Why Trump is a better environmentalist than Biden or Obama....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?
Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!!
But you knew that already.
Your dumb ass comment is a LIE...YOUR DUMB ASS comment
"The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!! F..king LIE!

Once again LIES coming from people like you that stupidly believe dummies!

In 2013, the first two phases had the capacity to deliver up to 590,000 barrels per day (94,000 m3/d) of oil into the Midwest refineries.[11] Phase III has capacity to deliver up to 700,000 barrels per day (110,000 m3/d) to the Texas refineries.
By comparison, production of petroleum in the United States averaged 9,400,000 barrels per day (1,490,000 m3/d) in first-half 2015, with gross exports of 500,000 barrels per day (79,000 m3/d) through July 2015.
The Keystone XL pipeline was designed to transport oil to the Gulf Coast because refineries in the region are already equipped to process heavier crude oils, like those found in Canada’s Alberta province. The same kind of crude oil comes to the region from Latin America.
Experts say the oil will not be exported straight to other countries, as Gillibrand said.

It is true that exports of petroleum products from Gulf Coast refineries have increased considerably in recent years. That’s part of why PolitiFact rated a similar statement by Obama Mostly False in 2014. While the trend adds a grain of truth to her claim, it does not mean all of the oil that will come from the Keystone XL pipeline will be immediately exported.
We rate Gillibrand’s claim Mostly False.
Once again dummies with evidently NO access to the internet make DUMB comments...

YOUR DUMB ASS comment "The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!! F..king LIE!
I really wonder how dumb people like edthecynic who made the truly enormously dumb statement:
"The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!!
must be NOT to use the Internet?
I mean it took me less then 2 minutes to find TWO refuting links... sources that had links... 2!
And edthecynic (who's moniker should be "EDTHEIDIOT" continue to show truly how dumb they are! A simple search!
One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?
Did you know Trump suspended enforcement of EPA rules?

crashing the economy by superfailing the pandemic response is great for the environment. so he did it on purpose?
You wrote "crashing the economy by superfailing the pandemic response is great for the environment. so he did it on purpose?
Geez...! So you blame Trump for creating the Chinese virus, keeping the travel restricting in place just long enough to create
the pandemic to improve the environment?
Well you know you might have a point there!
Coronavirus: Air pollution and CO2 fall rapidly as virus spreads
So Trump maybe smarter then people like you think! Is that what you are saying???
Trump purposely let the Chinese virus spread... just to reduce CO2 emissions?
crashing the economy by superfailing the pandemic response is great for the environment. so he did it on purpose?
You wrote "crashing the economy by superfailing the pandemic response is great for the environment. so he did it on purpose?
Geez...! So you blame Trump for creating the Chinese virus, keeping the travel restricting in place just long enough to create
the pandemic to improve the environment?
Well you know you might have a point there!
Coronavirus: Air pollution and CO2 fall rapidly as virus spreads
So Trump maybe smarter then people like you think! Is that what you are saying???
Trump purposely let the Chinese virus spread... just to reduce CO2 emissions?
you are superfailing, troll. but you are not the so called president. so your superfailing has close to zero consequences.
Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!!
But you knew that already.
Your dumb ass comment is a LIE...YOUR DUMB ASS comment
"The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!! F..king LIE!

Once again LIES coming from people like you that stupidly believe dummies!

In 2013, the first two phases had the capacity to deliver up to 590,000 barrels per day (94,000 m3/d) of oil into the Midwest refineries.[11] Phase III has capacity to deliver up to 700,000 barrels per day (110,000 m3/d) to the Texas refineries.
By comparison, production of petroleum in the United States averaged 9,400,000 barrels per day (1,490,000 m3/d) in first-half 2015, with gross exports of 500,000 barrels per day (79,000 m3/d) through July 2015.
The Keystone XL pipeline was designed to transport oil to the Gulf Coast because refineries in the region are already equipped to process heavier crude oils, like those found in Canada’s Alberta province. The same kind of crude oil comes to the region from Latin America.
Experts say the oil will not be exported straight to other countries, as Gillibrand said.

