Why Not to Buy a Home

Dumped my house a few years ago and quite happy to do so. Massive drop in living expenses (my rent is a bit more than the property taxes on the house), and I no longer have the unpaid part-time job that is maintaining a house.

How much do you pay for housing a month again?

I pay $140-ish.

It should be less. :mad:

I could rent out rooms if I wanted to, but I don't.
There is some luck involved with real estate to be sure. Where you live and when you buy especially during a market top can put you under water on a mortgage for years. And home maintenance is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. I don't mind it, I just chip away at the honey do list. The only thing I hate doing is plumbing.
My mortgage wasn't the issue. The issue was the skyrocketing property taxes! Again: I am in a nice apartment for not moch more than I was paying just in taxes.
Yep the property taxes you guys pay up there are insane. And it doesn't like they are going anywhere but higher.
Dumped my house a few years ago and quite happy to do so. Massive drop in living expenses (my rent is a bit more than the property taxes on the house), and I no longer have the unpaid part-time job that is maintaining a house.

How much do you pay for housing a month again?

I pay $140-ish.

It should be less. :mad:

I could rent out rooms if I wanted to, but I don't.
You are leaving out critical facts, or you are lying. Yes, it is that simple.

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