All of Manafort's "Trumped" up charges were leveled at him during the time he worked for The Podestas on behalf of The Obama Regime, when Obama, Clinton and Joe Biden were trying to rig Ukraine's elections to keep a corrupt regime in place to appease Putin...
Dear Leftist Anarchists, Marxists, Socialists, Communist Radicals, and Deep State Sympathizers:
Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin?
Is it Obama giving Iran $150...
I watched it with a friend of mine who hated it, but he generally hates horror movies. However, I convinced him to stick with it until about the last 15 minutes, at which point he refused to watch any more and walked into the hallway to avoid watching the ending. And this is a full grown man who...
This is a good question...
Was the intentional leaking that Manafort was Mueller's target a signal to Hillary Clinton and The Podesta Group to fire up the paper shredders, and bleach bit, destroy any evidence they had, and manufacture evidence to hide their guilt and their collusion with...
Guess who was fired:
As everyone knows, only some loser goofball anti-Semite would suggest something so preposterous as the idea that wealthy Jewish Americans influence America’s military policy in the Middle East. Experts agree unanimously that we fight radical Islam and protect our closest...
I can see why the dumbocrats are imploding 2018 should finish them off...
The Master Party would rather destroy America than question its own superiority.
August 17, 2017
Daniel Greenfield
The Democrats went into the election certain that they...
Why are The DEMS who claim they want to get to the bottom of all of this doing everything they can to obstruct investigations in to The Democrat Party's Criminal Activities?
Russia probe: Democrats block key witness against shadowy firm Fusion GPS
And When is THE DNC SERVER going to be examined...
The shit is going to hit the fan this week. I suspect Tuesday. The DNC, Hillary, Podesta, and end the end, Obama, will soon be at an empasse. Seth Rich is the conduit to bringing them down, even in his death. Newt Gingrich brought this up this morning. It's something that can't be ignored...
Amazing...just fucking amazing
I just happened, by chance, to come across a very interesting PDF file,
from the Government Accountability Institute, from Aug 2016.
From Russia with money
Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism
• A major technology transfer component of the...
Russia not behind Clinton leaks; conclusive evidence emerges they were work of a Washington insider
Former British ambassador Craig Murray confirms DNC and Podesta leaks were the work of a Washington insider; and says he knows identity and has met with this person. FBI meanwhile casts doubt on...
Man who caused scare at Nevada Trump rally listed in Wikileaks Podesta emails
Registered Republican possibly hired by Clinton campaign to disrupt Trump rally and potentially bring harm to Donald Trump
RENO (INTELLIHUB) — Austyn Crites, 33, was released by authorities with no charges after...
The daily release of thousands of hacked emails from an account owned by Democratic heavy John Podesta combined with a surreptitiously taped conversation in which a Democratic operative details the deliberate use of violence to help the Clinton campaign and its media allies build a case against...
We already knw Scalia was taken out on purpose. It is the leftist mind controlled lunatics who can't seem to get themselves unstuck from the Government teet , and adoring them as if they are their ever loving parents. News Flash the Government does not give a damn about you , nor your family...