Why No "Travon Martin" Level of Attention???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Know the story of the 16-year-old who shot and killed another 16-year-old with a bullet to the face....and then posted a selfie of himself with his victim on social media?

1."PITTSBURGH — A 16-year-old teen is accused of shooting a friend in the face, taking a selfie with the body and sending the photo out on the social media app Snapchat...

2. ....Maxwell Marion Morton is being held in juvenile detention on the charges of first-degree murder of Ryan Managan.

3. Managan’s mother found him dead at their Pittsburgh area home Wednesday, the Tribune-Review reports. He suffered a single-gunshot wound to the face.

4. A friend of Morton’s came forward to police, saying the suspect sent him a photo of he and the apparently dead victim.

5. ....picture allegedly showed the victim sitting in the chair with a wound on his face. Morton allegedly posed behind the victim. Morton also allegedly sent text messages that read, “Told you I cleaned up the shells,” and “Ryan was not the last one.”

6. ....Morton allegedly confessed to the killing. No motive for the shooting was released."
Report 16-year-old murder suspect took selfie with body posted it on social media Q13 FOX News

The story, with all the makings of a sensational and gruesome murder with the added element of the killer smiling with his arm around the dead victim, certainly didn't get the Travon Martin, Michael Brown treatment from the media.....

Can you guess why???

Hint: if Barack Hussein Obama had had a son, he wouldn't have looked like the victim here, Ryan Managan.
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I'm outraged

How do you want to spin this?

Blacks are evil
Our youth is out of control
Psychos are on the loose
Where's QuickCurePon or whatever here name is, to claim this is just kids being kids, and these kids aren't thugs?
I'm outraged

How do you want to spin this?

Blacks are evil
Our youth is out of control
Psychos are on the loose
This story just proves there is no such thing as white crime and there are never sensational stories about white people killing one another (unless they are shooting up a school or something).
I'm outraged

How do you want to spin this?

Blacks are evil
Our youth is out of control
Psychos are on the loose

Did you question the Travon Martin or Michael Brown media circuses as "Whites are evil"?

That makes you a hypocrite, doesn't it.

You failed to answer

What spin are you looking for?

I post facts.....and that's what enrages you.
Causes you to lie, too.

Now, let's give you a vocabulary quiz.
Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Where is any truth altered, you dope?
I'm outraged

How do you want to spin this?

Blacks are evil
Our youth is out of control
Psychos are on the loose
This story just proves there is no such thing as white crime and there are never sensational stories about white people killing one another (unless they are shooting up a school or something).

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

Hmmm......seems to have hit a nerve.

Why is that?
I'm outraged

How do you want to spin this?

Blacks are evil
Our youth is out of control
Psychos are on the loose

Did you question the Travon Martin or Michael Brown media circuses as "Whites are evil"?

That makes you a hypocrite, doesn't it.

You failed to answer

What spin are you looking for?

I post facts.....and that's what enrages you.
Causes you to lie, too.

Now, let's give you a vocabulary quiz.
Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Where is any truth altered, you dope?
I asked a simple question

What outrage do you wish to see?

Can I expect cut and paste now?
I'm outraged

How do you want to spin this?

Blacks are evil
Our youth is out of control
Psychos are on the loose

Did you question the Travon Martin or Michael Brown media circuses as "Whites are evil"?

That makes you a hypocrite, doesn't it.

You failed to answer

What spin are you looking for?

I post facts.....and that's what enrages you.
Causes you to lie, too.

Now, let's give you a vocabulary quiz.
Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Where is any truth altered, you dope?
I asked a simple question

What outrage do you wish to see?

Can I expect cut and paste now?

What is the problem you have with cut and paste, you hypocrite?
Know the story of the 16-year-old who shot and killed another 16-year-old with a bullet to the face....and then posted a selfie of himself with his victim on social media?

1."PITTSBURGH — A 16-year-old teen is accused of shooting a friend in the face, taking a selfie with the body and sending the photo out on the social media app Snapchat...