It is true that exports of petroleum products from Gulf Coast refineries have increased considerably in recent years. That’s part of why PolitiFact rated a similar statement by Obama Mostly False in 2014. While the trend adds a grain of truth to her claim, it does not mean all of the oil that will come from the Keystone XL pipeline will be immediately exported.
We rate Gillibrand’s claim Mostly False.
Once again dummies with evidently NO access to the internet make DUMB comments...

YOUR DUMB ASS comment "The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!! F..king LIE!
Typical lies from the Right when confronted with the truth. The whole purpose of the Trump pipeline was to bring Canadian oil to the Gulf for export. The same crude oil refined in the midwest could only be sold in the USA. When Dems asked for that same provision for any Canadian oil diverted from the midwest to the Gulf the Canadian company refused.
But you knew that already!
Department of Energy data shows Keystone XL is an export pipeline

This data clearly discredits an unsubstantiated claim by industry consultancy IHS that the vast majority - as much as 70% - of the refined product from Keystone XL would stay in the United States. It also exposes the hollowness of the Washington Post's Fact Checker's analysis that led to it ranking the President's statement with four 'Pinocchios'.

The claims made by IHS and parroted by the Washington Post, draw their numbers from refineries in the entire Gulf Coast refining region, called PADD 3 by the Department of Energy. But this region includes many refineries - in places like New Mexico, West Texas and Arkansas - that would not have access to crude delivered by Keystone XL if it is built and also refineries that do not have access to deep water berths that enable them to export their product. And even when diluting the share of exports with these refineries, PADD 3 hasn't directed 70% of its refined product to the domestic market since 2010. An industry consulting firm such as IHS must be fully aware of this - and it's a fact that the Washington Post Fact Checker could have easily uncovered.
Biden wants coal shipped to China where its burned without environmental regulations and the pollution drifts back across the Pacific to the USA.
More Russian scripted LIES mindlessly parroted by idiot SUCKERS!

Democrat frontrunner Biden says he will stop China spreading coal around the world
Published on 05/06/2019, 6:04pm
Joe Biden, who tops opinion polls in the Democratic primaries, pledges to build a coalition of nations to scrub dirty energy from China’s belt and road programme

In a detailed climate manifesto published on Tuesday, the frontrunner in the US Democratic primaries said he would “lead a major diplomatic push to raise the ambitions of countries’ climate targets”.

The platform combines support for poor countries with tougher accountability for polluters, singling out China’s foreign investment programme for scrutiny.

“China is far and away the largest emitter of carbon in the world, and through its massive belt and road initiative, Beijing is also annually financing billions of dollars of dirty fossil fuel energy projects across Asia and beyond,” the manifesto said.

“Biden will rally a united front of nations to hold China accountable to high environmental standards in its belt and road initiative infrastructure projects, so that China can’t outsource pollution to other countries.”
One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?
It's because Trump lives in a world reality about the environment. Jugears
and the anarchist didn't or don't
One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?

Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:
How much CO2 are the California wildfires releasing due to Democrats' criminal mismanagement of CA forests?
No question! All because of the Spotted Owl.
Wildfires Caused By Bad Environmental Policy Are Causing California Forests To Be Net CO2 Emitters

Regarding reducing the fuel load, in an interview four months ago, Newsom said that there are
“Hundreds of millions of dead trees” in the state and that it cost his father $35,000 to clear “a small little patch of dead trees” on his property.
Newsom didn’t admit it, but the outrageous cost to remove a few dead trees from private land is a
consequence of California’s Byzantine environmental regulatory patchwork.
This is California’s big secret: it’s not climate change that’s burning up the forests, killing people, and destroying hundreds of homes; it’s decades of environmental mismanagement that has created a tinderbox of unharvested timber, dead trees, and thick underbrush.
In the early 1990s, a series of restrictions were placed on logging in the West to protect the Spotted Owl. As it turned out, nature was more complicated than expected, with owl numbers continuing to decline—even after the California timber harvest plummeted—due to predation from other raptors.

In the meantime, the harvest fell below the growth rate in the 1990s, to about 1.5 billion board feet per year over the past decade.
The tree harvest on federal lands is now one-tenth of what it was in 1988, President Reagan’s last full year in office.

