Why Must Socialist Dems Attempt To Use Legislation To FORCE Me To Adopt Their Personal Choices?

Ain’t all legislation just forcing popular beliefs on others ?
it's called conservatism Timmy!!!! less government way to go!!!!!

creating more immigration government
creating more abortion government
creating more healthcare government
creating more government PERIOD.

RW hypocrisy be thy name .....
I don't want any of that shit. get rid of roe vs wade, excellent. get rid of immigration law and we'll defend our own border great
get fking government out of my personal health choices thank you
No more government, let's go junior start pushing your side.

exactly -

creating legislation to support your talking points.


I supposed you wrote what one writes when one loses the debate. it's all I can come up with for your stupid post.
Where’s the socialism?
Socialism is the government forcing everyone to do something they normally wouldn't do.

So like if I don't want to fund farmers lives with my tax money and someone says "sorry, we are giving them billions of dollars whether you like it or not since their soybeans arent selling"... That's socialism?

Or telling women what they can do with their bodies .
Where’s the socialism?
Socialism is the government forcing everyone to do something they normally wouldn't do.

No it’s not . But hey let’s go with it . Can you give me a real life example . Here in America .
Socialism.....by definition.....is government ownership of all business and or property.
Socialism is not free stuff forever like Millenials think.
Where’s the socialism?
Socialism is the government forcing everyone to do something they normally wouldn't do.

So like if I don't want to fund farmers lives with my tax money and someone says "sorry, we are giving them billions of dollars whether you like it or not since their soybeans arent selling"... That's socialism?
That's the kind of socialism they have in Germany.
Bill Gates paid 10 billion dollars in taxes. he thinks he should pay more, as does Howie Schultz. discuss...
Where’s the socialism?
Socialism is the government forcing everyone to do something they normally wouldn't do.

So like if I don't want to fund farmers lives with my tax money and someone says "sorry, we are giving them billions of dollars whether you like it or not since their soybeans arent selling"... That's socialism?

Or telling women what they can do with their bodies .
That's the kind of socialism in the UK

Vegan Sexual Assaulter Cory 'I Am Spartacus' Booker:

Booker rushed to wrap his arms around AOC's demented 'Green New Fantasy'. claiming he is all on board and supports it...especially the part about 'The War On Cow Farts'!

Unfortunately his enthusiasm for fighting cow farts led him to go on a Vegan rant, one in which he shared the following:

“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet. We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.”

Copy - Spartacus is pissed that there is a huge global preference for eating MEAT instead of eating what meat eats.

The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”

Copy - Spartacus says the world can not go on eating meat because cow farts are going to destroy us all and the world as we know it.

"Besides convincing the masses to give up meat, Booker has other legislative goals that would interfere with America’s eating habits."

Copy - like with all Socialists / Liberals, Spartacus is not happy living his life and making his own choices. No, Spartacus wants to impose legislation that would force all of US to adopt HIS personal choices and preferences. (Cory believes he is smarter than you and can make personal decisions on how to live your life better that you can.)

“Legislatively, I want to continue to be a part of a movement of folk who are fighting against corporate interests that are undermining the public good and the public welfare”

AGAIN, Spartacus wants to be part of the Socialist movement that dictates to others how they should live their lives, to shape and control 'the public good and morale welfare' as Socialist Democrats define those terms.

I am sure Spartacus, like all Socialist Democrats, has 'the nation's best interests in mind' in regards to his intentions of designing, defining, imposing, and forcing his and his fellow Socialists' perfect Utopian Society. (1. I am sure Venezuela did not intend for their dipping their toes into the stream of socialism to destroy the strongest economy in South America and leave them broke and eating their pets to survive right now.)

(2. Democrats always want to be judged on their 'intentions' and never on the 'results'...mainly because the results usually turn out so f*ed up.)

I would prefer, however, that Spartacus 'slow his roll' for a moment and take the time to read the US Constitution again...if he ever did...and get re-acquainted to the concepts, principles, and beliefs on which this nation was founded - LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, FREEDOM, and DEMOCRACY....

....Then back the hell away from my ribeye!

If Spartacus wants to be a Vegan and eat what cows eat...good for him. Me. I'm going to eat the cow.

If Spartacus is afraid of cow farts, eating what cows eat isn't going to stop cows from farting. If Spartacus promises t leave me alone and promises NOT to try to impose his Socialist agenda and choices on me I can promise him I will do more than my fair share to solve the cow fart problem by eating more than my share of steak!

Vegan Cory Booker Says Meat Eaters’ Days Are Numbered
Talk about a snowflake! Man you are all shook up about nothing!

