Why Israel Fights The Peaceful Religion


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Israel fights because of the Islamic Clerics like this one from Kuwait. He wants all Muslims to be like Hamas. Obviously the guy is as deranged as he is ugly.

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I would suggest you take every Memri translation with a pinch of salt.
They have every reason to distort meaning and do so with great enthusiasm.

Apart from that, I am sure you are right. Israelis will often find they are fighting due to bad propaganda. But also, some Arabs, even some powerful Arabs will hold extreme views. There is over a billion of 'em for godssake!

Specifically I would take issue with the translation to the word "battle". A better word would be "struggle". And 'death' seems to be a substitution of some sort.

Very interesting that he is talking about civil methods of resistance, being sales and economy driven, rather than bombs and bullets. Surely civil resistance is very respectable?

Also note that Hamas do not usually fire rockets towards Ben Gurion Airport or the 3 water desalination plants nearby. It seems that that is something Hamas has done just once. Why?
They seem to be happy to have token rocket fire, not ones which really shut down Israel.

Also I see that he sees defeat of Zionism as falling to future generations. Not now then.

The constant cutting and editing of the piece seems to give incredible opportunity to put every statement out of context, or to eliminate connected comments, which are likely to say what ISN'T expected or permissible. Such as behaving to Zionists as Zionists have behaved towards Palestinians.

Basically, you have served up another Memri hatchet job Hoss.

Never mind. I am sure you were not to know. :)
I would suggest you take every Memri translation with a pinch of salt.
They have every reason to distort meaning and do so with great enthusiasm.

Apart from that, I am sure you are right. Israelis will often find they are fighting due to bad propaganda. But also, some Arabs, even some powerful Arabs will hold extreme views. There is over a billion of 'em for godssake!

Specifically I would take issue with the translation to the word "battle". A better word would be "struggle". And 'death' seems to be a substitution of some sort.

Very interesting that he is talking about civil methods of resistance, being sales and economy driven, rather than bombs and bullets. Surely civil resistance is very respectable?

Also note that Hamas do not usually fire rockets towards Ben Gurion Airport or the 3 water desalination plants nearby. It seems that that is something Hamas has done just once. Why?
They seem to be happy to have token rocket fire, not ones which really shut down Israel.

Also I see that he sees defeat of Zionism as falling to future generations. Not now then.

The constant cutting and editing of the piece seems to give incredible opportunity to put every statement out of context, or to eliminate connected comments, which are likely to say what ISN'T expected or permissible. Such as behaving to Zionists as Zionists have behaved towards Palestinians.

Basically, you have served up another Memri hatchet job Hoss.

Never mind. I am sure you were not to know. :)

Except ****, there are others who are also fluent in arabic, and his tonality and words chosen are not quite what you claim.

Fucking morons like this seem to think they can attack a fucking translation service, as if arabic is some language no one else besides they speak :cuckoo:
I would suggest you take every Memri translation with a pinch of salt.
They have every reason to distort meaning and do so with great enthusiasm.

Apart from that, I am sure you are right. Israelis will often find they are fighting due to bad propaganda. But also, some Arabs, even some powerful Arabs will hold extreme views. There is over a billion of 'em for godssake!

Specifically I would take issue with the translation to the word "battle". A better word would be "struggle". And 'death' seems to be a substitution of some sort.

Very interesting that he is talking about civil methods of resistance, being sales and economy driven, rather than bombs and bullets. Surely civil resistance is very respectable?

Also note that Hamas do not usually fire rockets towards Ben Gurion Airport or the 3 water desalination plants nearby. It seems that that is something Hamas has done just once. Why?
They seem to be happy to have token rocket fire, not ones which really shut down Israel.

Also I see that he sees defeat of Zionism as falling to future generations. Not now then.

The constant cutting and editing of the piece seems to give incredible opportunity to put every statement out of context, or to eliminate connected comments, which are likely to say what ISN'T expected or permissible. Such as behaving to Zionists as Zionists have behaved towards Palestinians.

