CDZ Why the Liberal Establishment is Going INSANE


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a complex topic that ties into the history of England, the forebears of the United States, and its social dichotomy between the aristocrats and the working class.

Now don't think I am going all Marxist on you, I am not. I am talking about real historical events and facts. For example, it has been estimated that 70% of all wealth in England is owned directly by English aristocracy, the royal family or corporations controlled by said families. 82% of land in the UK is owned predominately by the same groups of families.

When you include the fraternal ties of these families; Windsors, Percies, Darcy's, Montgomery's, and Mandervilles and more that trace back to the Norman conquest, you find that they have socially ingratiated themselves with the most powerful families of almost every nation across the globe, the Bushes, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Ossmans, Hapsburgs, Bourbons, Hohenzollerns, Slims, Tata's, Waltons, Ferreros, Astors, Morgans, and more an international Nomenklatura. How did they do this? By their control of Oxford and Cambridge, the tiptop of the Anglo University system of the globe in our post World war 2 world, and all the other universities for whom a phd from Oxford is like an anointing from God. These aristocrats are 800 times more likely to be found in the student rolls and faculty of these institutions than they will be found in the general population. This in turn allows them to completely dominate the 'robed professions' of the Western World to include the USA; judges, professors and clergy. These professions are the most powerful when it comes to controlling Western society in every nation. This is in part why these aristocratic families have remained on top of the English/UK society in spite of socialism, huge wars, some lost, and calamities of every kind. In the USA this is the core of the Liberal Establishment and they are tied at the hip to this Aristocratic Anglo culture, whether they know it or like it or not.

But that is not the full picture. The full picture is only grasped when you understand the huge dichotomy of English society. When the Normans conquered England they banned English from the towns and government of England. French was to be spoken and be the official language of England. Period. And it stayed that way until the late 14th century. English was in effect suppressed until the Normans began to see themselves and sons of England, not France, and to see France as her mortal enemy. Then the language of English made a comeback, but not before being melded with French by writers like Choucer.

Even so, the French spellings of the adopted words were maintained so that one could discern the ethnicity of the word. Why? Because a new class of people were formed that were a hybrid of the French townsman and the English commoner; the Anglo Gentleman. To the Anglo gentleman what was 'proper' became more important than anything else and common English words were spurned in favor of the French counterparts as a way of showing ones breeding and aspirations to move upward in society, by pleasing one's betters. To be a commoner Anglo meant one was vulgar (derived from the Latin for common), villainous (meaning 'villager'), or of low breeding. To say 'shit' from the old English 'Sheiss' instead of 'fecal', or 'fuck' instead of 'sexual intercourse' was crude, rude and an embarrassment to any properly upwardly mobile Gentleman. To use the crude language of 'cuss words' that had nothing to do with actual curses, was a stain on ones conduct and helped to keep the commoners in their place with social stereotypes and bias.

Now what the hell does all this have to do with what is happening today? Well, the old Anglo aristocratic families would rub elbows with the new wealthy in their colleges and universities and a distinct differentiation existed between the old Aristocrats and the new Gentlemanly class of people from new wealth families and this was used to make the latter families feel like they lacked a certain gravitas or prestige that the old Aristocrats could give them in the form of titles, membership in noble fraternities, etc, and so the old European noble families, dominated by the Anglo Aristocrats, managed to steer and overly influence the new Wealthy among the rest of the Western World. They used this influence to filter who was editor at top newspapers, who got that new TV show, who was seen as main stream and who was not. While they shunned conservative Christians, they gave a pass to homosexuals and criminals because they could control them.

But this social dominance is breaking down. The egalitarianism of our time is finally showing the old Aristocrats new people who really dont care what the Aristocrats think. And why? Because the Aristocratic institutions of higher learning have gone totally freaked out bizaro. Prince Harry and Megan have said that they will raise their child to be gender fluid. Crown Prince Charles has genuinely bought into this Climate Change horse crap and the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Arabs and most nonWestern Aristocrats think quite rightly it is all horse shit. In short, the take over of Oxford/Cambridge and their satellite universities by Identity Politics and pseudo intellectualism found among the left today has been in essence a forfeiture of the respect so many scores of generations of their ancestors carefully built up over thousands of years. They are squandering it all with utter nonsense any rational person can see straight through.