2. ....Maxwell Marion Morton is being held in juvenile detention on the charges of first-degree murder of Ryan Managan.

3. Managan’s mother found him dead at their Pittsburgh area home Wednesday, the Tribune-Review reports. He suffered a single-gunshot wound to the face.

4. A friend of Morton’s came forward to police, saying the suspect sent him a photo of he and the apparently dead victim.

5. ....picture allegedly showed the victim sitting in the chair with a wound on his face. Morton allegedly posed behind the victim. Morton also allegedly sent text messages that read, “Told you I cleaned up the shells,” and “Ryan was not the last one.”

6. ....Morton allegedly confessed to the killing. No motive for the shooting was released."
Report 16-year-old murder suspect took selfie with body posted it on social media Q13 FOX News

The story, with all the makings of a sensational and gruesome murder with the added element of the killer smiling with his arm around the dead victim, certainly didn't get the Travon Martin, Michael Brown treatment from the media.....

Can you guess why???

Hint: if Barack Hussein Obama had had a son, he wouldn't have looked like the victim here, Ryan Managan.

Dear PoliticalChic

the difference is ORGANIZATION

* Rosa Parks was not the only Black woman arrested for refusing to give up seats to whites.
* Vernon Johns ALSO tried to start a bus boycott, but it was Parks who people sympathized with and rallied around as a central figure

With other media figures it is MARKETING.
You can hardly compare the talent of some of the less popular stars,
with the ones who get hyped up like Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, etc.

With our political candidates, it's much the same thing -- whoever can stir up the HYPE
and not about their talents or solutions to problems.

Rosa Parks was not the first woman in Montgomery to refuse to get out of her seat so a white man could be comfortable.

"Rosa was aware...that in the last twelve months alone three African-American females had been arrested for the same offense. One incident made the newspapers in March; it even happened on the same bus line. Of four black passengers asked to surrender their seats in no-man's land, two refused--an elderly woman and fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin. 'I done paid my dime,' Colvin had said. 'I ain't got no reason to move.' The elderly woman got off the bus before police arrived. Colvin refused to move, so police dragged her, fighting and crying, to the squad car, where she was rudely handcuffed..."
"Colvin was charged with violating the city segregation law, disorderly conduct, and assault. With the NAACP defending her, she was convicted but fined only for assault, the most absurd of the three trumped-up charges. It was a shrewd ruling; it sent a tough message to blacks while avoiding an NAACP appeal of a clearly unconstitutional law. Afterward, E.D. Nixon, former Pullman porter and [now] president of the local NAACP chapter, met with the indignant young Colvin to determine if she might make a strong plaintiff in a test case. But she had recently become pregnant, which spelled trouble; Nixon knew that Montgomery's church-going blacks would not rally behind an immature, unwed, teenaged mother who was also prone to using profanity."
--From Black Profiles in Courage by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Alan Steinberg, pp.233-234.

In this more complicated version of the story, Rosa Parks is no mere seamstress tuckered out from pressing pants. She has also been for many years a volunteer for the local chapter of the NAACP. She is, in fact, E.D. Nixon's secretary. She knows all about Claudette Colvin and the other women who have been arrested for refusing to give up their seats. She knows when she gets on that bus that E.D. Nixon is looking for a test case, a case he can take all the way to the Supreme Court. What Rosa doesn't know--not until bus driver James Blake, a man Rosa has despised ever since he threw her off the bus in a similar incident ten years earlier, yells, "All right, you *******, I want those seats"--is that she is not going to be a secretary in the case, but the defendant.

If the real Rosa is more politically aware than the mythical one, and if her action happens in context with a pre-existing situation rather than coming like a bolt out of the blue, does that make Rosa less of a hero? Of course not. If we help students understand the realities of the world in which Rosa lived, they can then see how real the dangers were that she faced. The real Rosa remembered how the murderers of Emmet Till were set free by an all-white jury just two months earlier, and how an NAACP activist in Mississippi was murdered just two weeks before she refused to give up her seat. The real Rosa knew her husband may have been right when she told him what she had done and he responded, "The white folks will kill you." The real Rosa was not surprised when she got fired from her job, and her husband too was fired from his job, all because she said no.

