Why is it so hard for a Progressive, not to see how they are being lied to about Man Made Global Climate Change?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

Just a couple days ago, a Progressive was harping how the temperature of the Earth was "Supposedly" going to rise 3 degrees C, yet as proof again, if the planet temperature is rising year after year, how can 20 degree temperatures be reached in other places of the Earth? Oh yeah, they are Joe Biden Voters..

Binet-Simon_scale.jpg<-------------------------Man Made Global Warming Zealots.
The program that Progs propose to "solve" the problem of Global Warming is what they always wanted to do since before Climate Science was even defined.

Progs hate the idea of the common people driving their own cars instead of taking the bus, living in the suburbs and exurbs instead of in the failed inner cities, eating meat, mowing lawns, living on their own mini-estates away from big city liberal governance.

Climate Change policy gives them a rationale to demand what they wanted all along, and if it wasn't for Climate Change, they'd have to find another excuse to pack the hoi polloi into urban tenements reliant on train schedules.
I remember when top theologians were addressing the problem of terrorism on TV several years ago after 9/11.

They suggested that the reason for the attacks was Almighty God's anger at America over homosexuality and abortion.

The facts are that this was indeed a self serving prescription in many ways, and Rev. Falwell and Robertson weren't hot to trot for killing babies and taking it in the caboose befor 9/11.

This is the same kind of prediction about Climate Change, even if done in good faith. Just like the late , great Jerry Falwell was no fan of Abortion Mills and the LGBTQ lifestyle, modern libs are no fans of suburbia and the Middle Class lifestyle.

Even if Climate Change theory was totally refuted, the libs would find another reason to demand the same policies.
The Progs who are lapping this up do not live in the Real World. None of them have productive jobs, support families, or rely on a car in their daily lives. They would as soon own a fur mink stole as a pickup truck. Expecting them to "put two and two together" to critique the Global Warming Narrative is simply unrealistic.

They push for electric cars, but never consider where the electricity is going to come from (i.e., coal and natural gas). They push for "Zero emissions" commitments from political leaders, and have no idea how much of power consumption is inflexible (agriculture, manufacturing, mining, construction, commercial transportation, etc.).

They oppose the only power source that has the capacity to produce massive amounts of electricity because they were frightened by Godzilla movies as children.

Just a couple days ago, a Progressive was harping how the temperature of the Earth was "Supposedly" going to rise 3 degrees C, yet as proof again, if the planet temperature is rising year after year, how can 20 degree temperatures be reached in other places of the Earth? Oh yeah, they are Joe Biden Voters..

View attachment 567107<-------------------------Man Made Global Warming Zealots.
They actually enjoy being lied to.

Just a couple days ago, a Progressive was harping how the temperature of the Earth was "Supposedly" going to rise 3 degrees C, yet as proof again, if the planet temperature is rising year after year, how can 20 degree temperatures be reached in other places of the Earth? Oh yeah, they are Joe Biden Voters..

View attachment 567107<-------------------------Man Made Global Warming Zealots.
Because it is actually a religion, so facts don't matter, only faith.
Because it is actually a religion, so facts don't matter, only faith.

Common sense has been set aside as well ... spring tides in early January should be the highest in the past few years ... check your local tide tables and go check it out, or better yet travel to where a storm is blowing ashore ... mark the highest any wave reaches up the beach/headland/rocks/jetty/dock/tidepool/sealion/bridge ... then measure two feet higher ...

That's right, just two feet ... incrementally ... over the next 100 years ... makes no sense atall, common or otherwise ...
Common sense has been set aside as well ... spring tides in early January should be the highest in the past few years ... check your local tide tables and go check it out, or better yet travel to where a storm is blowing ashore ... mark the highest any wave reaches up the beach/headland/rocks/jetty/dock/tidepool/sealion/bridge ... then measure two feet higher ...

That's right, just two feet ... incrementally ... over the next 100 years ... makes no sense atall, common or otherwise ...
I am still waiting for that "Extreme intensity and extreme frequency of Hurricanes" that is supposed to bear down on the US since Katrina. This year hasnt been very productive for the Man Made Global Warming crowd and its apocalyptic forecast. Why the fuck would we believe anything a progressive says, since they are ALWAYS wrong.
Oh my, the willfully ignorant fucks are at it again. All flap yap, no substance to back up any of their claims. Yet every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. We are in a solid La Nina, -1.0, yet the global temperature is quite high.


Oh my, the willfully ignorant fucks are at it again. All flap yap, no substance to back up any of their claims. Yet every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. We are in a solid La Nina, -1.0, yet the global temperature is quite high.

View attachment 567358
How is it year after year, CO2 is rising at alarming levels, the ice is melting(above 32 degrees) in the Arctic and yet we have 20 degree temperatures in Fargo, in November? Come on man, wake the fuck up, you are one stupid twit to think Progressive elites can do shit to this world by taxing CO2 products. It is only making them very wealthy while making you not only stupid but poorer. Have you seen gasoline prices of late?
And the global temperature right now is still quite high;

View attachment 567359
Whenever i see these maps of "supposed" global warming, the US of A, is always showing cooler temperatures. Could it be that God Favors US because we treat our country much better than the rest of the dictators and socialist?
The problem isn't the ones who know it's all a fabrication.

The problem is the Troo Beleevers. The ones who believe it because they were told to believe it.

It's very difficult deprogramming cultists.
Deniers like you are the cultists. You know nothing about the science behind the warming, and still flap yap as if you actually have some knowledge. Why should I listen to someone with less than a third grade education in science rather than scientists that have spent decades doing research in their discipline?
How is it year after year, CO2 is rising at alarming levels, the ice is melting(above 32 degrees) in the Arctic and yet we have 20 degree temperatures in Fargo, in November? Come on man, wake the fuck up, you are one stupid twit to think Progressive elites can do shit to this world by taxing CO2 products. It is only making them very wealthy while making you not only stupid but poorer. Have you seen gasoline prices of late?
Damn, I did not realize Fargo equaled your whole world. I saw -20 to -40 in Eastern Oregon in November one year. Hardly meant the rest of the world was seeing that temperature. Gas prices as of late? I have seen higher prices in years past.
Deniers like you are the cultists. You know nothing about the science behind the warming, and still flap yap as if you actually have some knowledge. Why should I listen to someone with less than a third grade education in science rather than scientists that have spent decades doing research in their discipline?
Says the person with less than a 3rd grade edjumacation.

Whenever i see these maps of "supposed" global warming, the US of A, is always showing cooler temperatures. Could it be that God Favors US because we treat our country much better than the rest of the dictators and socialist?
OK, so you are also so stupid you cannot read a simple anomaly map.

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