Why should we take Sweden’s approach to COVID?


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
Their case mortality rate is double ours, only 7% of their population has antibodies (they’ll need 70% to achieve herd immunity, at this rate a vaccine will be developed before then), and their economy is in the dumps. So what’s a good reason why their model should be something we should incorporate here?

All good points.

Norway is doing FAR better. Only 250 dead
Costa Rica is doing OK. 10 dead. Oh. It's not an island. Gotta go to the brewery and have some pulled pork
Unlike Costa Rica (stupid comparison if that's what that was) Norway is contiguous to Sweden with similar climate,geography and people....and thousands less dead because they decided NOT to surrender to the virus
Their case mortality rate is double ours, only 7% of their population has antibodies (they’ll need 70% to achieve herd immunity, at this rate a vaccine will be developed before then), and their economy is in the dumps. So what’s a good reason why their model should be something we should incorporate here?

0.8% of the swedish have died. 0.7% of New York City residents have died.
Sweden didn't get hit with the wave that NYC did. Try looking at next door neighbor Norway.

250 deaths compared to what...four THOUSAND in Sweden...and that didn't even save Sweden's economy
Time has passed. The results of Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure.

Their death rate per capita is twice that of the United States and most nations in Europe. Yet they have only achieved herd immunity at the same rate as those nations that did shutdown. In fact, some have a higher herd immunity rate.

Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure. All those innocent people died for needlessly.

It's premature to be making this determination. Most countries haven't fully reopened yet. Only then can we look back and really determine whose method was better and whether or not it was worth the collateral damage incurred.
Dont see how any country could be close to their herd immunity with shiver in place declarations and testing only those who show symptoms
Time has passed. The results of Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure.

Their death rate per capita is twice that of the United States and most nations in Europe. Yet they have only achieved herd immunity at the same rate as those nations that did shutdown. In fact, some have a higher herd immunity rate.

Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure. All those innocent people died for needlessly.

Fail or not, they are a sovereign nation that charted their own destiny. Far too early to know the end result. This is an ongoing issue for all nations of the world.

Furthermore, we must also calculate other losses of life from suicide, depression, not getting healthcare when they might have otherwise, economic destruction/lives ruined.

It's a very complex and non-linear issue in my estimation. There will be plenty of exchanges of information and data, along with experiences that are qualitative, not just quantitative.
Time has passed. The results of Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure.
ARE YOU AN IMMUNOLOGIST, Douchebag? You need to acquire at least a 70% population infection rate before you can begin to have herd immunity.
Another gladhander clownasstrap talking out of the wrong end of his body as always.
Here's my issue with this critique of Sweden. Who's closer to moving past this virus...Sweden or say the US? We've got States like Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Michigan that have all been locked down tight and now we're seeing the contagion showing up among the people who have been locked down! So when will those States be "safe"? Sweden may in fact lose more people on the front end of this pandemic but will those numbers even out in the long run? That's not even going into how much better off their economy is compared to the States I just mentioned! If you live in those four US States the pandemic is just the start of your pain! You're about to get hit with revenue shortfalls unlike any you've EVER seen before!
It's premature to be making this determination. Most countries haven't fully reopened yet. Only then can we look back and really determine whose method was better and whether or not it was worth the collateral damage incurred.

You're right.

We won't know the full extent of the damage until it's all over. The problem is we don't know when that will be. The deaths from the virus have not stopped. They are decreasing in some places. In others, it's increasing.

So far, Sweden's approach to this has backfired.
Fail or not, they are a sovereign nation that charted their own destiny. Far too early to know the end result. This is an ongoing issue for all nations of the world.
Nobody questioned their sovereignty. The point was the number of people advocating that the US follow the Sweden model. Had we done so, we would be walking in their shoes, but since we're 33 times as big, just imagine the death toll.
Time has passed. The results of Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure.

Their death rate per capita is twice that of the United States and most nations in Europe. Yet they have only achieved herd immunity at the same rate as those nations that did shutdown. In fact, some have a higher herd immunity rate.

Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure. All those innocent people died for needlessly.

To the surprise of no one.
Some where a Liberal pundit is writing a story with the headline, "Trump fails Sweden with herd immunity experiment."
Time has passed. The results of Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure.

Their death rate per capita is twice that of the United States and most nations in Europe. Yet they have only achieved herd immunity at the same rate as those nations that did shutdown. In fact, some have a higher herd immunity rate.

Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure. All those innocent people died for needlessly.

Awesome! Shit damn, jubilee celebration time! More death! Bad trump! Bad trump!
When the penned animals are released from NYC, this story will have a reverse meaning.
You’re a creepy fool.
Time has passed. The results of Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure.

Their death rate per capita is twice that of the United States and most nations in Europe. Yet they have only achieved herd immunity at the same rate as those nations that did shutdown. In fact, some have a higher herd immunity rate.

Sweden's experiment in herd immunity is a total failure. All those innocent people died for needlessly.

To the surprise of no one.

Unfortunately to the denial of many.

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