Why schools in the United States should not re-open this fall.

Normally, I go along with the republicans on most matters, however, in the case of kids going back to school, I have to disagree with this philosophy, even though Pediatricians have said that the COVID-19 effects on children range from non-existent to minimal. It's not the children to be concerned over, it's who they take it back to, especially in the inner-cities, where often, due to no father figure and the mother working, the grandmother is the one caring for them and she...is vulnerable. Even the parents can have serious side-effects, or death.
Having said that, I am not changing my vote over this issue. The left has literally become dangerous to our freedoms.
...Prove that if your child goes to a classroom its a death sentence...
Never said it was a death sentence... it simply (and greatly) increases the mortal danger to children subjected to such treatment.

...I can prove that if the parents don't go to work they can't survive...
Oh, they'll survive alright. If necessary, they go on Unemployment and Welfare and visit the Food Banks until this blows over.

If it's a choice between the fiscal solvency of a person or business, and the life of an innocent child, I choose the child, every time.

...Its the school board's job to provide a safe learning environment, period...
Until such time as pandemic conditions make it impossible to teach in person, at which point they provide a different kind of safe learning environment.


...Trump is saying do your job and stop whining.
Trump is trying to patch the economy long enough to get re-elected and people (and school boards) can see through his disingenuous motives.
...And how do you know that we won't all have to confront this virus and either sink or swim...
I do not. But if it happens, it should happen without being forced.

...Maybe that's the only way to end this thing...
I chose not to bet the lives of children on whether or not you are right.

...And if herd immunity is the answer, the youth will have to lead the way...
I chose not to bet the lives of children on whether or not you are right.

...Hiding in the house is definitely not the solution...
And accelerating the demise of some of them by shoving them into schools is definitely not the solution either.

...unless your solution is to destroy freedom...
Your freedom ends at the precise point where the exercise of your freedom endangers my life or health, or any of your other fellow Americans.

Don't look now, but the Market crashed in March, millions of 401(k) accounts were decimated, we have 50,000,000 unemployed, and 135,000 dead (and climbing).

We won't see "prosperity" again until this is over... certainly not in time to rescue your Orange Baboon-God's ass and to get him reelected. Ain't gonna happen now.

...and everything else this country strives for...
There is nothing at-risk in official emergency health actions other than ear-fatigue from listening to idiots who ignore medical and scientific fact.

... The unintended consequence of sheltering the children will be destroying the children.
Fewer children will die staying home than would if the rest of the country is stupid enough to follow your Baboon's lead and cram the kiddies back into the schools too soon.

And as to non-lethal consequences... it's a helluva lot easier to catch-up after falling behind in school than it is for a child to come back to our side of the sod.
...COVID is not placing children at risk. They are FAR more likely to be killed from the flu and that IS a fact. Opening the schools is not a matter of risk to children, it is a matter of risk to faculty.
Yes and No.

Some children are, indeed, already dying of the virus.

And, if you haven't noticed, more and more younger people are coming down with it now than did during the early going.

I choose not to risk the lives of children - or faculty for that matter - in the face of this aggressive, lethal virus - especially as it continues to develop and even mutate.
Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died
By Jennifer Henderson, CNN 1 hr ago

Three teachers who shared a summer classroom at a school in Arizona all contracted coronavirus last month, leaving one of them dead.

Kimberley Chavez Lopez Byrd, 61, died June 26, less than two weeks after she was hospitalized. The other two teachers -- Jena Martinez and Angela Skillings -- said they're still struggling with the effects of the virus that has killed nearly 135,000 people nationwide.

All three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still got sick, according to school officials at the small community in the eastern part of the state.

Gregorich reiterated the three teachers were careful and still got Covid-19.

I think that's really the message or the concern that our staff has is we can't even keep our staff safe by themselves ... how are we going to keep 20 kids in a classroom safe? I just don't see how that's possible to do that," he said.

Byrd said reopening schools will put people in their small community at risk and he does not want to see other families go through a similar experience.

"Many grandparents, wind up being caretakers to kids when they get off school- mom and dad are working and a lot of grandparents are even raising their grandchildren. So, many of these grandparents fall into this high risk category of being older with more health issues," he said.