Basically, you have served up another Memri hatchet job Hoss.

Never mind. I am sure you were not to know. :)

That sure is a lot of words without saying anything :lol:

So, is there a mistake in the translation, or are you just spouting drivel as usual?
My guess is the latter..
I would suggest you take every Memri translation with a pinch of salt.
They have every reason to distort meaning and do so with great enthusiasm.

Apart from that, I am sure you are right. Israelis will often find they are fighting due to bad propaganda. But also, some Arabs, even some powerful Arabs will hold extreme views. There is over a billion of 'em for godssake!

Specifically I would take issue with the translation to the word "battle". A better word would be "struggle". And 'death' seems to be a substitution of some sort.

Very interesting that he is talking about civil methods of resistance, being sales and economy driven, rather than bombs and bullets. Surely civil resistance is very respectable?

Also note that Hamas do not usually fire rockets towards Ben Gurion Airport or the 3 water desalination plants nearby. It seems that that is something Hamas has done just once. Why?
They seem to be happy to have token rocket fire, not ones which really shut down Israel.

Also I see that he sees defeat of Zionism as falling to future generations. Not now then.

The constant cutting and editing of the piece seems to give incredible opportunity to put every statement out of context, or to eliminate connected comments, which are likely to say what ISN'T expected or permissible. Such as behaving to Zionists as Zionists have behaved towards Palestinians.

Basically, you have served up another Memri hatchet job Hoss.

Never mind. I am sure you were not to know. :)

Except ****, there are others who are also fluent in arabic, and his tonality and words chosen are not quite what you claim.

Fucking morons like this seem to think they can attack a fucking translation service, as if arabic is some language no one else besides they speak :cuckoo:

The Poster is a Anti Semetic Racist Moron. Yes, there are over a Billion but so what? Look at what went on in Syria and other places all over the World . Look at ISIS.
I would suggest you take every Memri translation with a pinch of salt.
They have every reason to distort meaning and do so with great enthusiasm.

Apart from that, I am sure you are right. Israelis will often find they are fighting due to bad propaganda. But also, some Arabs, even some powerful Arabs will hold extreme views. There is over a billion of 'em for godssake!

Specifically I would take issue with the translation to the word "battle". A better word would be "struggle". And 'death' seems to be a substitution of some sort.

Very interesting that he is talking about civil methods of resistance, being sales and economy driven, rather than bombs and bullets. Surely civil resistance is very respectable?

Also note that Hamas do not usually fire rockets towards Ben Gurion Airport or the 3 water desalination plants nearby. It seems that that is something Hamas has done just once. Why?
They seem to be happy to have token rocket fire, not ones which really shut down Israel.

Also I see that he sees defeat of Zionism as falling to future generations. Not now then.

The constant cutting and editing of the piece seems to give incredible opportunity to put every statement out of context, or to eliminate connected comments, which are likely to say what ISN'T expected or permissible. Such as behaving to Zionists as Zionists have behaved towards Palestinians.

Basically, you have served up another Memri hatchet job Hoss.

Never mind. I am sure you were not to know. :)
What is it with you yo-yos and your resistance to translations? We have Israelis here who speaks Arabic. Roudy speaks Arabic but your Arabic speaking friends here aren't chiming in with denials. Get it through your head: This clown was quoting the Quran in his ravings.
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I would suggest you take every Memri translation with a pinch of salt.
They have every reason to distort meaning and do so with great enthusiasm.

Apart from that, I am sure you are right. Israelis will often find they are fighting due to bad propaganda. But also, some Arabs, even some powerful Arabs will hold extreme views. There is over a billion of 'em for godssake!

Specifically I would take issue with the translation to the word "battle". A better word would be "struggle". And 'death' seems to be a substitution of some sort.

