Why the U.S. can not be saved

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
He isn't echoing anything I haven't already thought and/or said. We are an extremely stupid population of people. It's really quite astonishing that we manage to be the number one super power in the world given our complete ignorance and poor education system. We see that ignorance right here at this forum every day. He's right that the U.S. cannot be saved. I've been saying this for years. I just want to make it another 30 years to retirement and then I'm out of here.

What a strange article, it goes from a fairly standard rant against the international banking cartel right into a bizarre prophesy of an occupied America and fat lazy American couch potatoes being herded into camps by banker-backed Chinese and Russian troops.

Do tell, do you see this as a realistic possibility?
Regardless of the root cause the outcome is cast and the best we can do is to look for the black humor in it and laugh ourselves to death.

Now listen to some jackass call that "racist".
Basically what the author stated is good, in principle. However, as he points out, we are NOT Iceland. We are a "nation of laws" that only work for the "ruling class" against the masses. In short, there was never a chance in hell that we (as a nation) would EVER be allowed to prosecute those responsible (The Banks, The Senate and the House). It would never happen. Our leaders and the rich are, for the most part, above the law.

Next, Iceland is a small country made up of mostly "like-minded" people. Unfortunately, we in America would rather fight among each other (as the ruling class has ordained - it takes the heat off them) than actually put "party" aside and do what is right.

This is NOT America of the 40s,50sand 60s and the 70s. America is now a wasteland of those who want her destroyed. That takes up 90% of their time. Obviously, they can't be "bothered" to do what is right for the country - they are too busy trying to obliterate her.
Dream on!!! The goverment will go after your bank accounts and pension funds first in a effort to pay our debts!!! But no chance!!!
What a strange article, it goes from a fairly standard rant against the international banking cartel right into a bizarre prophesy of an occupied America and fat lazy American couch potatoes being herded into camps by banker-backed Chinese and Russian troops.

Do tell, do you see this as a realistic possibility?

You know…most rational-thinking human beings would normally say that this is the rantings of a mad man and, for the most part, I would agree.

Unfortunately, I served in East Germany, The USSR, Poland and Czechoslavakia. One would have never thought that those people would live in slavery for 60 years - but there you go.

Think it can never happen here? Hope you are right. But today? I'm not so sure that we aren't already well on our way to slavery.

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