Vegan Sexual Assaulter Cory 'I Am Spartacus' Booker:

Booker rushed to wrap his arms around AOC's demented 'Green New Fantasy'. claiming he is all on board and supports it...especially the part about 'The War On Cow Farts'!

Unfortunately his enthusiasm for fighting cow farts led him to go on a Vegan rant, one in which he shared the following:

“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet. We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.”

Copy - Spartacus is pissed that there is a huge global preference for eating MEAT instead of eating what meat eats.

The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”

Copy - Spartacus says the world can not go on eating meat because cow farts are going to destroy us all and the world as we know it.

"Besides convincing the masses to give up meat, Booker has other legislative goals that would interfere with America’s eating habits."

Copy - like with all Socialists / Liberals, Spartacus is not happy living his life and making his own choices. No, Spartacus wants to impose legislation that would force all of US to adopt HIS personal choices and preferences. (Cory believes he is smarter than you and can make personal decisions on how to live your life better that you can.)

“Legislatively, I want to continue to be a part of a movement of folk who are fighting against corporate interests that are undermining the public good and the public welfare”

AGAIN, Spartacus wants to be part of the Socialist movement that dictates to others how they should live their lives, to shape and control 'the public good and morale welfare' as Socialist Democrats define those terms.

I am sure Spartacus, like all Socialist Democrats, has 'the nation's best interests in mind' in regards to his intentions of designing, defining, imposing, and forcing his and his fellow Socialists' perfect Utopian Society. (1. I am sure Venezuela did not intend for their dipping their toes into the stream of socialism to destroy the strongest economy in South America and leave them broke and eating their pets to survive right now.)

(2. Democrats always want to be judged on their 'intentions' and never on the 'results'...mainly because the results usually turn out so f*ed up.)

I would prefer, however, that Spartacus 'slow his roll' for a moment and take the time to read the US Constitution again...if he ever did...and get re-acquainted to the concepts, principles, and beliefs on which this nation was founded - LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, FREEDOM, and DEMOCRACY....

....Then back the hell away from my ribeye!

If Spartacus wants to be a Vegan and eat what cows eat...good for him. Me. I'm going to eat the cow.

If Spartacus is afraid of cow farts, eating what cows eat isn't going to stop cows from farting. If Spartacus promises t leave me alone and promises NOT to try to impose his Socialist agenda and choices on me I can promise him I will do more than my fair share to solve the cow fart problem by eating more than my share of steak!

Vegan Cory Booker Says Meat Eaters’ Days Are Numbered
[Rhetorical] Why must conservatives endlessly lie.
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Vegan Sexual Assaulter Cory 'I Am Spartacus' Booker:

Booker rushed to wrap his arms around AOC's demented 'Green New Fantasy'. claiming he is all on board and supports it...especially the part about 'The War On Cow Farts'!

Unfortunately his enthusiasm for fighting cow farts led him to go on a Vegan rant, one in which he shared the following:

“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet. We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.”

Copy - Spartacus is pissed that there is a huge global preference for eating MEAT instead of eating what meat eats.

The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”

Copy - Spartacus says the world can not go on eating meat because cow farts are going to destroy us all and the world as we know it.

"Besides convincing the masses to give up meat, Booker has other legislative goals that would interfere with America’s eating habits."

Copy - like with all Socialists / Liberals, Spartacus is not happy living his life and making his own choices. No, Spartacus wants to impose legislation that would force all of US to adopt HIS personal choices and preferences. (Cory believes he is smarter than you and can make personal decisions on how to live your life better that you can.)

“Legislatively, I want to continue to be a part of a movement of folk who are fighting against corporate interests that are undermining the public good and the public welfare”

AGAIN, Spartacus wants to be part of the Socialist movement that dictates to others how they should live their lives, to shape and control 'the public good and morale welfare' as Socialist Democrats define those terms.

I am sure Spartacus, like all Socialist Democrats, has 'the nation's best interests in mind' in regards to his intentions of designing, defining, imposing, and forcing his and his fellow Socialists' perfect Utopian Society. (1. I am sure Venezuela did not intend for their dipping their toes into the stream of socialism to destroy the strongest economy in South America and leave them broke and eating their pets to survive right now.)

(2. Democrats always want to be judged on their 'intentions' and never on the 'results'...mainly because the results usually turn out so f*ed up.)

I would prefer, however, that Spartacus 'slow his roll' for a moment and take the time to read the US Constitution again...if he ever did...and get re-acquainted to the concepts, principles, and beliefs on which this nation was founded - LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, FREEDOM, and DEMOCRACY....

....Then back the hell away from my ribeye!

If Spartacus wants to be a Vegan and eat what cows eat...good for him. Me. I'm going to eat the cow.