Very interesting that he is talking about civil methods of resistance, being sales and economy driven, rather than bombs and bullets. Surely civil resistance is very respectable?

Also note that Hamas do not usually fire rockets towards Ben Gurion Airport or the 3 water desalination plants nearby. It seems that that is something Hamas has done just once. Why?
They seem to be happy to have token rocket fire, not ones which really shut down Israel.

Also I see that he sees defeat of Zionism as falling to future generations. Not now then.

The constant cutting and editing of the piece seems to give incredible opportunity to put every statement out of context, or to eliminate connected comments, which are likely to say what ISN'T expected or permissible. Such as behaving to Zionists as Zionists have behaved towards Palestinians.

Basically, you have served up another Memri hatchet job Hoss.

Never mind. I am sure you were not to know. :)

"I would suggest you take every Memri translation with a pinch of salt.
They have every reason to distort meaning and do so with great enthusiasm."

"distort meaning with great enthusiasm" ...just like YOU do. ...there is no difference between you and "THEM." (you and your "blaming israel for 9/11).
(YOU know which one is YOU). you're a very sick (brainwashed) person.
Israel fights Muslims because they invaded Muslim majority areas and stole the land and everything else.
These evil Muslims have the cheek to want to fight for what was stolen.

If you wish to argue, explain this first.
No fucking Israel for 2,000 years, but the fuckers "return" and demand the place.

...Fucking morons like this seem to think they can attack a fucking translation service, as if arabic is some language no one else besides they speak :cuckoo:

Yes were it not for the fact that MEMRI was set up and is run by ex-IDF and Israeli Intelligence officers. A bit like accepting the accuracy of SS and Gestapo translations of Russian between 1941-45.

This article is a little bit dated but the title "Selective MEMRI" sums up the organisation quite well.

Selective Memri | World news | theguardian.com

Such is MEMRI's reputation in the British media that most of these pieces are dumped into the dustbin icon when they arrive and those that aren't are first shown to reputable Arabic translation services before the story is picked up (or not).
Sunni Palestinians fighting with Hezbolla Shites against ISIS Sunni. Lebanon is building to an explosion because the Shia Hezbolla are generations of transplanted Iranians living as neighbors in Lebanon. Now the Hezbolla are fighting in Syria and they are crazy to think they can go back to their families in Lebanon. Soon, their families in Lebanon will be moving another way. This is the ebb and flow of Islam.

Still, no wonder they're all fucked up. Sunni are fighting Sunni for Shia.

Hamas was getting its power from Iran.

That dynamic is now over. Gaza will be demilitarized and not via an Ireland two stage fallback to disarming either.

Still, Ireland never got to the weapons that Hamas through Iran, and tunnel building equipment & funding through Qatar have used.

If the Hamas start tossing rockets again after this ceasefire in just a few hours, then expect a ramp up.

The forces are already ramped up and rearmed on the Israeli side.

I hope that the Hamas pull back from their failed strategy.

Peaceful religion?

Yeah, ok.
Its amazing what happens when you destroy governments, make people angry and pump billions of $ of weapons into a region.
Yes were it not for the fact that MEMRI was set up and is run by ex-IDF and Israeli Intelligence officers.
Cool, those guys know their arabic and their arabs inside out, of course.
A bit like accepting the accuracy of SS and Gestapo translations of Russian between 1941-45.
This article is a little bit dated but the title "Selective MEMRI" sums up the organisation quite well.Selective Memri | World news | theguardian.com
Despite these high-minded statements, several things make me uneasy whenever I'm asked to look at a story circulated by Memri. First of all, it's a rather mysterious organisation. Its website does not give the names of any people to contact, not even an office address.
Contact Besides, Brian's crapolalooza is a little bit 10 years old.
Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations told the Washington Times: "Memri's intent is to find the worst possible quotes from the Muslim world and disseminate them as widely as possible."
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."
- Omar Ahmad, Founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
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