But the most important difference between the myth and the reality of the Rosa Parks story lies in what happened after Rosa said no--the bus boycott. In the myth, it seems to happen as if by magic: Rosa gets off the bus, and all black America gets off the bus with her. The fact that her courage instantly inspires everyone seems at once a miracle and also the most natural thing in the world.

It didn't necessarily work that way. Vernon Johns, the fiery black activist pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, who was succeeded in his ministry by Martin Luther King, Jr., once tried to start a bus boycott:

"Johns, then in his sixties and frail, boarded a Montgomery bus and accidentally dropped the dime fare near the driver's feet. 'Uncle,' the driver threatened, get down and pick up that dime and put it in the box.' Johns snapped back, 'I've surrendered the dime. If you want it, all you have to do is bend down and pick it up.' The driver was surprised. He ordered Johns to pick up the dime or get thrown off the bus. Johns calmly turned to the busful of black passengers and suggested they all get off the bus with him, in protest. But no one moved; they were too afraid. Later, when telling [Ralph] Abernathy this story, Johns concluded disgustedly, 'Even God can't free people who act like that.'"
--From Black Profiles in Courage by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Alan Steinberg, p.238.
If Vernon Johns, pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church and one of the best known and most respected black men in Montgomery, could not inspire a bus boycott, how could a mere seamstress? The answer is organization. What Johns did was spur-of-the-moment. What Rosa Parks did was something black activists had carefully planned. They didn't know who would come along to be the spark they needed, or when it would occur, but they knew what they would do when it did occur.
I thought this was a Steve Mcgarble or Methane thread....Eh, I'll never be back...

Try to be articulate an make a point....then I'll shred it.
You know, our usual pattern.
I have tape and glue....but that is not the point...this is the point,,,,

Know the story of the 16-year-old who shot and killed another 16-year-old with a bullet to the face....and then posted a selfie of himself with his victim on social media?

1."PITTSBURGH — A 16-year-old teen is accused of shooting a friend in the face, taking a selfie with the body and sending the photo out on the social media app Snapchat...

2. ....Maxwell Marion Morton is being held in juvenile detention on the charges of first-degree murder of Ryan Managan.

3. Managan’s mother found him dead at their Pittsburgh area home Wednesday, the Tribune-Review reports. He suffered a single-gunshot wound to the face.

4. A friend of Morton’s came forward to police, saying the suspect sent him a photo of he and the apparently dead victim.

5. ....picture allegedly showed the victim sitting in the chair with a wound on his face. Morton allegedly posed behind the victim. Morton also allegedly sent text messages that read, “Told you I cleaned up the shells,” and “Ryan was not the last one.”

6. ....Morton allegedly confessed to the killing. No motive for the shooting was released."
Report 16-year-old murder suspect took selfie with body posted it on social media Q13 FOX News

The story, with all the makings of a sensational and gruesome murder with the added element of the killer smiling with his arm around the dead victim, certainly didn't get the Travon Martin, Michael Brown treatment from the media.....

Can you guess why???

Hint: if Barack Hussein Obama had had a son, he wouldn't have looked like the victim here, Ryan Managan.

Dear PoliticalChic

the difference is ORGANIZATION

* Rosa Parks was not the only Black woman arrested for refusing to give up seats to whites.
* Vernon Johns ALSO tried to start a bus boycott, but it was Parks who people sympathized with and rallied around as a central figure

With other media figures it is MARKETING.
You can hardly compare the talent of some of the less popular stars,
with the ones who get hyped up like Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, etc.

With our political candidates, it's much the same thing -- whoever can stir up the HYPE
and not about their talents or solutions to problems.

Rosa Parks was not the first woman in Montgomery to refuse to get out of her seat so a white man could be comfortable.