But this is particularly acute in Western society, where the common people do not want to give up their Christian customs and identity for a Muslim invasion of cheap labor. This has ignited the sleepy working class into a desperate search for what the hell is destroying their culture and nations. And they are finding that it infallibly traces back to the influence of the English Aristocracy and its globalist allies which can be well defined by the membership of the Bilderburg group and the Trilateral Commission. Donald Trump is only the first Harbinger of this coming change. With the rise of Super AI android tech driven (like the internet) by desire for human sex substitutes, in this case sex robots that can converse and seem as human as possible.

And with the internet and social platforms exploding in popularity, the game is finally unwinding before their eyes and they do not like it one bit.

I for one, welcome our future Populist Overlords. It is about time the Aristocrats got what they deserve; castigation, ostracism and made like everyone else.

And that scares the hell out of them.
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This is a complex topic that ties into the history of England, the forebears of the United States, and its social dichotomy between the aristocrats and the working class.

Now don't think I am going all Marxist on you, I am not. I am talking about real historical events and facts. For example, it has been estimated that 70% of all wealth in England is owned directly by English aristocracy, the royal family or corporations controlled by said families. 82% of land in the UK is owned predominately by the same groups of families.

When you include the fraternal ties of these families; Windsors, Percies, Darcy's, Montgomery's, and Mandervilles and more that trace back to the Norman conquest, you find that they have socially ingratiated themselves with the most powerful families of almost every nation across the globe, the Bushes, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Ossmans, Hapsburgs, Bourbons, Hohenzollerns, Slims, Tata's, Waltons, Ferreros, Astors, Morgans, and more an international Nomenklatura. How did they do this? By their control of Oxford and Cambridge, the tiptop of the Anglo University system of the globe in our post World war 2 world, and all the other universities for whom a phd from Oxford is like an anointing from God. These aristocrats are 800 times more likely to be found in the student rolls and faculty of these institutions than they will be found in the general population. This in turn allows them to completely dominate the 'robed professions' of the Western World to include the USA; judges, professors and clergy. These professions are the most powerful when it comes to controlling Western society in every nation. This is in part why these aristocratic families have remained on top of the English/UK society in spite of socialism, huge wars, some lost, and calamities of every kind. In the USA this is the core of the Liberal Establishment and they are tied at the hip to this Aristocratic Anglo culture, whether they know it or like it or not.

But that is not the full picture. The full picture is only grasped when you understand the huge dichotomy of English society. When the Normans conquered England they banned English from the towns and government of England. French was to be spoken and be the official language of England. Period. And it stayed that way until the late 14th century. English was in effect suppressed until the Normans began to see themselves and sons of England, not France, and to see France as her mortal enemy. Then the language of English made a comeback, but not before being melded with French by writers like Choucer.

Even so, the French spellings of the adopted words were maintained so that one could discern the ethnicity of the word. Why? Because a new class of people were formed that were a hybrid of the French townsman and the English commoner; the Anglo Gentleman. To the Anglo gentleman what was 'proper' became more important than anything else and common English words were spurned in favor of the French counterparts as a way of showing ones breeding and aspirations to move upward in society, by pleasing one's betters. To be a commoner Anglo meant one was vulgar (derived from the Latin for common), villainous (meaning 'villager'), or of low breeding. To say 'shit' from the old English 'Sheiss' instead of 'fecal', or 'fuck' instead of 'sexual intercourse' was crude, rude and an embarrassment to any properly upwardly mobile Gentleman. To use the crude language of 'cuss words' that had nothing to do with actual curses, was a stain on ones conduct and helped to keep the commoners in their place with social stereotypes and bias.

Now what the hell does all this have to do with what is happening today? Well, the old Anglo aristocratic families would rub elbows with the new wealthy in their colleges and universities and a distinct differentiation existed between the old Aristocrats and the new Gentlemanly class of people from new wealth families and this was used to make the latter families feel like they lacked a certain gravitas or prestige that the old Aristocrats could give them in the form of titles, membership in noble fraternities, etc, and so the old European noble families, dominated by the Anglo Aristocrats, managed to steer and overly influence the new Wealthy among the rest of the Western World. They used this influence to filter who was editor at top newspapers, who got that new TV show, who was seen as main stream and who was not. While they shunned conservative Christians, they gave a pass to homosexuals and criminals because they could control them.

