Why Not Legalize Organ Selling?

My wife has kidney disease and will soon join those many thousands of individuals needing a transplant. I would gladly give her one of my own if I'm acceptable as a donor for her.
And no payment is necessary.
I'd much rather live the rest of my days without a kidney than a single day without her.
Kidney sales in Philipines get the donor about $7000 think it is. Very common thing for the poor to sell em off. Saw some documentary a while back about it.
Everybody BUT the donor gets rich on organ transplants!

Why is that?


RIGHT ON ! :up:

the donor gets a "thank you" ....., maybe !

the doctors get paid, the hospital gets paid, every one involved gets their share of an organ transplant $$$$$$$$ except the donor.., yes, why is that ?

i believe any person should legally sell every transplantable organ in their body before death and receive a cash payment in advance. after death the $$$$$$$ should be placed in their estate.
This is a great idea. Poor people around the world already pimp their kids out for a variety of purposes.

With this fine idea they can raise them up for specific purposes. Eye balls sell well. Kidneys, maybe a liver.
How about a heart? Lungs?

And get em while they are young and haven't had the stress put on their organs that living in poverty seems to bring.

What a great idea. I bet that the ultra rich folk get a law passed that says the buying of any organ from any person is perfectly fine. As long as the Mom or Dad agreed to the sale.

Hell maybe this would drop the abortion rate as more and more poor people had kids to be able to sell their body parts.

Would we throw the remains in a body parts junkyard or bury them? Ah who cares, they are just poor people.

Europe now gets a lot of spare body parts from India because poor families do sell living bodies for transplant.

How about actual farms for transplant purposes? Start raising people like farm animals for transplant purposes. That way the organ can be specifically raised to be in optimum good health.
Put a nice profit motive in there for murder, that will help the poor.

1) That is likely already happening on the black market.

2) The equipment required will be prohibitive for the typical murderer, so it wouldn't be a boom market, ya know?

The best thing is that it will form an ample supply of organs for those who need them.
There's no objective reason not to allow it. Think the reason it isn't here in the US (but is in other countries) is it's gross. :) Plus, because of how fixated on costs we are, if we allowed people to sell off akidney, there's the concernt hat then society may have to pay more for those people if their sole kidney stops working right. So many of our laws governing safety like seatbelts, and motorcycle helmets are because of public costs, not any moral concern about people's welfare. Would assume a similar issue being at play with selling organs. We can sell blood and semen afaik because they're self-replenishing. But organs are finite.

Plus, selling off organs creates a real dystopian concern if the underclasses became used as organ donors. Movie "The Island" shows this well.

They already are as most auto accidents are among the common classes, and no one investigates if the hospital cuts you off at 30 seconds instead of three minutes if your family cant afford lawyers.
This is a great idea. Poor people around the world already pimp their kids out for a variety of purposes.

With this fine idea they can raise them up for specific purposes. Eye balls sell well. Kidneys, maybe a liver.
How about a heart? Lungs?

And get em while they are young and haven't had the stress put on their organs that living in poverty seems to bring.

What a great idea. I bet that the ultra rich folk get a law passed that says the buying of any organ from any person is perfectly fine. As long as the Mom or Dad agreed to the sale.

Hell maybe this would drop the abortion rate as more and more poor people had kids to be able to sell their body parts.

Would we throw the remains in a body parts junkyard or bury them? Ah who cares, they are just poor people.

And all your snarkiness is supposed to justify a system that currently lets nearly 5,000 people die in the US each year?

I don't think so.
This is a great idea. Poor people around the world already pimp their kids out for a variety of purposes.

With this fine idea they can raise them up for specific purposes. Eye balls sell well. Kidneys, maybe a liver.
How about a heart? Lungs?

And get em while they are young and haven't had the stress put on their organs that living in poverty seems to bring.

What a great idea. I bet that the ultra rich folk get a law passed that says the buying of any organ from any person is perfectly fine. As long as the Mom or Dad agreed to the sale.

Hell maybe this would drop the abortion rate as more and more poor people had kids to be able to sell their body parts.

Would we throw the remains in a body parts junkyard or bury them? Ah who cares, they are just poor people.

Europe now gets a lot of spare body parts from India because poor families do sell living bodies for transplant.

How about actual farms for transplant purposes? Start raising people like farm animals for transplant purposes. That way the organ can be specifically raised to be in optimum good health.

You are being ludicrous but there is nothing of the sort being proposed with organ banks.
My wife has kidney disease and will soon join those many thousands of individuals needing a transplant. I would gladly give her one of my own if I'm acceptable as a donor for her.
And no payment is necessary.
I'd much rather live the rest of my days without a kidney than a single day without her.

Even if you don't match you shold be able to get into an exchange.

Kidney Transplantation, Paired Donor Exchange

the price is WAY too low.

you want to have kidneys? then pay what they are worth - 350,000$, at least, young one being more expensive than the old one, not 15K. For 15K you can continue on dialysis.

even in this idea there is cheating already.
Everybody BUT the donor gets rich on organ transplants!

Why is that?


RIGHT ON ! :up:

the donor gets a "thank you" ....., maybe !

the doctors get paid, the hospital gets paid, every one involved gets their share of an organ transplant $$$$$$$$ except the donor.., yes, why is that ?

i believe any person should legally sell every transplantable organ in their body before death and receive a cash payment in advance. after death the $$$$$$$ should be placed in their estate.

After death the organs are useless. They can be harvested only while the body is still kept alive, but brain dead.

Except the kidney and sometimes a part of the liver, which can be donated for a kid( liver grows).
Rich people would benefit. You know they would.

Therefore it is wrong. I get it. Anything that might benefit one rich person is evil even if it also benefits hundreds of poor people.

How could a poor person afford a kidney?

How do they afford them now, Sherlock?

They don't. That's the point.

Transplant Organs usually don't end up in poor people. They end up in people with good insurance or who are wealthy. And that's with the legal safeguards that are supposed to make it "fair", a rich asshole like Steve Jobs was able to register in 50 states and hop to the front of the line to get a liver transplant.

you are an idiot. the vast majority of kidney transplants end up in poor people because the kidney disease is one of the gentleman's and ladies pack of the welfare queens with BMI of 40 and up.
same is true for livers - they usually end up in alcoholics and Hep C patients.
Those can be in different areas of the society but most often they are not affluent as well.

Hearts and lungs are a bit different.
Eh why bother. Once everyone gets their live forever shots they won't have any more problems.
And all your snarkiness is supposed to justify a system that currently lets nearly 5,000 people die in the US each year?

I don't think so.

Its not the 'system' that lets people die. Its the selfishness of people who refuse to become organ donors. Change the rules, make the system opt out instead of opt in. Problem solved.
And all your snarkiness is supposed to justify a system that currently lets nearly 5,000 people die in the US each year?

I don't think so.

Its not the 'system' that lets people die. Its the selfishness of people who refuse to become organ donors. Change the rules, make the system opt out instead of opt in. Problem solved.

do you know that it is mostly the affluent people who are organ donors?

and the vast majority of organ donors are either white or asian - almost NEVER black.
Latino - rare.

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