Why not move to Cuba or France if you want socialism?

Why not move to Cuba or France if you want socialism?

Why destroy America???? We don't want your rat poison. :mad:

Good advise. But too late. America is a socialist paradise.

The "progressives" adopted the Central Bank , a graduated "income"tax, social security and not one single shot was fired.

Hard working Americans still believe that they can out vote the parasites. Not gonna happen. Voting is not the answer. AK47's are.


Well then, what are you doing wasting your time posting on a message board. You can never stockpile enough guns and ammo.
Why not move to Cuba or France if you want socialism?

Why destroy America???? We don't want your rat poison. :mad:

Good advise. But too late. America is a socialist paradise.

The "progressives" adopted the Central Bank , a graduated "income"tax, social security and not one single shot was fired.

Hard working Americans still believe that they can out vote the parasites. Not gonna happen. Voting is not the answer. AK47's are.


Well then, what are you doing wasting your time posting on a message board. You can never stockpile enough guns and ammo.

I'm just the tip of the iceberg.


Why not move to Cuba or France if you want socialism?

Why destroy America???? We don't want your rat poison. :mad:

What specific "socialist" policies are you referring to?

I asked this back on page one and no one would/could answer.

I've asked it before and not one rw came forward with an answer.

Its bad enough that they don't know the definition of "socialism". The real crime is that, even though they are voting in favor of it, they don't know the definitions of "fascism" or "plutocracy".

Obamacare is a socialist policy. When the gov't assumes control of the prices and requires benefits paid to be at least 85% of revenue, that is a socialist policy.

Redistribution of wealth in the interests of fairness is a socialist policy.

When the gov't bails out the auto industry and assumes enough control to the point where they can influence the firing of the CEO and bypass the normal priority of payments to bondholders, that's a socialist policy.

What we've got here is not an instant conversion to socialism; but does feel like a gradual shift in that direction.
I missed where rw bripat said "the dictionary is not the ultimate authority on the definition of words". Mitt said the same thing -- That he has no use for mere facts. He just makes it up as he goes along and what's good enough for Mitt is good enough for his lemmings.

Let me get this straight: you think everything in the dictionary is a fact? You think the dictionary is infallible?
I missed where rw bripat said "the dictionary is not the ultimate authority on the definition of words". Mitt said the same thing -- That he has no use for mere facts. He just makes it up as he goes along and what's good enough for Mitt is good enough for his lemmings.

Let me get this straight: you think everything in the dictionary is a fact? You think the dictionary is infallible?

Wow, you are really a total fuckin'....

mo·ron [mawr-on, mohr-]
Informal. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.
Psychology . (no longer in technical use; considered offensive) a person of borderline intelligence in a former and discarded classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.

...with a question like that.
I missed where rw bripat said "the dictionary is not the ultimate authority on the definition of words". Mitt said the same thing -- That he has no use for mere facts. He just makes it up as he goes along and what's good enough for Mitt is good enough for his lemmings.

Let me get this straight: you think everything in the dictionary is a fact? You think the dictionary is infallible?

Wow, you are really a total fuckin'....

mo·ron [mawr-on, mohr-]
Informal. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.
Psychology . (no longer in technical use; considered offensive) a person of borderline intelligence in a former and discarded classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.

...with a question like that.

Answer the question, moron. Is the dictionary infallible or not?
Let me get this straight: you think everything in the dictionary is a fact? You think the dictionary is infallible?

Wow, you are really a total fuckin'....

mo·ron [mawr-on, mohr-]
Informal. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.
Psychology . (no longer in technical use; considered offensive) a person of borderline intelligence in a former and discarded classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.

...with a question like that.

Answer the question, moron. Is the dictionary infallible or not?

It's the goddam dictionary, you moron!

What specific "socialist" policies are you referring to?

I asked this back on page one and no one would/could answer.

I've asked it before and not one rw came forward with an answer.

Its bad enough that they don't know the definition of "socialism". The real crime is that, even though they are voting in favor of it, they don't know the definitions of "fascism" or "plutocracy".

Well, a lot of these cons like the idea of plutocracy anyway.

Unlike libturd morons, conservatives don't believe voting against socialism is the same as voting for fascism and plutocracy. That's the dichotomy commies like you are trying to sell, but no one is buying it.
Why not move to someplace where you can just shoot people who offend you? You would be so much happier.

That makes no sense. There are those that want America to become a socialist country and that's a fact. Claiming people who want our country to remain a capitalist and free country want to shoot people is assinine. Is that the only argument you can come up with? Can I assume from the snippy answers we often get that you have no defense for socialism and resort to stupid zingers like that?

The correct answer, if you're a real American, is that we won't become socialist. Can't do that, eh?

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