If Spartacus is afraid of cow farts, eating what cows eat isn't going to stop cows from farting. If Spartacus promises t leave me alone and promises NOT to try to impose his Socialist agenda and choices on me I can promise him I will do more than my fair share to solve the cow fart problem by eating more than my share of steak!

Vegan Cory Booker Says Meat Eaters’ Days Are Numbered
[Rhetorical] Why must conservatives endlessly lie.
I don't know.
However, we know exactly why liberals endlessly lie......because the truth destroys their plans.

Vegan Sexual Assaulter Cory 'I Am Spartacus' Booker:

Booker rushed to wrap his arms around AOC's demented 'Green New Fantasy'. claiming he is all on board and supports it...especially the part about 'The War On Cow Farts'!

Unfortunately his enthusiasm for fighting cow farts led him to go on a Vegan rant, one in which he shared the following:

“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet. We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.”

Copy - Spartacus is pissed that there is a huge global preference for eating MEAT instead of eating what meat eats.

The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”

Copy - Spartacus says the world can not go on eating meat because cow farts are going to destroy us all and the world as we know it.

"Besides convincing the masses to give up meat, Booker has other legislative goals that would interfere with America’s eating habits."

Copy - like with all Socialists / Liberals, Spartacus is not happy living his life and making his own choices. No, Spartacus wants to impose legislation that would force all of US to adopt HIS personal choices and preferences. (Cory believes he is smarter than you and can make personal decisions on how to live your life better that you can.)

“Legislatively, I want to continue to be a part of a movement of folk who are fighting against corporate interests that are undermining the public good and the public welfare”

AGAIN, Spartacus wants to be part of the Socialist movement that dictates to others how they should live their lives, to shape and control 'the public good and morale welfare' as Socialist Democrats define those terms.

I am sure Spartacus, like all Socialist Democrats, has 'the nation's best interests in mind' in regards to his intentions of designing, defining, imposing, and forcing his and his fellow Socialists' perfect Utopian Society. (1. I am sure Venezuela did not intend for their dipping their toes into the stream of socialism to destroy the strongest economy in South America and leave them broke and eating their pets to survive right now.)

(2. Democrats always want to be judged on their 'intentions' and never on the 'results'...mainly because the results usually turn out so f*ed up.)

I would prefer, however, that Spartacus 'slow his roll' for a moment and take the time to read the US Constitution again...if he ever did...and get re-acquainted to the concepts, principles, and beliefs on which this nation was founded - LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, FREEDOM, and DEMOCRACY....

....Then back the hell away from my ribeye!

If Spartacus wants to be a Vegan and eat what cows eat...good for him. Me. I'm going to eat the cow.

If Spartacus is afraid of cow farts, eating what cows eat isn't going to stop cows from farting. If Spartacus promises t leave me alone and promises NOT to try to impose his Socialist agenda and choices on me I can promise him I will do more than my fair share to solve the cow fart problem by eating more than my share of steak!

Vegan Cory Booker Says Meat Eaters’ Days Are Numbered
[Rhetorical] Why must conservatives endlessly lie.
Why must Democrats avoid the facts and the conversation...like you just did, snowflake?

Booker himself just stated he ... and other Democrats ... are pursuing - and will continue to do so - legislation that will FORCE Americans to adopt THEIR personal choices and their Liberal agenda.

Are you going to try to DENY Democrats do this?

...After Barak Obama imposed his minority-supported socialist agenda-pushing Obamacare based on lies and backed by a monetary punishment (they called a tax) against any American who refused to buy a product mandated by the Federal government?

...After Andrew Cuomo's 'Soda Tax', designed to control people's personal choice of how much they CAN drink?


As I mentioned...and demonstrated...it is all about 'CONTROL'. Democrats / Liberals are cut from the same cloth as Venezuela's Maduro - they all seek power and the ability to CONTROL others. Obama demonstrated That desire. Cuomo has. Booker just did.

Our Founding Fathers were about freedom, freedom for someone to live their life without being oppressed, controlled, or told how they have to live their life. That's what the Constitution is all about, and that is why the Constitution LIMITS the power of the Federal Government....

...so controlling Liberal asshole dictator-wanna-bes can't tell me what I can and can't say, can't tell me how I can or can't exercise my religious freedom, can't tell me I have to buy a certain product or be punished for not obeying, and can't tell me I can't eat a friggin' cheeseburger if I want.

'Why do Conservatives lie?'

We don't. We just state facts / the truth, which makes socialist-loving snowflakes so uncomfortable they have to falsely accuse others, attack them, or try to derail the conversation.
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Vegan Sexual Assaulter Cory 'I Am Spartacus' Booker:

Booker rushed to wrap his arms around AOC's demented 'Green New Fantasy'. claiming he is all on board and supports it...especially the part about 'The War On Cow Farts'!

