'Why Is It That President Biden Would Rather Let US Companies Drill For Oil In Venezuela Than Here?'


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Somehow to the global warmers, shutting down drilling for oil in the US and shutting down pipelines in the US is good FOR THE PLANET, while allowing drilling in Venezuela by US companies and opening up pipelines in other parts are good things for the planet.

Doocy mic drop moments.

Somehow to the global warmers, shutting down drilling for oil in the US and shutting down pipelines in the US is good FOR THE PLANET, while allowing drilling in Venezuela by US companies and opening up pipelines in other parts are good things for the planet.

Doocy mic drop moments.

Because Biden is like a obese man that is at his front door telling his neighbors and friends that he is eating healthy with lots of lean meats and salads and exercising so they congratulate him and tell him how good he is doing.

Mean while door dash is dropping off a bag of big Macs at the backdoor of his house.

Biden just wants to play both sides of the fence he wants on one side to be "the world's champion for climate change" and tout himself as this great leader. But on the side of the fence he doesn't give a shit about anything except his own personal financial and political gain.
Trump had a dismal 2020 for oil production
U.S. crude oil production averaged 11.3 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2020, down 935,000 b/d (8%) from the record annual average high of 12.2 million b/d in 2019.

crude oil production in 2020 - EIA

President Trump actually maxed out oil production in 2020- the price of oil dipped into the negative numbers as a pandemic reduced demand.

Currently, Sleepy Joe is just shoring up the Ultraliberal regime in Venezuela, libs really admire Madura's thugs just like they do with the Cuban Communists
In a selfish sort of way....I'd rather use up the whole world's oil supply before using our own all up....this way when a true, worldwide oil shortage does actually happen, we or our great grandchildren will at least still have our own oil reserves! :D
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In a selfish sort of way....I'd rather use up the whole worlds oil supply before using our own all up....this way when a true, worldwide oil shortage does actually happen, we or our great grandchildren will at least still have our own oil reserves! :D

Exactly right, but the BDS loons need all kinds of dumb claims for some, reason, as if there just weren't enough real ones to point out. Plus they need to snivel about the poor lil giant oil companies who could care less about increasing production since they're raking in record profits and handing out big dividends instead of re-investing in drilling, as they've been saying publicly for the last year or so. Indies are drilling like mad on private leases; costs of rig is through the roof.

Somehow to the global warmers, shutting down drilling for oil in the US and shutting down pipelines in the US is good FOR THE PLANET, while allowing drilling in Venezuela by US companies and opening up pipelines in other parts are good things for the planet.

Doocy mic drop moments.

Biden loves to cater to dictators.
Exactly right, but the BDS loons need all kinds of dumb claims for some, reason, as if there just weren't enough real ones to point out. Plus they need to snivel about the poor lil giant oil companies who could care less about increasing production since they're raking in record profits and handing out big dividends instead of re-investing in drilling, as they've been saying publicly for the last year or so. Indies are drilling like mad on private leases; costs of rig is through the roof.
At least you admit global warming crap is just that. You must be embarrassed by the nuts who actually think shutting down our pipeline and hamstringing our oil industry and causing our domestic oil prices to rise dramatically that has directly led to mass inflation which has also caused major problems for the middle and poor classes was about "saving the planet."

Did you inherit your money or did you actually work for it? Cause people who actually work for it don't typically cheer on high inflation and cheer for the party of big taxes.

Somehow to the global warmers, shutting down drilling for oil in the US and shutting down pipelines in the US is good FOR THE PLANET, while allowing drilling in Venezuela by US companies and opening up pipelines in other parts are good things for the planet.

Doocy mic drop moments.

It's simple. Biden wants the US to meet it's Climate Change obligations so he gets other countries like Venezuela to ramp up oil production so Biden can say to the world that we are meeting our obligations and it's those damned other countries which aren't. Who cares what happens to the planet as long as Biden can tell the world that it's not our fault?
At least you admit global warming crap is just that. You must be embarrassed by the nuts who actually think shutting down our pipeline and hamstringing our oil industry and causing our domestic oil prices to rise dramatically that has directly led to mass inflation which has also caused major problems for the middle and poor classes was about "saving the planet."

Did you inherit your money or did you actually work for it? Cause people who actually work for it don't typically cheer on high inflation and cheer for the party of big taxes.

Keystone has never been 'shut down'.Since you don't even know that basic fact, the rest of your strawmen and sniveling is just silly bullshit. If you like being on record as a clueless tool, go ahead.
Keystone has never been 'shut down'.Since you don't even know that basic fact, the rest of your strawmen and sniveling is just silly bullshit. If you like being on record as a clueless tool, go ahead.
Thanks for proving everyone that you really don't know what you are talking about. Keep voting democrat though. Their promises are bound to come true eventually.
Thanks for proving everyone that you really don't know what you are talking about. Keep voting democrat though. Their promises are bound to come true eventually.

Yes, babble some more strawmen, and pretend there are no drillig rig counts going back 50 years to blow your dumb ass out of the water, and ignore the fact that the Keystone has never been shut down by Biden or any other President. Morons who can't tell the difference between the pipeline and a small extension are really too stupid to discuss it, and just need to be laughed at.
Yes, babble some more strawmen, and pretend there are no drillig rig counts going back 50 years to blow your dumb ass out of the water, and ignore the fact that the Keystone has never been shut down by Biden or any other President. Morons who can't tell the difference between the pipeline and a small extension are really too stupid to discuss it, and just need to be laughed at.
Just stop. You are all embarrassments. Say "strawman" again though.

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