Why is Putin backing North Korea?

North Korea nuclear crisis: Putin calls sanctions useless

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said pursuing further sanctions against North Korea is "useless", saying "they'd rather eat grass than give up their nuclear programme".

Mr Putin also said that the ramping up of "military hysteria" could lead to global catastrophe.
North Korea nuclear crisis: Putin calls sanctions useless - BBC News

once again the gas-station is challenging the civilization , the right always said that Obama was a weak leader, so whats about Trump?

Trump was simply a useful idiot for the puppet master Putin. Trump thought he had a deal with Putin, but Putin is not a president he is the head of a crime syndicate.

There is no honor among thieves, and the thief in the White House is at a extreme disadvantage intellectually when compared with Putin. Does not bode well for us.
Back in Truman's day when the N.K. crisis started, China was killing U.S. Troops on the ground and Russia was shooting down American fighter planes in the air. Lately the crazy angry left drummed up support for a freaking shooting war with Russia over unfounded allegations of meddling in U.S. elections. The fact that a Russian U.N. delegation is arguing about the wording of sanctions against N.K. is a trivial glitch in Trump's foreign policy.
Probably because like us NK buys their rocket engines from China & Russia thanks to deals made by Bill Clinton & Obama.

washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.
washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.

The answer: Russia is the leader of The Axis Of Evil which includes North Korea and Iran.
+1, and what do you think, D. Trump is gonna do with it?

What would he do?
My guess is about the same as Obama, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2. Nothing.
North Korea is the tin can that President after President, UN council after UN council has kidked down the road that slowly but surely became the 55 Gallon drum that is getting heavier and harder to kick.
Back in Truman's day when the N.K. crisis started, China was killing U.S. Troops on the ground and Russia was shooting down American fighter planes in the air. Lately the crazy angry left drummed up support for a freaking shooting war with Russia over unfounded allegations of meddling in U.S. elections. The fact that a Russian U.N. delegation is arguing about the wording of sanctions against N.K. is a trivial glitch in Trump's foreign policy.

Probably because like us NK buys their rocket engines from China & Russia thanks to deals made by Bill Clinton & Obama.

washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.

washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.

The answer: Russia is the leader of The Axis Of Evil which includes North Korea and Iran.
+1, and what do you think, D. Trump is gonna do with it?

What would he do?
My guess is about the same as Obama, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2. Nothing.
North Korea is the tin can that President after President, UN council after UN council has kidked down the road that slowly but surely became the 55 Gallon drum that is getting heavier and harder to kick.

Putin warned today of planetary catastrophe with great loss of human life. I think he is on to something. We know the nut in NK will not be affected by the stupid sanctions, the US places on them. One would think the ruling class knows sanctions can lead to total war (See WWII - US sanctions Japan).

Unfortunately, the numerous Neocons and Neolibs running the USA, are pushing for war. They have lost their minds.

North Korea nuclear crisis: Putin warns of planetary catastrophe
The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has warned that the escalating North Korean crisis could cause a “planetary catastrophe” and huge loss of life, and described US proposals for further sanctions on Pyongyang as “useless”.

“Ramping up military hysteria in such conditions is senseless; it’s a dead end,” he told reporters in China. “It could lead to a global, planetary catastrophe and a huge loss of human life. There is no other way to solve the North Korean nuclear issue, save that of peaceful dialogue.”

On Sunday, North Korea carried out its sixth and by far its most powerful nuclear test to date. The underground blast triggered a magnitude-6.3 earthquake and was more powerful than the bombs dropped by the US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the second world war.

Putin was attending the Brics summit, bringing together the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Speaking on Tuesday, the final day of the summit in Xiamen, China, he said Russia condemned North Korea’s provocations but said further sanctions would be useless and ineffective, describing the measures as a “road to nowhere”.

Foreign interventions in Iraq and Libya had convinced the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, that he needed nuclear weapons to survive, Putin said.