This is the major reason for these fires irresponsible environmental regulations.
Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!!
But you knew that already.
Your dumb ass comment is a LIE...YOUR DUMB ASS comment
"The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!! F..king LIE!

Once again LIES coming from people like you that stupidly believe dummies!

In 2013, the first two phases had the capacity to deliver up to 590,000 barrels per day (94,000 m3/d) of oil into the Midwest refineries.[11] Phase III has capacity to deliver up to 700,000 barrels per day (110,000 m3/d) to the Texas refineries.
By comparison, production of petroleum in the United States averaged 9,400,000 barrels per day (1,490,000 m3/d) in first-half 2015, with gross exports of 500,000 barrels per day (79,000 m3/d) through July 2015.
The Keystone XL pipeline was designed to transport oil to the Gulf Coast because refineries in the region are already equipped to process heavier crude oils, like those found in Canada’s Alberta province. The same kind of crude oil comes to the region from Latin America.
Experts say the oil will not be exported straight to other countries, as Gillibrand said.

It is true that exports of petroleum products from Gulf Coast refineries have increased considerably in recent years. That’s part of why PolitiFact rated a similar statement by Obama Mostly False in 2014. While the trend adds a grain of truth to her claim, it does not mean all of the oil that will come from the Keystone XL pipeline will be immediately exported.
We rate Gillibrand’s claim Mostly False.
Once again dummies with evidently NO access to the internet make DUMB comments...

YOUR DUMB ASS comment "The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!! F..king LIE!
Typical lies from the Right when confronted with the truth. The whole purpose of the Trump pipeline was to bring Canadian oil to the Gulf for export. The same crude oil refined in the midwest could only be sold in the USA. When Dems asked for that same provision for any Canadian oil diverted from the midwest to the Gulf the Canadian company refused.
But you knew that already!
Department of Energy data shows Keystone XL is an export pipeline

This data clearly discredits an unsubstantiated claim by industry consultancy IHS that the vast majority - as much as 70% - of the refined product from Keystone XL would stay in the United States. It also exposes the hollowness of the Washington Post's Fact Checker's analysis that led to it ranking the President's statement with four 'Pinocchios'.

The claims made by IHS and parroted by the Washington Post, draw their numbers from refineries in the entire Gulf Coast refining region, called PADD 3 by the Department of Energy. But this region includes many refineries - in places like New Mexico, West Texas and Arkansas - that would not have access to crude delivered by Keystone XL if it is built and also refineries that do not have access to deep water berths that enable them to export their product. And even when diluting the share of exports with these refineries, PADD 3 hasn't directed 70% of its refined product to the domestic market since 2010. An industry consulting firm such as IHS must be fully aware of this - and it's a fact that the Washington Post Fact Checker could have easily uncovered.
Well this Politifact.org finding done in 2017 says your above is wrong.
Gillibrand suggests the crude oil imported through the pipeline would be immediately exported to other countries once it reaches the Gulf Coast.

Experts say that is not the case.
"I don't believe that she is correct," said Mark Bateau, Director of the Energy Institute at the University of Michigan. "In general, refineries designed to handle heavier crudes are the ones most likely to utilize this oil, in some cases instead of heavy crudes imported from places like Venezuela."

"I would say it doesn’t accurately describe the likely outcome," said Stanley Reynolds, an environmental economics expert from the University at Arizona. "It’s true that the oil would come from Canada and then mainly go to the U.S. Gulf Coast for refining."
Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!!
But you knew that already.
Your dumb ass comment is a LIE...YOUR DUMB ASS comment
"The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!! F..king LIE!

Once again LIES coming from people like you that stupidly believe dummies!

In 2013, the first two phases had the capacity to deliver up to 590,000 barrels per day (94,000 m3/d) of oil into the Midwest refineries.[11] Phase III has capacity to deliver up to 700,000 barrels per day (110,000 m3/d) to the Texas refineries.
By comparison, production of petroleum in the United States averaged 9,400,000 barrels per day (1,490,000 m3/d) in first-half 2015, with gross exports of 500,000 barrels per day (79,000 m3/d) through July 2015.
The Keystone XL pipeline was designed to transport oil to the Gulf Coast because refineries in the region are already equipped to process heavier crude oils, like those found in Canada’s Alberta province. The same kind of crude oil comes to the region from Latin America.
Experts say the oil will not be exported straight to other countries, as Gillibrand said.

