Why not outlaw Nazi sympathizers

Their speech and comments are of hate and of anti-semitism; they praise Hitler and Nazi ideology, and in so doing likely contribute to hate inspired mass shootings in this country. Though they are praised by Trump (see Charlottesville), they are a drain on our country and society and should be muzzled for the good of our young people.

Republicans should be willing to support laws and even Constitutional amendments to silence these haters, just as they support Florida's "Don't say Gay" laws of censorship.
^ Another dangerous Democrat fascist who despises the Constitution.
You, Francis, are a lying fuck. At this point, I no longer think it's possible for anyone to be that stupid or isolated that they cannot have seen the actual transcript of his words. It's precisely because of POSs like you that I am SOOO going to enjoy his win in '24.
No shit. Yes, let's morons like this determine what is acceptable speech.
As bad as Nazis were, as deranged and reprehensible, as deserving of utter destruction, democrats are worse.

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