But this social dominance is breaking down. The egalitarianism of our time is finally showing the old Aristocrats new people who really dont care what the Aristocrats think. And why? Because the Aristocratic institutions of higher learning have gone totally freaked out bizaro. Prince Harry and Megan have said that they will raise their child to be gender fluid. Crown Prince Charles has genuinely bought into this Climate Change horse crap and the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Arabs and most nonWestern Aristocrats think quite rightly it is all horse shit. In short, the take over of Oxford/Cambridge and their satellite universities by Identity Politics and pseudo intellectualism found among the left today has been in essence a forfeiture of the respect so many scores of generations of their ancestors carefully built up over thousands of years. They are squandering it all with utter nonsense any rational person can see straight through.

But this is particularly acute in Western society, where the common people do not want to give up their Christian customs and identity for a Muslim invasion of cheap labor. This has ignited the sleepy working class into a desperate search for what the hell is destroying their culture and nations. And they are finding that it infallibly traces back to the influence of the English Aristocracy and its globalist allies which can be well defined by the membership of the Bilderburg group and the Trilateral Commission. Donald Trump is only the first Harbinger of this coming change. With the rise of Super AI android tech driven (like the internet) by desire for human sex substitutes, in this case sex robots that can converse and seem as human as possible.

And with the internet and social platforms exploding in popularity, the game is finally unwinding before their eyes and they do not like it one bit.

I for one, welcome our future Populist Overlords. It is about time the Aristocrats got what they deserve; castigation, ostracism and made like everyone else.

And that scares the hell out of them.

3sec clip
Or battery. 9%
This is a complex topic that ties into the history of England, the forebears of the United States, and its social dichotomy between the aristocrats and the working class.

Now don't think I am going all Marxist on you, I am not. I am talking about real historical events and facts. For example, it has been estimated that 70% of all wealth in England is owned directly by English aristocracy, the royal family or corporations controlled by said families. 82% of land in the UK is owned predominately by the same groups of families.

When you include the fraternal ties of these families; Windsors, Percies, Darcy's, Montgomery's, and Mandervilles and more that trace back to the Norman conquest, you find that they have socially ingratiated themselves with the most powerful families of almost every nation across the globe, the Bushes, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Ossmans, Hapsburgs, Bourbons, Hohenzollerns, Slims, Tata's, Waltons, Ferreros, Astors, Morgans, and more an international Nomenklatura. How did they do this? By their control of Oxford and Cambridge, the tiptop of the Anglo University system of the globe in our post World war 2 world, and all the other universities for whom a phd from Oxford is like an anointing from God. These aristocrats are 800 times more likely to be found in the student rolls and faculty of these institutions than they will be found in the general population. This in turn allows them to completely dominate the 'robed professions' of the Western World to include the USA; judges, professors and clergy. These professions are the most powerful when it comes to controlling Western society in every nation. This is in part why these aristocratic families have remained on top of the English/UK society in spite of socialism, huge wars, some lost, and calamities of every kind. In the USA this is the core of the Liberal Establishment and they are tied at the hip to this Aristocratic Anglo culture, whether they know it or like it or not.

But that is not the full picture. The full picture is only grasped when you understand the huge dichotomy of English society. When the Normans conquered England they banned English from the towns and government of England. French was to be spoken and be the official language of England. Period. And it stayed that way until the late 14th century. English was in effect suppressed until the Normans began to see themselves and sons of England, not France, and to see France as her mortal enemy. Then the language of English made a comeback, but not before being melded with French by writers like Choucer.

Even so, the French spellings of the adopted words were maintained so that one could discern the ethnicity of the word. Why? Because a new class of people were formed that were a hybrid of the French townsman and the English commoner; the Anglo Gentleman. To the Anglo gentleman what was 'proper' became more important than anything else and common English words were spurned in favor of the French counterparts as a way of showing ones breeding and aspirations to move upward in society, by pleasing one's betters. To be a commoner Anglo meant one was vulgar (derived from the Latin for common), villainous (meaning 'villager'), or of low breeding. To say 'shit' from the old English 'Sheiss' instead of 'fecal', or 'fuck' instead of 'sexual intercourse' was crude, rude and an embarrassment to any properly upwardly mobile Gentleman. To use the crude language of 'cuss words' that had nothing to do with actual curses, was a stain on ones conduct and helped to keep the commoners in their place with social stereotypes and bias.

