Why the hell would we need a 51st State?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
DC is crying because Uncle joe slapped down their ridiculous crime bill overhaul which was basically the elimination of all prosecution for felonies.
"This will screw up our bid to become the fifty first state" says one DC potlico..... Pardon me....but this time Biden is correct.
What possible good could pursuing statehood for the Rathole known as DC can there be?

I see nothing positive about it ....not even for the Dems.

Piss on DC....I've lived 60-odd miles west of that shit-hole all my life and have been there exactly three times.

But hey I'll give them the three blue counties in NOtVA and I'm sure MD will come-off of PG county to make them a state.....Just as long as HI is made a territory again. ;)
DC is crying because Uncle joe slapped down their ridiculous crime bill overhaul which was basically the elimination of all prosecution for felonies.
"This will screw up our bid to become the fifty first state" says one DC potlico..... Pardon me....but this time Biden is correct.
What possible good could pursuing statehood for the Rathole known as DC can there be?

I see nothing positive about it ....not even for the Dems.

Yes its a flagrant power play. If there a real issue they would restrict the Federal "Capital" to twenty acres or Whatever and give everything else back to the states.
I know you're kidding, but factually, yeah, Mississippi doesn't contribute a whole lot resource wise, economically, industry wise or anything. Just a whole lot of poverty and crime.
Why do you think i am kidding?
Why do you think i am kidding?

It was just a manner of speech. Of course I know you picked Mississippi for all the reasons stated, plus the fact that at least they aren't a blue-leaning state like Oregon, where the cities are in chaos never recovering from all of the progressive-led riots to where now major franchises are so fed up that they are pulling out of the cities and state.

THING IS: Oregon is as it is because of democrat rule. Mississippi is because of democrat rule. Given half the chance, republicans stand a far better chance of cleaning up or improving BOTH. As it is, these states and others are the way they are, like Chicago and DC, because that is how democrats want them, lots and lots of people depending on government for their solutions.

And lots and lots of blue politicians in DC doing what their lobbyists want instead of what the people need while Joe Biden turns his back on everything giving away (not selling) hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons to foreign countries we hardly know which means of course we will need to spend even MORE money to REPLACE them while our military paces restless that we have so depleted our own supplies of things that we've compromised our own ability to defend ourselves now for years to come in the process.

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