Why the Right HATES Healthcare

This thread is 3 pages long!!! All the OP did was list some advantages to the bill. You people went balistic!!! You'd think you were the Republican leaders in Washington. It sure sounds like it.

But isn't this more about the prez than it is about healthcare?? I think so. That's what it's about for Republican leaders.

The Right Wing Lunacy is all about screaming and being outraged.

I heard Sean Hannity is thinking of pulling an O'Reilly and trying to have "Outrage" copyrighted.

Do you really think tapes on youtube are tested for doctored content?

Are you saying that tape was doctored and that Obama didn't actually say what is on that video ?........

I'm saying I dont know if its doctored.

Give me a source with this exact tape that I can trust.

Here you lazy, lying, socialist kook.

Health Insurance Reform Right Now | The White House

The whitehouse website trustworthy enough ?

Looks like you're out of excuses, time to play the race card !
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Here is what it does for Americans..

1. If you had cancer as a 14 year old and now are 24 and need to get insurance. Insurance companies can't punish you for daring to have cancer

2. If you have the misfortune of becoming seriously ill and run up bills over $100,000, the insurance company can't cap your bill and make you pay anything in excess of $100,000

3. If you just graduated college and have to work for a small company that does not offer health coverage, you can be covered on your parents policy until you are 26.

4. If you own or work for a small company, Insurance pools will be formed to allow you to compete as a large group and get better rates

5. You won't have to defer preventive care which may detect serious problems. It will be free with your insurance coverage

6. Insurance companies will not be able to drop you if you become seriously ill


It takes three weeks longer to see a medical specialist in Boston than in any other metropolitan area in the country, according to a study by Merritt, Hawkins & Associates, a physician recruiting and consulting company based in Texas.
More than 95 percent of the Bay State’s population is insured, as state law requires residents to get coverage and prove they have it. The Merritt, Hawkins researchers note health insurance “doesn’t guarantee a quick visit to the doctor.”
The average wait time for an appointment with a doctor in many specialty areas is 50 days, according to the study, with the state’s expansion of subsidized health insurance serving as the main catalyst driving up demand for care.
Wait Times Signal Problem with Massachusetts ?Model? - by Whitney Stewart - Health Care News

1. People in Massachusetts wait a long time to see a doctor. People in Georgia don't.
2. People in Massachusetts also pay a lot for health insurance. People in Georgia don't.
3. Massachusetts in 2006 passed reforms giving almost everybody health insurance. Georgia didn't.
4. Those reforms are the reason people in Massachusetts pay so much for their health insurance and wait so long to see the doctor.
5. President Obama wants to pass national reforms that resemble the Massachusetts state reforms.
6. If President Obama gets his way, all Americans will end up like those cursed people in Massachusetts–paying more for health insurance, waiting longer for care
Health Care.

Advocates promised that the Massachusetts plan would make health insurance more affordable, but according to a Cato study, insurance premiums have been increasing at nearly double the national average: 7.4 percent in 2007, 8 percent to 12 percent in 2008, and an expected 9 percent increase this year. Health insurance in Massachusetts costs an average of $16,897 for a family of four, compared to a national average of $12,700.
The Massachusetts plan incorporates a system of middle-class subsidies called Commonwealth Care to help pay for insurance for families with incomes up to 300 percent of poverty level ($66,150 for a family of four) and also expanded eligibility for Medicaid.
The costs to the taxpayers are rising, too, and one tax increase has not satisfied the appetite of the hungry plan. The prospect of huge deficits has elicited discussion of cuts in reimbursements to providers and the imposition of a "global budget," which is a euphemism for rationing.
Massachusetts Health Care: A Model Not to Copy
the OP is nothing but lies

the thread is simply smear...doesn't seek common ground or honest debate, typical of libs, just mow over the gop, insult them....because who cares, we won, get over it
You people dont understand varifiable documentation do you?

By the way, "you people" smacks of prejudice.

No way to know for sure, but I suspect you were probably OK with "the documents may be forged, but they're still true" rationalization, back when Dan Rather made the blunder which ultimately led to the end of his career at CBS.
Documentation is important.