Now what the hell does all this have to do with what is happening today? Well, the old Anglo aristocratic families would rub elbows with the new wealthy in their colleges and universities and a distinct differentiation existed between the old Aristocrats and the new Gentlemanly class of people from new wealth families and this was used to make the latter families feel like they lacked a certain gravitas or prestige that the old Aristocrats could give them in the form of titles, membership in noble fraternities, etc, and so the old European noble families, dominated by the Anglo Aristocrats, managed to steer and overly influence the new Wealthy among the rest of the Western World. They used this influence to filter who was editor at top newspapers, who got that new TV show, who was seen as main stream and who was not. While they shunned conservative Christians, they gave a pass to homosexuals and criminals because they could control them.

But this social dominance is breaking down. The egalitarianism of our time is finally showing the old Aristocrats new people who really dont care what the Aristocrats think. And why? Because the Aristocratic institutions of higher learning have gone totally freaked out bizaro. Prince Harry and Megan have said that they will raise their child to be gender fluid. Crown Prince Charles has genuinely bought into this Climate Change horse crap and the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Arabs and most nonWestern Aristocrats think quite rightly it is all horse shit. In short, the take over of Oxford/Cambridge and their satellite universities by Identity Politics and pseudo intellectualism found among the left today has been in essence a forfeiture of the respect so many scores of generations of their ancestors carefully built up over thousands of years. They are squandering it all with utter nonsense any rational person can see straight through.

But this is particularly acute in Western society, where the common people do not want to give up their Christian customs and identity for a Muslim invasion of cheap labor. This has ignited the sleepy working class into a desperate search for what the hell is destroying their culture and nations. And they are finding that it infallibly traces back to the influence of the English Aristocracy and its globalist allies which can be well defined by the membership of the Bilderburg group and the Trilateral Commission. Donald Trump is only the first Harbinger of this coming change. With the rise of Super AI android tech driven (like the internet) by desire for human sex substitutes, in this case sex robots that can converse and seem as human as possible.

And with the internet and social platforms exploding in popularity, the game is finally unwinding before their eyes and they do not like it one bit.

I for one, welcome our future Populist Overlords. It is about time the Aristocrats got what they deserve; castigation, ostracism and made like everyone else.

And that scares the hell out of them.

3sec clip
Or battery. 9%

This is a complex topic that ties into the history of England, the forebears of the United States, and its social dichotomy between the aristocrats and the working class.

Now don't think I am going all Marxist on you, I am not. I am talking about real historical events and facts. For example, it has been estimated that 70% of all wealth in England is owned directly by English aristocracy, the royal family or corporations controlled by said families. 82% of land in the UK is owned predominately by the same groups of families.

When you include the fraternal ties of these families; Windsors, Percies, Darcy's, Montgomery's, and Mandervilles and more that trace back to the Norman conquest, you find that they have socially ingratiated themselves with the most powerful families of almost every nation across the globe, the Bushes, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Ossmans, Hapsburgs, Bourbons, Hohenzollerns, Slims, Tata's, Waltons, Ferreros, Astors, Morgans, and more an international Nomenklatura. How did they do this? By their control of Oxford and Cambridge, the tiptop of the Anglo University system of the globe in our post World war 2 world, and all the other universities for whom a phd from Oxford is like an anointing from God. These aristocrats are 800 times more likely to be found in the student rolls and faculty of these institutions than they will be found in the general population. This in turn allows them to completely dominate the 'robed professions' of the Western World to include the USA; judges, professors and clergy. These professions are the most powerful when it comes to controlling Western society in every nation. This is in part why these aristocratic families have remained on top of the English/UK society in spite of socialism, huge wars, some lost, and calamities of every kind. In the USA this is the core of the Liberal Establishment and they are tied at the hip to this Aristocratic Anglo culture, whether they know it or like it or not.

But that is not the full picture. The full picture is only grasped when you understand the huge dichotomy of English society. When the Normans conquered England they banned English from the towns and government of England. French was to be spoken and be the official language of England. Period. And it stayed that way until the late 14th century. English was in effect suppressed until the Normans began to see themselves and sons of England, not France, and to see France as her mortal enemy. Then the language of English made a comeback, but not before being melded with French by writers like Choucer.

Even so, the French spellings of the adopted words were maintained so that one could discern the ethnicity of the word. Why? Because a new class of people were formed that were a hybrid of the French townsman and the English commoner; the Anglo Gentleman. To the Anglo gentleman what was 'proper' became more important than anything else and common English words were spurned in favor of the French counterparts as a way of showing ones breeding and aspirations to move upward in society, by pleasing one's betters. To be a commoner Anglo meant one was vulgar (derived from the Latin for common), villainous (meaning 'villager'), or of low breeding. To say 'shit' from the old English 'Sheiss' instead of 'fecal', or 'fuck' instead of 'sexual intercourse' was crude, rude and an embarrassment to any properly upwardly mobile Gentleman. To use the crude language of 'cuss words' that had nothing to do with actual curses, was a stain on ones conduct and helped to keep the commoners in their place with social stereotypes and bias.