“We all remember what happened with Iraq and Saddam Hussein. His children were killed, I think his grandson was shot, the whole country was destroyed and Saddam Hussein was hanged ... We all know how this happened and people in North Korea remember well what happened in Iraq.

“They will eat grass but will not stop their [nuclear] programme as long as they do not feel safe.”

North Korea nuclear crisis: Putin warns of planetary catastrophe
Just think if Judgment day comes all of the Atheisists, Humanists, Liberals and other scum get wiped Off of the face of the Earth Forever!

Bring it on.
washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.
everywhere we have sanctions china and Russia sell supplies.

so by coming out in support of NK, Russia ensures that 10000000 gallons of vodka will be sold.

and if we so get involved in yet another war with NK, china will have to back them, which will damage ours and theirs economies, giving Russia a chance to improve their own.
washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.
everywhere we have sanctions china and Russia sell supplies.

so by coming out in support of NK, Russia ensures that 10000000 gallons of vodka will be sold.

and if we so get involved in yet another war with NK, china will have to back them, which will damage ours and theirs economies, giving Russia a chance to improve their own.
"Russia" ensures that 10000000 gallons of vodka will be sold." you made my day)
washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.

The answer: Russia is the leader of The Axis Of Evil which includes North Korea and Iran.
Why not ask trump Putins pal?
washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.

The answer: Russia is the leader of The Axis Of Evil which includes North Korea and Iran.
Why not ask trump Putins pal?
Come on lit Trump has bashed everyone on his side ,on the dem side, all leaders of countries, EXCEPT PUTIN THE MASS MURDERER Can't you get the hint?
washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.

The answer: Russia is the leader of The Axis Of Evil which includes North Korea and Iran.
Why not ask trump Putins pal?
Come on lit Trump has bashed everyone on his side ,on the dem side, all leaders of countries, EXCEPT PUTIN THE MASS MURDERER Can't you get the hint?
here is the answer

Liberals owe their allegiance to Lucifer so they are gonna burn.

Just say NO to Luciferian Politics!

BTW Putin & Trump don't like each other very much!"

Just think if Judgment day comes all of the Atheisists, Humanists, Liberals and other scum get wiped Off of the face of the Earth Forever!

Bring it on.
why the Liberals? don't they play an important role in our political system?
Liberals owe their allegiance to Lucifer so they are gonna burn.

Just say NO to Luciferian Politics!

BTW Putin & Trump don't like each other very much!"

Just think if Judgment day comes all of the Atheisists, Humanists, Liberals and other scum get wiped Off of the face of the Earth Forever!

Bring it on.
why the Liberals? don't they play an important role in our political system?
Only person trump hasn't bashed is Putin Putin has drump by the short hairs
washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this?

my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think?

On July 6, the Russian delegation to the United Nations released an official statement, criticizing Washington’s handling of the North Korean crisis. In their statement, Russian diplomats disputed U.S. allegations that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile against Japan on July 4, saying rather, that Pyongyang had launched an intermediate-ranged rocket. Russia also opposed U.N. proposals for tighter economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Numerous Western analysts, like Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky and Council of Foreign Relations fellow Van Jackson, have attempted to explain Russia’s conduct by highlighting Moscow’s economic and geopolitical links to Pyongyang.

But there’s more. Moscow defends North Korea in a way that’s designed to get both the Russian public and the international community to see Russia as a great power.

[President Trump, keep in mind that Russia and the West think about negotiations very, very differently]

My doctoral research focuses on how, during international crises, Kremlin elites remind audiences that Russia is a great power. The goal is to rally public support for their policies and increase Moscow’s international position as a credible counterweight to U.S. hegemony.

You can see this in two ways: first, in Russia’s attempts to showcase itself as more effective at resolving conflicts in the Korean Peninsula than the United States; and second, in Russia’s efforts to lead an international coalition against Washington’s coercion of North Korea."

Analysis | Why is Putin backing North Korea? To build up Russia as a great power.

The answer: Russia is the leader of The Axis Of Evil which includes North Korea and Iran.
Why not ask trump Putins pal?

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