Why Is The U.S. Ignoring Mexico's Drug War


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by War News Updates Editor @ War News Updates: Why Is The U.S. Ignoring Mexico's Drug War


Why Is Mexico Drug War Being Ignored? -- Ted Galen Carpenter, Special to CNN

A striking feature of the presidential debate on foreign policy was the total lack of attention given to Latin America –notably the drug violence wracking our next door neighbor, Mexico. Nearly 60,000 people have perished since 2006 in the Mexican government’s military-led offensive against the country’s powerful, ruthless drug cartels. But while President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both obsessed about the Middle East, they virtually ignored Washington’s relations with our southern neighbors. After a brief observation from Romney near the start of the debate that the region offered important – and neglected – economic opportunities for the United States, both candidates quickly abandoned the Western Hemisphere.

Read more .... Why is Mexico drug war being ignored? – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs

My Comment: This is a good question .... but why is the U.S. media and the American political class ignoring this important story is beyond me.
The drug war isn't being ignored at all. It's just not being fought the way normal people and sane, law abiding gov'ts would.

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