Why many Americans hate Russia?

This question goes out specifically to nationalists not liberals though

Why is Stalin worse then Hitler? Why so many nationalists have high respect for Hitler but dislike Stalin. The eastern communists werent solely cultural-marxists as the eqvivalent in the west nowadays. They didnt had LGBTQ propaganda and thousand gender identities. They didnt had mass immigration and they were nationalist, maybe not racialist but they were patriotic think of the military parades and leader worship also that the people rule "rule of the people" and own the means of production. Well the eastern block had more then only Whites, but thats because Russia is partly in asia and there always have been asians and such there but they didnt imported masses of migrants. They had border controll and protection. Similar as Chinas economy isnt solely marxist and the chinese are also nationalist. As foreigner you cant get chinese citizenship or very hard not even if you are Born there, only in very rare cases and yet it is a communist country. The communists were internationalists as oppossed to nationalists but their nationalism was based on solidarity of the people across the globe and to install socialist governments in eatch country and cooperation not on free for all open borders. I rather blame the neo-liberals for the free for all open borders, and the capital and huge corporations. The communists also put high value on work and progress. The only thing I blame them for is their anti-Religion stance and anti-culture stance that they destroyed cultural heritage like in China and Russia. Well it was because they believed in progressivism of technology and society. But the nazis did similar and hold similar beliefs, the nazis were also revolutionaries not reactionaries yet the nationalists respect them and like them. Any opinions?

90 % of US-citizens do not know Russia defeated Hitler. 50% of them have problem to explain who was Stalin.30 % do not know were is Europa. Folks in USA have been deliberately dumbed down, they can simple not understand you what do you talking about.

Absurd and silly.
Russia did not defeat Hitler.

The discussion is finished.You are totally wrong
This question goes out specifically to nationalists not liberals though

Why is Stalin worse then Hitler? Why so many nationalists have high respect for Hitler but dislike Stalin. The eastern communists werent solely cultural-marxists as the eqvivalent in the west nowadays. They didnt had LGBTQ propaganda and thousand gender identities. They didnt had mass immigration and they were nationalist, maybe not racialist but they were patriotic think of the military parades and leader worship also that the people rule "rule of the people" and own the means of production. Well the eastern block had more then only Whites, but thats because Russia is partly in asia and there always have been asians and such there but they didnt imported masses of migrants. They had border controll and protection. Similar as Chinas economy isnt solely marxist and the chinese are also nationalist. As foreigner you cant get chinese citizenship or very hard not even if you are Born there, only in very rare cases and yet it is a communist country. The communists were internationalists as oppossed to nationalists but their nationalism was based on solidarity of the people across the globe and to install socialist governments in eatch country and cooperation not on free for all open borders. I rather blame the neo-liberals for the free for all open borders, and the capital and huge corporations. The communists also put high value on work and progress. The only thing I blame them for is their anti-Religion stance and anti-culture stance that they destroyed cultural heritage like in China and Russia. Well it was because they believed in progressivism of technology and society. But the nazis did similar and hold similar beliefs, the nazis were also revolutionaries not reactionaries yet the nationalists respect them and like them. Any opinions?

90 % of US-citizens do not know Russia defeated Hitler. 50% of them have problem to explain who was Stalin.30 % do not know were is Europa. Folks in USA have been deliberately dumbed down, they can simple not understand you what do you talking about.
/——/ Because it’s glossed over in school and most have no intellectual curiosity about WWII. It takes a ton of reading which many find boring. My colleague can rattle off baseball stats all day long but thinks the American civil war was in 1920. And Japan was allied with the US in WWII. Never heard of VJ Day of VE Day, No joke.

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