Unfortunately his enthusiasm for fighting cow farts led him to go on a Vegan rant, one in which he shared the following:

“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet. We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.”

Copy - Spartacus is pissed that there is a huge global preference for eating MEAT instead of eating what meat eats.

The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”

Copy - Spartacus says the world can not go on eating meat because cow farts are going to destroy us all and the world as we know it.

"Besides convincing the masses to give up meat, Booker has other legislative goals that would interfere with America’s eating habits."

Copy - like with all Socialists / Liberals, Spartacus is not happy living his life and making his own choices. No, Spartacus wants to impose legislation that would force all of US to adopt HIS personal choices and preferences. (Cory believes he is smarter than you and can make personal decisions on how to live your life better that you can.)

“Legislatively, I want to continue to be a part of a movement of folk who are fighting against corporate interests that are undermining the public good and the public welfare”

AGAIN, Spartacus wants to be part of the Socialist movement that dictates to others how they should live their lives, to shape and control 'the public good and morale welfare' as Socialist Democrats define those terms.

I am sure Spartacus, like all Socialist Democrats, has 'the nation's best interests in mind' in regards to his intentions of designing, defining, imposing, and forcing his and his fellow Socialists' perfect Utopian Society. (1. I am sure Venezuela did not intend for their dipping their toes into the stream of socialism to destroy the strongest economy in South America and leave them broke and eating their pets to survive right now.)

(2. Democrats always want to be judged on their 'intentions' and never on the 'results'...mainly because the results usually turn out so f*ed up.)

I would prefer, however, that Spartacus 'slow his roll' for a moment and take the time to read the US Constitution again...if he ever did...and get re-acquainted to the concepts, principles, and beliefs on which this nation was founded - LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, FREEDOM, and DEMOCRACY....

....Then back the hell away from my ribeye!

If Spartacus wants to be a Vegan and eat what cows eat...good for him. Me. I'm going to eat the cow.

If Spartacus is afraid of cow farts, eating what cows eat isn't going to stop cows from farting. If Spartacus promises t leave me alone and promises NOT to try to impose his Socialist agenda and choices on me I can promise him I will do more than my fair share to solve the cow fart problem by eating more than my share of steak!

Vegan Cory Booker Says Meat Eaters’ Days Are Numbered
[Rhetorical] Why must conservatives endlessly lie.
Why must Democrats avoid the facts and the conversation...like you just did, snowflake?

Booker himself just stated he (and other Democrats) are pursuing - and will continue to do so - legislation that will FORCE Americans to adopt THEIR personal choices and their Liberal agenda.

Are you going to try to DENY Democrats do this?

...After Barak Obama imposed his minority-supported socialist agenda-pushing Obamacare based on lies and backed by a monetary punishment (they called a tax) against any American who refused to buy a product mandated by the Federal government?

...After Andrew Cuomo's 'Soda Tax', designed to control people's personal choice of how much they want to drink?


As I mentioned...and demonstrated...it is all about 'CONTROL'. Democrats / Liberals are cut from the same cloth as Venezuela's Maduro - they all seek power and the ability to CONTROL others. Obama demonstrated That desire. Cuomo has. Booker just did.

Our Founding Fathers were about freedom, freedom for someone to live their life without being oppressed, controlled, or told how they have to live their life. That's what the Constitution is all a=bout, and that is why the Constitution LIMITS the power of the Federal Government....

So controlling Liberal asshole dictator-wanna-bes can't tell me what I can and can't say, can't tell me how I can or can't exercise my religious freedom, can't tell me I have to buy a certain product or be punished for not obeying, and can't tell me I can't eat a friggin' cheeseburger if I want.

'Why do Conservatives lie?'

We don't. We just state facts / the truth, which makes socialist-loving snowflakes so uncomfortable they have to falsely accuse others, attack them, or try to derail the conversation.

Correctamundo Easy!

QUESTION————> when Conservatives lower taxes, does that stop high taxing Leftists from paying MORE if they want to?


But if we reverse it and have Leftists increase taxes, can Conservatives just opt out!

Point is——> Leftists are all about FORCE. They need the government power to force people to do, what they would not do by choice. To do this they HIDE their real agenda as long as possible.

Doubt me? Think Leftists are NOT hiding the truth from the public?

Then take a look at all the countries over 15 million people that the Left tells you they want to emulate cause they are wonderful. Now look at their middle income earners tax rates!

Why are they all around 50% or higher?

Because the rich don’t have enough money to finance what the Left wants to do, they want YOu to finance it, but misdirect you by claiming the rich will do it. They are phony! I know it, they know it, and now YOU know it!

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