Why Jews “Recoil from the GOP”


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
A good article explaining why

'Today’s Republican Party repels a majority of American Jews. In the article, Goldberg explained that the Republican Party’s coziness with radical Christian factions makes Jews uneasy. She criticized Republican claims that Jews are leaving the Democratic Party as one of the “perennial canards of American political commentary.” Using historical facts about Jewish voting patterns, she emphasized that the majority of Jewish voters are unlikely to vote Republican because many in the GOP define America as a Christian nation and advance extreme right wing policies intended to achieve that conception of America.'

Goldberg explained why the values of the Republican Party conflict with those of most American Jewish voters

Michelle Goldberg Explains Why Jews Recoil from the GOP NJDC Blog
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Long as the GOP lets itself be linked to the Christian Right no one but Christians and stupid people are gonna join their little club.

Without Islam Jews and Christians would be at each others' throats. Pretending we love each other is for the sake of appearences. "Hug me hard, Muslims are watching." :)
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Think Again: Jews Are Still Liberal

Conservatives, it turns out, have very little to offer most American Jews today, even less than in the past. Regarding key social and cultural issues, conservatives’ beliefs regarding reproductive rights, immigration, or equal rights for gay and transgender people are all anathema to most Jews; so too is their desire to tear down the wall that America’s founders purposely constructed between politics and official religion.

Jews Are Still Liberal Center for American Progress
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81 percent of (Jewish) respondents supported the Buffett Rule for increasing taxes on millionaires. Nearly three-fourths agreed with the statement that the American economic system "unfairly favors the wealthy." A majority of those with household incomes over $125,000 a year said they’d be willing to pay more taxes to support programs for the poor.

And according to previous surveys, most Jews do not even support a hard-line conservative policy vis-à-vis Israel and the Palestinians. In 2010 the pro-peace, pro-Israel group J Streetconducted a poll and found that 71 percent of American Jews who were questioned supported the United States “exerting pressure” on all parties in the Palestinian conflict, including Israel. A clear majority also supported the belief that an American administration should publicly disagree with the Israeli government when it felt it had a different view.
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Long as the GOP lets itself be linked to the Christian Right no one but Christians and stupid people are gonna join their little club.

Without Islam Jews and Christians would be at each others' throats. Pretending we love each other is for the sake of appearences. "Hug me hard, Muslims are watching." :)

You are so right.
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.

ignorant goyim, no matter how you try to twist it the germans were christers
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Pew finds Jews mostly liberal

One of the most interesting findings of the respected Pew Research Center’s poll of American Jews was the continuing theme of Jewish liberalism and approval of Barack Obama’s performance — a vote of confidence in the president exceeded only by that of African-American Protestants and Hispanic Catholics.

“Jews are among the most strongly liberal, Democratic groups in U.S. politics,” the Pew report said. “There are more than twice as many self-identified Jewish liberals as conservatives, while among the general public, this balance is nearly reversed. In addition, about seven-in-ten Jews identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. Jews are more supportive of President Barack Obama than are most other religious groups. And about eight-in-ten Jews say homosexuality should be accepted by society.”

Pew finds Jews mostly liberal Bill Boyarsky Jewish Journal
Jews are mostly liberal. With obumble supporting terrorist attacks against Jews they might remain liberal and still not vote democrat.
A good article explaining why

'Today’s Republican Party repels a majority of American Jews. In the article, Goldberg explained that the Republican Party’s coziness with radical Christian factions makes Jews uneasy. She criticized Republican claims that Jews are leaving the Democratic Party as one of the “perennial canards of American political commentary.” Using historical facts about Jewish voting patterns, she emphasized that the majority of Jewish voters are unlikely to vote Republican because many in the GOP define America as a Christian nation and advance extreme right wing policies intended to achieve that conception of America.'

Goldberg explained why the values of the Republican Party conflict with those of most American Jewish voters

Michelle Goldberg Explains Why Jews Recoil from the GOP NJDC Blog

From the OP link:

That fact is, many American Jews might consider voting for ‘someone else,’ but only a fraction would consider voting for the type of person that the GOP is likely to nominate. American Jews have shown, again and again, that they care more about social justice and a defense of American pluralism than a zealous defense of Israeli maximalism. They might get anxious about liberal criticism of Israel, but this anxiety tends to pale beside their abhorrence of the Christian right.

Republican politics have never been so fully Christianized. The Tea Party was initially mischaracterized as a libertarian movement, but it is deeply imbued with religious fundamentalism, and polls show that a majority of its members believe that the United States is a Christian nation...

...Fast forward to the first George W. Bush campaign. Once again, Republicans had a candidate whose fierce Zionism derived from his evangelical convictions. And once again, Republican strategists thought they had a shot with American Jews. A Jewish Telegraphic Agency story asked, ‘Can George W. Bush Win the Jewish Vote?’

The answer, of course, was no-Al Gore won 79 percent of the Jewish electorate...

...Whoever is ultimately the nominee, we can be sure that he or she will reiterate Romney’s accusation that Obama has ‘thrown Israel under a bus.’ We can be sure that he or she will support the religious right’s agenda in domestic politics. And we can be relatively certain of what will matter most to Jewish voters.


It should be noted that this write-up was published before Mitt Romney (R- pick a home state) was nominated.
Jews are mostly liberal. With obumble supporting terrorist attacks against Jews they might remain liberal and still not vote democrat.

Brilliant display of ignorance.

Put the bong down, take two steps away from the gin bottle.
That was an excellent refutation of the facts. It perfectly explains why obumble refuses to consider the deli attack in Paris a terrorist attack. It also illuminates the democrat infatuation with the architect of the Crown Heights riot.
No one has articulated why Jews are liberal and progressive better than the non-Jewish historian Paul Johnson: "To [the Jews] we owe the idea of equality before the law, the sanctity of life and the dignity of human person; of the individual conscience and so a personal redemption; of collective conscience and so of social responsibility; of peace as an abstract ideal and love as the foundation of justice, and many other items which constitute the basic moral furniture of the human mind." In other words, Judaism is an ideology devoted to the betterment of the human condition based upon values and goals that are fundamentally liberal.

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