"They have no business opening the schools to try and get back to a traditional classroom ... let's get through this pandemic first before we try to get back to normal."

Good job,maybe if you repeat it enough it will sink into them.lol
Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died
By Jennifer Henderson, CNN 1 hr ago

Three teachers who shared a summer classroom at a school in Arizona all contracted coronavirus last month, leaving one of them dead.

Kimberley Chavez Lopez Byrd, 61, died June 26, less than two weeks after she was hospitalized. The other two teachers -- Jena Martinez and Angela Skillings -- said they're still struggling with the effects of the virus that has killed nearly 135,000 people nationwide.

All three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still got sick, according to school officials at the small community in the eastern part of the state.

Gregorich reiterated the three teachers were careful and still got Covid-19.

I think that's really the message or the concern that our staff has is we can't even keep our staff safe by themselves ... how are we going to keep 20 kids in a classroom safe? I just don't see how that's possible to do that," he said.

Byrd said reopening schools will put people in their small community at risk and he does not want to see other families go through a similar experience.

"Many grandparents, wind up being caretakers to kids when they get off school- mom and dad are working and a lot of grandparents are even raising their grandchildren. So, many of these grandparents fall into this high risk category of being older with more health issues," he said.

"They have no business opening the schools to try and get back to a traditional classroom ... let's get through this pandemic first before we try to get back to normal."

Your not a real American
Amen to that.
There is no guarantee that an effective covid vaccine will ever be developed. Let's say there is no vaccine this time next year. Would the next school year be canceled as well?

I am on the fence about the schools. But, if it is too dangerous to open now, and a vaccine is never developed, what then?
Apparently no kids came down with the disease. When do the medical geniuses who want to deprive kids of an education think we should reopen the schools?

It is a simple as this... Countries with lower cases and positivity rates are not opening schools... They are listening to there experts and they have done way better than the Trump Admin at handling this...

I know this is hurtful but listen to the experts in other countries as the White House has been consistently wrong unless coming from Fauci or Brix.... Just look at what Europe is doing as a lead, it used to be the US in that position but that is the new normality for the moment...

Be Safe.
Apparently no kids came down with the disease. When do the medical geniuses who want to deprive kids of an education think we should reopen the schools?

It is a simple as this... Countries with lower cases and positivity rates are not opening schools... They are listening to there experts and they have done way better than the Trump Admin at handling this...

I know this is hurtful but listen to the experts in other countries as the White House has been consistently wrong unless coming from Fauci or Brix.... Just look at what Europe is doing as a lead, it used to be the US in that position but that is the new normality for the moment...

Be Safe.

What if we never get a vaccine? What do you think the plan going forward would be?
Fine. Close the schools. But I’m not paying property taxes so these assholes can sit at home. All federal funding also goes away. The Feds can provide funds directly to families so they can use them on private schools and charter schools. I’m not paying that union or it’s members a dime.
So people should die to justify your property taxes?

There is no guarantee that an effective covid vaccine will ever be developed. Let's say there is no vaccine this time next year. Would the next school year be canceled as well?

I am on the fence about the schools. But, if it is too dangerous to open now, and a vaccine is never developed, what then?


You have a point but we are getting smarter and other countries have shown how to get this virus under control. If we can get the numbers real low contact tracing can work.

I see a situation where there could be green areas/countries and infected areas... No travel between with out quarantine, use of ankle bracelets could be used and house arrest... Eventually we could push the green areas out until it takes over major sections of the first world... Free travel from on green area to another...

To be green I see you have to be getting <0.1 positivity test rate with more than 1% of the pop tested a week...

US at the moment has a rate of 8.8% with a number of sates 15%+.... New York has 0.2% at the moment...

Many European countries has a contact tracing apps out with very high adoption rates... Very different attitudes in Europe, they have very much 'we are in it together attitude'... Killing this virus is a collective fight and getting your rate down brings national pride.
People over 60 are at high risk. That is the science.

Children are extremely low risk or not vectors. That is the science.

Democrats claim to be the party of science but this proves they dont care about science.