Now what the hell does all this have to do with what is happening today? Well, the old Anglo aristocratic families would rub elbows with the new wealthy in their colleges and universities and a distinct differentiation existed between the old Aristocrats and the new Gentlemanly class of people from new wealth families and this was used to make the latter families feel like they lacked a certain gravitas or prestige that the old Aristocrats could give them in the form of titles, membership in noble fraternities, etc, and so the old European noble families, dominated by the Anglo Aristocrats, managed to steer and overly influence the new Wealthy among the rest of the Western World. They used this influence to filter who was editor at top newspapers, who got that new TV show, who was seen as main stream and who was not. While they shunned conservative Christians, they gave a pass to homosexuals and criminals because they could control them.

But this social dominance is breaking down. The egalitarianism of our time is finally showing the old Aristocrats new people who really dont care what the Aristocrats think. And why? Because the Aristocratic institutions of higher learning have gone totally freaked out bizaro. Prince Harry and Megan have said that they will raise their child to be gender fluid. Crown Prince Charles has genuinely bought into this Climate Change horse crap and the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Arabs and most nonWestern Aristocrats think quite rightly it is all horse shit. In short, the take over of Oxford/Cambridge and their satellite universities by Identity Politics and pseudo intellectualism found among the left today has been in essence a forfeiture of the respect so many scores of generations of their ancestors carefully built up over thousands of years. They are squandering it all with utter nonsense any rational person can see straight through.

But this is particularly acute in Western society, where the common people do not want to give up their Christian customs and identity for a Muslim invasion of cheap labor. This has ignited the sleepy working class into a desperate search for what the hell is destroying their culture and nations. And they are finding that it infallibly traces back to the influence of the English Aristocracy and its globalist allies which can be well defined by the membership of the Bilderburg group and the Trilateral Commission. Donald Trump is only the first Harbinger of this coming change. With the rise of Super AI android tech driven (like the internet) by desire for human sex substitutes, in this case sex robots that can converse and seem as human as possible.

And with the internet and social platforms exploding in popularity, the game is finally unwinding before their eyes and they do not like it one bit.

I for one, welcome our future Populist Overlords. It is about time the Aristocrats got what they deserve; castigation, ostracism and made like everyone else.

And that scares the hell out of them.

3sec clip
Or battery. 9%


Looking for charger at 9% warning. Literally no time fo dat' boil it down!
This is a complex topic that ties into the history of England, the forebears of the United States, and its social dichotomy between the aristocrats and the working class.

Now don't think I am going all Marxist on you, I am not. I am talking about real historical events and facts. For example, it has been estimated that 70% of all wealth in England is owned directly by English aristocracy, the royal family or corporations controlled by said families. 82% of land in the UK is owned predominately by the same groups of families.

When you include the fraternal ties of these families; Windsors, Percies, Darcy's, Montgomery's, and Mandervilles and more that trace back to the Norman conquest, you find that they have socially ingratiated themselves with the most powerful families of almost every nation across the globe, the Bushes, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Ossmans, Hapsburgs, Bourbons, Hohenzollerns, Slims, Tata's, Waltons, Ferreros, Astors, Morgans, and more an international Nomenklatura. How did they do this? By their control of Oxford and Cambridge, the tiptop of the Anglo University system of the globe in our post World war 2 world, and all the other universities for whom a phd from Oxford is like an anointing from God. These aristocrats are 800 times more likely to be found in the student rolls and faculty of these institutions than they will be found in the general population. This in turn allows them to completely dominate the 'robed professions' of the Western World to include the USA; judges, professors and clergy. These professions are the most powerful when it comes to controlling Western society in every nation. This is in part why these aristocratic families have remained on top of the English/UK society in spite of socialism, huge wars, some lost, and calamities of every kind. In the USA this is the core of the Liberal Establishment and they are tied at the hip to this Aristocratic Anglo culture, whether they know it or like it or not.

But that is not the full picture. The full picture is only grasped when you understand the huge dichotomy of English society. When the Normans conquered England they banned English from the towns and government of England. French was to be spoken and be the official language of England. Period. And it stayed that way until the late 14th century. English was in effect suppressed until the Normans began to see themselves and sons of England, not France, and to see France as her mortal enemy. Then the language of English made a comeback, but not before being melded with French by writers like Choucer.