It is true that exports of petroleum products from Gulf Coast refineries have increased considerably in recent years. That’s part of why PolitiFact rated a similar statement by Obama Mostly False in 2014. While the trend adds a grain of truth to her claim, it does not mean all of the oil that will come from the Keystone XL pipeline will be immediately exported.
We rate Gillibrand’s claim Mostly False.
Once again dummies with evidently NO access to the internet make DUMB comments...

YOUR DUMB ASS comment "The oil from the Trump pipeline is for export over that same open ocean!!!!! F..king LIE!
Typical lies from the Right when confronted with the truth. The whole purpose of the Trump pipeline was to bring Canadian oil to the Gulf for export. The same crude oil refined in the midwest could only be sold in the USA. When Dems asked for that same provision for any Canadian oil diverted from the midwest to the Gulf the Canadian company refused.
But you knew that already!
Department of Energy data shows Keystone XL is an export pipeline

This data clearly discredits an unsubstantiated claim by industry consultancy IHS that the vast majority - as much as 70% - of the refined product from Keystone XL would stay in the United States. It also exposes the hollowness of the Washington Post's Fact Checker's analysis that led to it ranking the President's statement with four 'Pinocchios'.

The claims made by IHS and parroted by the Washington Post, draw their numbers from refineries in the entire Gulf Coast refining region, called PADD 3 by the Department of Energy. But this region includes many refineries - in places like New Mexico, West Texas and Arkansas - that would not have access to crude delivered by Keystone XL if it is built and also refineries that do not have access to deep water berths that enable them to export their product. And even when diluting the share of exports with these refineries, PADD 3 hasn't directed 70% of its refined product to the domestic market since 2010. An industry consulting firm such as IHS must be fully aware of this - and it's a fact that the Washington Post Fact Checker could have easily uncovered.
Well this Politifact.org finding done in 2017 says your above is wrong.
Gillibrand suggests the crude oil imported through the pipeline would be immediately exported to other countries once it reaches the Gulf Coast.

Experts say that is not the case.
"I don't believe that she is correct," said Mark Bateau, Director of the Energy Institute at the University of Michigan. "In general, refineries designed to handle heavier crudes are the ones most likely to utilize this oil, in some cases instead of heavy crudes imported from places like Venezuela."

"I would say it doesn’t accurately describe the likely outcome," said Stanley Reynolds, an environmental economics expert from the University at Arizona. "It’s true that the oil would come from Canada and then mainly go to the U.S. Gulf Coast for refining."
Repeating your debunked BULLSHIT does not make it any less BULLSHIT.
One simple example.

Obama/Biden wanted 1 million barrel oil tankers traveling on the open ocean.
Trump and logical environmentally concerned people favor a pipeline on dry land that carries in one mile 700 barrels.
Plus the history of oil pipeline spills from 185,000 miles of pipeline are cumulative far less than one million oil tanker risks.
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, these spills and ruptures released over 7 million gallons of crude from 2010 to present.
7 million gallons is equal to 127,272 barrels. Think about that. In 10 years 127,272 barrels... VS one tanker carrying 1 MILLION barrels on the open seas!

So who cared more about the environment... Trump who based on history would support 12,000 barrels per year potential VS 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean?

Yea we should dirty our own rivers and land and not international waters

real nationalist

America first


stay woke retards
Trump is okay with big businesses polluting our air, water and destroying wildlife habitats. He is no environmentalist.

Lib please, you people on the left don't damage the environment you obliterate it with your big city concrete and pavement. Then you planet killing Dems SPEW hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans obliterating those habitats. Your liberal cities are planet killing factories so shut the hell up about the environment you people are a filthy pestilence. :eusa_hand:

Oh shut up with the lib jazz. Caring for the environment is not liberal. Republicans came up with many of the regulations that Trump is attempting to eviscerate. I support regulating runoff no matter where it happens. You are the filthy pestilence and you need to be exterminated from any seat of power.

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