Digging into Biden Poll numbers: 45% STRONGLY disapprove, 20% STRONGLY approve


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This is pretty interesting.

The numbers are worse than they appear, and this article explores why.

The Dems might be in serious trouble next year, but a year is an ETERNITY in politics. Anything can happen.

This is pretty interesting.

The numbers are worse than they appear, and this article explores why.

The Dems might be in serious trouble next year, but a year is an ETERNITY in politics. Anything can happen.

This 20% includes most of the losers in life

This board is like the Cliff Notes of that populous
They are brainwashed sheep.

How one can look around at what is going on, and say Biden is doing an excellent job is beyond ridiculous.

Biden will not complete his term.
He needs 25thd NOW

She can at least stay awake all day and still be the last to crash at the frat party
They are brainwashed sheep.

By next year nobody but the far right will care about the Afghanistan fuck up, all that will matter is the economy.

If oil production is increased and the supply chain issues are worked out, all of what is happening today will be forgotten by most. The electorate has a very short memory .
They are brainwashed sheep.

How one can look around at what is going on, and say Biden is doing an excellent job is beyond ridiculous.

Biden will not complete his term.

Many of those here doggedly wanting more destruction for America are sitting in a propaganda sweat shop in Bejing.
America's venues are wide open and freely accessed by communists and those advocating Americas destruction.
Conversely, the United States citizens nor government have ANY access to China venues that isn't locked down tight by the Communist party.

Freedom requires a sure and steady hand of leadership that doesn't allow destructive forces to rot the nation from it's core.

Obviously China's CCP has played a FAR more astute game of chess in this respect.

Throughout California and NewYork, Chinese nationals virtually run most commerce in those states.
And they are aided and abetted by Democrat officials (mostly) who care only about their own personal gain.
Many of those here doggedly wanting more destruction for America are sitting in a propaganda sweat shop in Bejing.
America's venues are wide open and freely accessed by communists and those advocating Americas destruction.
Conversely, the United States citizens nor government have ANY access to China venues that isn't locked down tight by the Communist party.

Freedom requires a sure and steady hand of leadership that doesn't allow destructive forces to rot the nation from it's core.

Obviously China's CCP has played a FAR more astute game of chess with this respect.

Imagine going to China and asking to see the Uygher Muslim concentration camps. :laughing0301:

That would be a one way ticket.

The CCP disappears BILLIONAIRES, only to return months later totally brainwashed.
IF the Pubs don't screw up 2022....which they totally can....they fucking suck.

IF Pubs win back Congress....Biden had better be GONE by March 2023.

There is so much to impeach him on.

I no longer have faith in the election process. However, I will still vote.
I also have little (if any) faith in elected officials to do the "right" thing.

More and more corruption is eating our system alive.
And as corruption spreads it accelerates additional spread of corruption.
Pretty sure Golfing Gator is either in Bejing....or a hard core communist sympathizer..
Along with 100 others here who breathe and live for thoughts of Trump and destroying America.

All I know is.....
If Americans continue to quietly sit back and watch as all this unfolds, they WILL get Communism.
I no longer have faith in the election process. However, I will still vote.
I also have little (if any) faith in elected officials to do the "right" thing.

More and more corruption is eating our system alive.
And as corruption spreads it accelerates additional spread of corruption.

When the left says VOTER IDs are RACIST JIM CROW LAWS...you know they are stealing elections.

I have NEVER seen ONE example of someone who WANTS to vote, but cannot afford ID and was prevented from voting because they cannot afford ID. IT DOES NOT EXIST.
IF the Pubs don't screw up 2022....which they totally can....they fucking suck.

IF Pubs win back Congress....Biden had better be GONE by March 2023.

There is so much to impeach him on.
If they can get more votes with all the fraud votes from libturds, it could happen
When the left says VOTER IDs are RACIST JIM CROW LAWS...you know they are stealing elections.

I have NEVER seen ONE example of someone who WANTS to vote, but cannot afford ID and was prevented from voting because they cannot afford ID. IT DOES NOT EXIST.
Why Colonel? Because it works! That is what they have, and they are sticking to it. The Lefts policies suck to most Americans, so they make it about everything but policies, then create a narrative to bolster what they say.

EXAMPLE: We say urban young Black people are getting the shaft by influx of illegal aliens because they take their 1st jobs. THEY SAY: The GOP hates you, they are racist, and want to steal your voting rights because they want you to show your ID.

How Democrats can in a society of supposed openness get away with uttering such nonsensical things is beyond me, but it appears to work, so they continue on. The GOP messaging is a big, big, problem, because they will not take the Democrats on this issue head on. White GOP candidates are to afraid that they will be branded with the scarlet letter of racism by the Left, and Black GOPers are given the "uncle Tom" designation. One of the very few people in the GOP that addressed this was Trump, and that was probably another reason on the list of many, he had to be removed by the Leftists.

Democrats know that without a huge % of Black votes, that can't win much of anything. And yet, they treat these Black people like 2nd class citizens. Shame on Democrats for doing this, and shame on the GOP for not making it a very large issue because of fear of the Left!
Why Colonel? Because it works! That is what they have, and they are sticking to it. The Lefts policies suck to most Americans, so they make it about everything but policies, then create a narrative to bolster what they say.

EXAMPLE: We say urban young Black people are getting the shaft by influx of illegal aliens because they take their 1st jobs. THEY SAY: The GOP hates you, they are racist, and want to steal your voting rights because they want you to show your ID.

How Democrats can in a society of supposed openness get away with uttering such nonsensical things is beyond me, but it appears to work, so they continue on. The GOP messaging is a big, big, problem, because they will not take the Democrats on this issue head on. White GOP candidates are to afraid that they will be branded with the scarlet letter of racism by the Left, and Black GOPers are given the "uncle Tom" designation. One of the very few people in the GOP that addressed this was Trump, and that was probably another reason on the list of many, he had to be removed by the Leftists.

Democrats know that without a huge % of Black votes, that can't win much of anything. And yet, they treat these Black people like 2nd class citizens. Shame on Democrats for doing this, and shame on the GOP for not making it a very large issue because of fear of the Left!

It is disgusting the left knows they cannot sell their policies...so they lie and create division.

SOULLESS GHOULS. I have said it often.

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