket would win. Almost no other Republican has a chance, particularly Trump.

Yeah, y'all on the Left are ignoring the Gun Grabber impact. There are still many Democrats who fully support the 2nd Amendment. Their Party has left them on that issue. They'll vote Republican. I think any Republican has a real good shot at winning.
It is not as important as you think, at all.

And the GOP establishment is not the least intimidated by Trump. It's the other way around.
paulitician, you are barely functional most of the time, so be careful telling us why who is going to do what. There will no Dem cross over vote of more than 3%.

A Rubio Haley ticket would win. Almost no other Republican has a chance, particularly Trump.

Yeah, y'all on the Left are ignoring the Gun Grabber impact. There are still many Democrats who fully support the 2nd Amendment. Their Party has left them on that issue. They'll vote Republican. I think any Republican has a real good shot at winning.
It is not as important as you think, at all.

And the GOP establishment is not the least intimidated by Trump. It's the other way around.

I know you guys underestimate the Gun Grabber impact, but it could be what loses it for ya. Stay tuned.
paulitician, you are barely functional most of the time, so be careful telling us why who is going to do what. There will no Dem cross over vote of more than 3%.

A Rubio Haley ticket would win. Almost no other Republican has a chance, particularly Trump.

Yeah, y'all on the Left are ignoring the Gun Grabber impact. There are still many Democrats who fully support the 2nd Amendment. Their Party has left them on that issue. They'll vote Republican. I think any Republican has a real good shot at winning.
It is not as important as you think, at all.

And the GOP establishment is not the least intimidated by Trump. It's the other way around.

I know you guys underestimate the Gun Grabber impact, but it could be what loses it for ya. Stay tuned.
No, it won't.

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