Even so, the French spellings of the adopted words were maintained so that one could discern the ethnicity of the word. Why? Because a new class of people were formed that were a hybrid of the French townsman and the English commoner; the Anglo Gentleman. To the Anglo gentleman what was 'proper' became more important than anything else and common English words were spurned in favor of the French counterparts as a way of showing ones breeding and aspirations to move upward in society, by pleasing one's betters. To be a commoner Anglo meant one was vulgar (derived from the Latin for common), villainous (meaning 'villager'), or of low breeding. To say 'shit' from the old English 'Sheiss' instead of 'fecal', or 'fuck' instead of 'sexual intercourse' was crude, rude and an embarrassment to any properly upwardly mobile Gentleman. To use the crude language of 'cuss words' that had nothing to do with actual curses, was a stain on ones conduct and helped to keep the commoners in their place with social stereotypes and bias.

Now what the hell does all this have to do with what is happening today? Well, the old Anglo aristocratic families would rub elbows with the new wealthy in their colleges and universities and a distinct differentiation existed between the old Aristocrats and the new Gentlemanly class of people from new wealth families and this was used to make the latter families feel like they lacked a certain gravitas or prestige that the old Aristocrats could give them in the form of titles, membership in noble fraternities, etc, and so the old European noble families, dominated by the Anglo Aristocrats, managed to steer and overly influence the new Wealthy among the rest of the Western World. They used this influence to filter who was editor at top newspapers, who got that new TV show, who was seen as main stream and who was not. While they shunned conservative Christians, they gave a pass to homosexuals and criminals because they could control them.

But this social dominance is breaking down. The egalitarianism of our time is finally showing the old Aristocrats new people who really dont care what the Aristocrats think. And why? Because the Aristocratic institutions of higher learning have gone totally freaked out bizaro. Prince Harry and Megan have said that they will raise their child to be gender fluid. Crown Prince Charles has genuinely bought into this Climate Change horse crap and the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Arabs and most nonWestern Aristocrats think quite rightly it is all horse shit. In short, the take over of Oxford/Cambridge and their satellite universities by Identity Politics and pseudo intellectualism found among the left today has been in essence a forfeiture of the respect so many scores of generations of their ancestors carefully built up over thousands of years. They are squandering it all with utter nonsense any rational person can see straight through.

But this is particularly acute in Western society, where the common people do not want to give up their Christian customs and identity for a Muslim invasion of cheap labor. This has ignited the sleepy working class into a desperate search for what the hell is destroying their culture and nations. And they are finding that it infallibly traces back to the influence of the English Aristocracy and its globalist allies which can be well defined by the membership of the Bilderburg group and the Trilateral Commission. Donald Trump is only the first Harbinger of this coming change. With the rise of Super AI android tech driven (like the internet) by desire for human sex substitutes, in this case sex robots that can converse and seem as human as possible.

And with the internet and social platforms exploding in popularity, the game is finally unwinding before their eyes and they do not like it one bit.

I for one, welcome our future Populist Overlords. It is about time the Aristocrats got what they deserve; castigation, ostracism and made like everyone else.

And that scares the hell out of them.

Dear JimBowie1958

It's simpler than that
A. if you define Christians to be the predominant religious culture,
then all the resentment, hatred and blame that is attributed to Christians
now comes back IN REVERSE where the people who felt persecuted and excluded before
returning the karma and acting like the very people they blamed for the same!

B. if you define White/Europeans to be the predominant political tribe,
then DITTO, where all the "excluded groups" are now going through the
same motions that were previously blamed on white class dominance

It's all bad karma boomeranging back, where the shoe is now on the other foot.

C. patriarchy and male dominance vs. feminist reactionary backlash

D. rightwing dominance in govt by Constitutional standards vs. leftwing defining the narrative and PC standards

etc. etc.
It's simpler than that
A. if you define Christians to be the predominant religious culture,
then all the resentment, hatred and blame that is attributed to Christians
now comes back IN REVERSE where the people who felt persecuted and excluded before
returning the karma and acting like the very people they blamed for the same!

B. if you define White/Europeans to be the predominant political tribe,
then DITTO, where all the "excluded groups" are now going through the
same motions that were previously blamed on white class dominance

It's all bad karma boomeranging back, where the shoe is now on the other foot.

