Why is it Fuel shortages and long gasoline lines always are created by Democrats?

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Here we go again.

Democrats get in power and there goes fuel prices skyrocketing and gasoline shortages.
Have they made America "Normal again" yet ?

In his 4 years, Trump never had a fuel crisis. Gas prices were at all time lows.

Florida joins other state in declaring fuel crisis created by Democrats

They love to generate elements of control.
Created by democrats?

Did the democrats hack Colonial Pipeline? I haven't seen that anywhere.

And the shortage is mainly from panic buying.

Oh snap! That's right....TRUMP is in power right now....I keep forgetting!

Jeez. Really? Someone hacks a computer system, and then people start to panic buy gas. None of that is under the control of the president.

Was Trump responsible for the toilet paper shortages last year? No.
The toilet paper shortages? Did people try to return them within a month because the toilet paper seems to be restocked here and there?
The issue with Biden is that his response seems weak.

How long do you think it takes for manufacturers to produce toilet paper?

Yes, there were toilet paper shortages due to panic buying.
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