"Rosa was aware...that in the last twelve months alone three African-American females had been arrested for the same offense. One incident made the newspapers in March; it even happened on the same bus line. Of four black passengers asked to surrender their seats in no-man's land, two refused--an elderly woman and fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin. 'I done paid my dime,' Colvin had said. 'I ain't got no reason to move.' The elderly woman got off the bus before police arrived. Colvin refused to move, so police dragged her, fighting and crying, to the squad car, where she was rudely handcuffed..."
"Colvin was charged with violating the city segregation law, disorderly conduct, and assault. With the NAACP defending her, she was convicted but fined only for assault, the most absurd of the three trumped-up charges. It was a shrewd ruling; it sent a tough message to blacks while avoiding an NAACP appeal of a clearly unconstitutional law. Afterward, E.D. Nixon, former Pullman porter and [now] president of the local NAACP chapter, met with the indignant young Colvin to determine if she might make a strong plaintiff in a test case. But she had recently become pregnant, which spelled trouble; Nixon knew that Montgomery's church-going blacks would not rally behind an immature, unwed, teenaged mother who was also prone to using profanity."
--From Black Profiles in Courage by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Alan Steinberg, pp.233-234.

In this more complicated version of the story, Rosa Parks is no mere seamstress tuckered out from pressing pants. She has also been for many years a volunteer for the local chapter of the NAACP. She is, in fact, E.D. Nixon's secretary. She knows all about Claudette Colvin and the other women who have been arrested for refusing to give up their seats. She knows when she gets on that bus that E.D. Nixon is looking for a test case, a case he can take all the way to the Supreme Court. What Rosa doesn't know--not until bus driver James Blake, a man Rosa has despised ever since he threw her off the bus in a similar incident ten years earlier, yells, "All right, you *******, I want those seats"--is that she is not going to be a secretary in the case, but the defendant.

If the real Rosa is more politically aware than the mythical one, and if her action happens in context with a pre-existing situation rather than coming like a bolt out of the blue, does that make Rosa less of a hero? Of course not. If we help students understand the realities of the world in which Rosa lived, they can then see how real the dangers were that she faced. The real Rosa remembered how the murderers of Emmet Till were set free by an all-white jury just two months earlier, and how an NAACP activist in Mississippi was murdered just two weeks before she refused to give up her seat. The real Rosa knew her husband may have been right when she told him what she had done and he responded, "The white folks will kill you." The real Rosa was not surprised when she got fired from her job, and her husband too was fired from his job, all because she said no.

But the most important difference between the myth and the reality of the Rosa Parks story lies in what happened after Rosa said no--the bus boycott. In the myth, it seems to happen as if by magic: Rosa gets off the bus, and all black America gets off the bus with her. The fact that her courage instantly inspires everyone seems at once a miracle and also the most natural thing in the world.

It didn't necessarily work that way. Vernon Johns, the fiery black activist pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, who was succeeded in his ministry by Martin Luther King, Jr., once tried to start a bus boycott:

"Johns, then in his sixties and frail, boarded a Montgomery bus and accidentally dropped the dime fare near the driver's feet. 'Uncle,' the driver threatened, get down and pick up that dime and put it in the box.' Johns snapped back, 'I've surrendered the dime. If you want it, all you have to do is bend down and pick it up.' The driver was surprised. He ordered Johns to pick up the dime or get thrown off the bus. Johns calmly turned to the busful of black passengers and suggested they all get off the bus with him, in protest. But no one moved; they were too afraid. Later, when telling [Ralph] Abernathy this story, Johns concluded disgustedly, 'Even God can't free people who act like that.'"
--From Black Profiles in Courage by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Alan Steinberg, p.238.
If Vernon Johns, pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church and one of the best known and most respected black men in Montgomery, could not inspire a bus boycott, how could a mere seamstress? The answer is organization. What Johns did was spur-of-the-moment. What Rosa Parks did was something black activists had carefully planned. They didn't know who would come along to be the spark they needed, or when it would occur, but they knew what they would do when it did occur.

It appears you've stumbled onto the wrong thread.

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