C. patriarchy and male dominance vs. feminist reactionary backlash

D. rightwing dominance in govt by Constitutional standards vs. leftwing defining the narrative and PC standards

etc. etc.
Well it might seem simpler, except when you find out that the Anglo Establishment is PUSHING the Karma Boomerang.

This is not an accident or just an inevitable event. The Anglo Establishment is the driving force behind Identity Politics and Climate Change.


Because once they can hand the government complete control of everything in our economy and society in the form of Climate Change regulations, and control all the narratives under which policy is discussed, your control of society is CAST IN UNBREAKABLE IRON.

But it is not going to work because Lincoln was right; you cannot fool all the people all the time.
It's simpler than that
A. if you define Christians to be the predominant religious culture,
then all the resentment, hatred and blame that is attributed to Christians
now comes back IN REVERSE where the people who felt persecuted and excluded before
returning the karma and acting like the very people they blamed for the same!

B. if you define White/Europeans to be the predominant political tribe,
then DITTO, where all the "excluded groups" are now going through the
same motions that were previously blamed on white class dominance

It's all bad karma boomeranging back, where the shoe is now on the other foot.

C. patriarchy and male dominance vs. feminist reactionary backlash

D. rightwing dominance in govt by Constitutional standards vs. leftwing defining the narrative and PC standards

etc. etc.
Well it might seem simpler, except when you find out that the Anglo Establishment is PUSHING the Karma Boomerang.

This is not an accident or just an inevitable event. The Anglo Establishment is the driving force behind Identity Politics and Climate Change.


Because once they can hand the government complete control of everything in our economy and society in the form of Climate Change regulations, and control all the narratives under which policy is discussed, your control of society is CAST IN UNBREAKABLE IRON.

But it is not going to work because Lincoln was right; you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Well JimBowie1958
I'd even say the whole CLIMATE CHANGE issue is the backlash/reactionary karma
to the JESUS test in religion.

E. using JESUS as the test of faith to prove if someone is saved or not
vs. using CLIMATE CHANGE as the test of faith to prove if someone is enlightened or not

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
And yes you can argue that BOTH SIDES of this karmic equation
are occurring WITHIN the Eurolinear cultural tradition and historic timeline.
To use something I posted from Mortimer's thread Europeans and domestic liberals have no idea how much of the US is based on the Great Law of the Iroquois and there are numerous disconnects going from European to American models
It's simpler than that
A. if you define Christians to be the predominant religious culture,
then all the resentment, hatred and blame that is attributed to Christians
now comes back IN REVERSE where the people who felt persecuted and excluded before
returning the karma and acting like the very people they blamed for the same!

B. if you define White/Europeans to be the predominant political tribe,
then DITTO, where all the "excluded groups" are now going through the
same motions that were previously blamed on white class dominance

It's all bad karma boomeranging back, where the shoe is now on the other foot.

C. patriarchy and male dominance vs. feminist reactionary backlash

D. rightwing dominance in govt by Constitutional standards vs. leftwing defining the narrative and PC standards

etc. etc.
Well it might seem simpler, except when you find out that the Anglo Establishment is PUSHING the Karma Boomerang.

This is not an accident or just an inevitable event. The Anglo Establishment is the driving force behind Identity Politics and Climate Change.


Because once they can hand the government complete control of everything in our economy and society in the form of Climate Change regulations, and control all the narratives under which policy is discussed, your control of society is CAST IN UNBREAKABLE IRON.

But it is not going to work because Lincoln was right; you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Well JimBowie1958
I'd even say the whole CLIMATE CHANGE issue is the backlash/reactionary karma
to the JESUS test in religion.

E. using JESUS as the test of faith to prove if someone is saved or not
vs. using CLIMATE CHANGE as the test of faith to prove if someone is enlightened or not

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
And yes you can argue that BOTH SIDES of this karmic equation
are occurring WITHIN the Eurolinear cultural tradition and historic timeline.

If you mean Climate Change is the New Gospel, I agree.

I dotn think the Anglican Commune is really Christian much any more.
To use something I posted from Mortimer's thread Europeans and domestic liberals have no idea how much of the US is based on the Great Law of the Iroquois and there are numerous disconnects going from European to American models

Our society not having a set of noble families or Royal ones is a huge disconnect.
The Australian elections show how the rebellion against he Anglo Main Stream is spreading globally.

Donald Trump the Sequel.