Dan rather paid the price of his failure to properly vet his evidence now didnt he.

Now if you can prove that Obama said that by producing a trustable tape then please do it.

Idont remember any guff about him saying 3000. This makes me very suspicious of the tape.

If you PROVE with proper documentation I will believe it.

It means next to nothing like Zander said because it was obviously a gaff.

I just dont like lies to be allowed to lie arround because I know our country can only prosper if we base our decisions on facts and the truth.

The right has been steeped in lies for far to long and I challenge everything they claim unbless I have verifiable proof of its validity.
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Are you saying that tape was doctored and that Obama didn't actually say what is on that video ?........

I'm saying I dont know if its doctored.

Give me a source with this exact tape that I can trust.

Here you lazy, lying, socialist kook.

Health Insurance Reform Right Now | The White House

The whitehouse website trustworthy enough ?

Looks like you're out of excuses, time to play the race card !

Come on if you checked it you must know the time its on?
Are you saying that tape was doctored and that Obama didn't actually say what is on that video ?........

I'm saying I dont know if its doctored.

Give me a source with this exact tape that I can trust.

Here you lazy, lying, socialist kook.

Health Insurance Reform Right Now | The White House

The whitehouse website trustworthy enough ?

Looks like you're out of excuses, time to play the race card !

lefties are lazy fuckwits.. that's for sho
I'll tell you all something...I perfectly understand how the LIBTARD CAP kooks on this site felt whenever they saw Bush on television....for the first time in my life I actually feel a revolting sense of sickness, akin to wanting to vomit when you catch a whiff of dogshit, watching Obama tell outright lies to the American people today on national television. Pelosi with her botox smile just laughing at the stupidity of American citizens who voted this con man into office... I'm truly appalled that our government has sunk this LOW...bribes, payoffs to Unions, special deals for pro-Obama lobbyists and drug companies, outright bribes with OUR MONEY to buy votes in the House!!!!!!....it's just unconscientable that America was stupid enough to elect this European George Soros puppet....

I have lost faith in the American people to be competent enough to pick the right candidate for this country.

America....you asked for it...so bend over...here it comes.
Health Insurance Reform Right Now | The White House

Driveby, I jsut went through this and at the 28 minute point Obama makes the gaff. Its all his and you were right.

This is verifiable truth and I congradulate you in your presentation of verifiable fact.

Now what you need to realise is that is a gaff.

I do not believe you will find that number anywhere else and if you do I will respect the verifiable evidence you give to prove it.

You see truth does matter to me above all else.
All i said was that he said it, jesus christ his whole fucking presidency is made up of lies and gaffes..........

How about you find proof of something for once ? At least 5 board members have been proving you wrong all day long .......
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only in your mind.

proving requires verifiable proof like you provided here and I respected.

When will you ever do the same as I did here and accept verifiable proof?
I'll tell you all something...I perfectly understand how the LIBTARD CAP kooks on this site felt whenever they saw Bush on television....for the first time in my life I actually feel a revolting sense of sickness, akin to wanting to vomit when you catch a whiff of dogshit, watching Obama tell outright lies to the American people today on national television. Pelosi with her botox smile just laughing at the stupidity of American citizens who voted this con man into office... I'm truly appalled that our government has sunk this LOW...bribes, payoffs to Unions, special deals for pro-Obama lobbyists and drug companies, outright bribes with OUR MONEY to buy votes in the House!!!!!!....it's just unconscientable that America was stupid enough to elect this European George Soros puppet....

I have lost faith in the American people to be competent enough to pick the right candidate for this country.

America....you asked for it...so bend over...here it comes.

I'm with you all the way and know exactly how you feel.

Many Americans eligible to vote do not even register. Many registered voters don't vote. Americans have become comfortable and apathetic. The party, who successfully energizes their base, gets elected. This base is typically fringe right or left. The outrage from their policy energizes the opposite party base and, if the policies are extreme, engages the apathetic silent majority.

Cause and effect. The American majority is always a year or two behind the curve. If America had an 80 or 90% turnout of eligible voters, we would have a more representative government while reducing the strength of the squeaky wheel.

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