Maybe the old/sick school teachers and bureaucracy workers should stay home.
Kids can be asymptomatic spreaders.
Even though the kids might not get sick, they still get infected and spread it to older people.

If the older people are teachers whose actions teach, they would be wearing Covid masks to set an example and be certain every kid in the class was wearing a mask too. It's a win-win.

Keeping children out of school for too long can lead to depression, suicide, and refusal to do computer studies recommended for their education.

It's just bad for kids to keep them apart and to take away their schooling for months and years.
Re-opening schools in the United States this fall, could double the infection and death rate in the country.
They should only be opened if SAFE. Stages with an absurdly crazy viral rate should not be opening. Trump is a moron. And worse the people who follow him have a death wish.
Jillian sez: "Trump is a moron. And worse the people who follow him have a death wish."

That's quite a spin on a man who is innocent of your party lies, and your party is the one with a death wish against President Trump, his followers, and Steve Scalise, who almost did die at the hands of a Democrat Party operative who was carrying a list of Republicans to kill with Representative Scalise's name at the top of the list and other prominent Republicans were on the list, too. The wannabe killer was James Hopkinson, who worked for Bernie Sanders. Maxine Waters had President Trump's staffers stalked. That was not only unconstitutional, it is against the law to stalk people in every state and city in the union.
Apparently no kids came down with the disease. When do the medical geniuses who want to deprive kids of an education think we should reopen the schools?

It is a simple as this... Countries with lower cases and positivity rates are not opening schools... They are listening to there experts and they have done way better than the Trump Admin at handling this...

I know this is hurtful but listen to the experts in other countries as the White House has been consistently wrong unless coming from Fauci or Brix.... Just look at what Europe is doing as a lead, it used to be the US in that position but that is the new normality for the moment...

Be Safe.

Link to your absurd claim?
People over 60 are at high risk. That is the science.

Children are extremely low risk or not vectors. That is the science.

Democrats claim to be the party of science but this proves they dont care about science.

Maybe the old/sick school teachers and bureaucracy workers should stay home.
Kids can be asymptomatic spreaders.
Even though the kids might not get sick, they still get infected and spread it to older people.

If the older people are teachers whose actions teach, they would be wearing Covid masks to set an example and be certain every kid in the class was wearing a mask too. It's a win-win.

Keeping children out of school for too long can lead to depression, suicide, and refusal to do computer studies recommended for their education.

It's just bad for kids to keep them apart and to take away their schooling for months and years.
I'm having a good laugh visualizing teacher trying to teach with a mask on.
Re-opening schools in the United States this fall, could double the infection and death rate in the country.
They should only be opened if SAFE. Stages with an absurdly crazy viral rate should not be opening. Trump is a moron. And worse the people who follow him have a death wish.
Jillian sez: "Trump is a moron. And worse the people who follow him have a death wish."

That's quite a spin on a man who is innocent of your party lies, and your party is the one with a death wish against President Trump, his followers, and Steve Scalise, who almost did die at the hands of a Democrat Party operative who was carrying a list of Republicans to kill with Representative Scalise's name at the top of the list and other prominent Republicans were on the list, too. The wannabe killer was James Hopkinson, who worked for Bernie Sanders. Maxine Waters had President Trump's staffers stalked. That was not only unconstitutional, it is against the law to stalk people in every state and city in the union.
You have the name incorrect. It was James Hodgkinson.
Apparently no kids came down with the disease. When do the medical geniuses who want to deprive kids of an education think we should reopen the schools?

It is a simple as this... Countries with lower cases and positivity rates are not opening schools... They are listening to there experts and they have done way better than the Trump Admin at handling this...

I know this is hurtful but listen to the experts in other countries as the White House has been consistently wrong unless coming from Fauci or Brix.... Just look at what Europe is doing as a lead, it used to be the US in that position but that is the new normality for the moment...

Be Safe.

What if we never get a vaccine? What do you think the plan going forward would be?

Herd immunity could solve the problem on its own, we don't know yet. I don't think never going back to school is an issue. But one full year of virtual school isn't the end of the world either.

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