Pinkerton: Immigration Curbs Key to Conservative Victory in Australia and a Lesson for Trump

Electoral events have a way of keeping mainstream political observers humble, especially when the larger message is the strength of conservative nationalism.
A case in point is the recent Australian election, in which the Liberal Party (in American terms, a conservative party) won a victory over the left-leaning Labor Party. Some of the MSM outlets that couldn’t hide their surprise included the New York Times: “Prime Minister Scott Morrison Seizes a Stunning Win”; the BBC: “Morrison celebrates ‘Miracle’ win”; and CNN: “Labor loses ‘unlosable’ election.”

In the run-up to the May 18 balloting, the conventional wisdom held that Aussie voters were weary of the constant infighting in the incumbent party—Morrison is the third right-of-center prime minister in the last six years—even as minor parties, yet further to the right, have proliferated. All that confusion was a formula, the pundits said, for a left-wing comeback.​
Another example of how strong the Aristocratic Anglo Main Stream is with new Wealth families, just look at how the Murdoch sons are destroying their own network trying to go Woke to appease the Anglo Main Stream.

Why? Havent they heard of 'Go Woke, Go Broke'?

I'm sure they have, and yet they are moving left anyway, which is not just left it is the Marxist fever swamps of the left.
You can find a list of professors and instructors in any college and university catalogue. What you notice about Harvard's is the fact that they get their teaching staff from all over the U.S. and Europe, and from schools like U of Iowa, U of Indiana, and others from 'fly over country', far more so than Ivy league schools, even Harvard itself, so I don't buy that claim right off the bat.

Yes rich people tend to hang out with other rich people, and they also like to control governments. That's why the Davos Set gets so much attention, and Bohemian Grove was in the past the focus of so many conspiracy theories. The problem with these theories is that if these people were all sociopaths their 'conspiracies' wouldn't last long before they offed each other, same as with any other criminal group.

And, from Hamilton and Jefferson right down to today, the 'elites' think all you unwashed peasants are servants and need to do what you're told; they are the real citizens, and you're just so much manure and disposable to them. They're now 'global citizens' and could care less about patriotism and humanity,and your petty whinings about jobs, feeding your children, your health problems is all just boring and irrelevant.
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This in turn allows them to completely dominate the 'robed professions' of the Western World to include the USA; judges, professors and clergy. These professions are the most powerful when it comes to controlling Western society in every nation. This is in part why these aristocratic families have remained on top of the English/UK society in spite of socialism, huge wars, some lost, and calamities of every kind. In the USA this is the core of the Liberal Establishment and they are tied at the hip to this Aristocratic Anglo culture, whether they know it or like it or not.

What a load since the Dems do not monopolize any branch of the govt., but the repubs do but they are the serfs, right?

The whole OP has a very sketchy problem with timelines..
Another example of how strong the Aristocratic Anglo Main Stream is with new Wealth families, just look at how the Murdoch sons are destroying their own network trying to go Woke to appease the Anglo Main Stream.

Why? Havent they heard of 'Go Woke, Go Broke'?

I'm sure they have, and yet they are moving left anyway, which is not just left it is the Marxist fever swamps of the left.
What Marxist policies have the Dems enacted?
Our society not having a set of noble families or Royal ones is a huge disconnec

yes we do, we just don't call them royalty.....


This in turn allows them to completely dominate the 'robed professions' of the Western World to include the USA; judges, professors and clergy. These professions are the most powerful when it comes to controlling Western society in every nation. This is in part why these aristocratic families have remained on top of the English/UK society in spite of socialism, huge wars, some lost, and calamities of every kind. In the USA this is the core of the Liberal Establishment and they are tied at the hip to this Aristocratic Anglo culture, whether they know it or like it or not.

What a load since the Dems do not monopolize any branch of the govt., but the repubs do but they are the serfs, right?

The whole OP has a very sketchy problem with timelines..

Whether they affiliate with Democrats or Republicans they all share the same views of you peasants and always work together on the important stuff, like keeping you serfs in your place. That's why the Democrats invented the 'super delegate rule', and we'll probably see the Republicans do something similar.

Meanwhile your Hero Obama is bobbing around on his billionaire buddies' yachts and Michael Obama is in France shopping and hanging out with rich people there. And, they have a wall around their house, which is odd because you lower class Democrat serfs keep sniveling all about how they don't work n stuff like you're told to by your super wealthy leaders. Even your Uncle Bernie has millions in real estate he doesn't seem to be sharing with any of you.

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