House GOP Takes Voice Only Vote To Avoid Embarrassing Totals On Vote To Remove Liz Cheney From Leadership

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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
House Republicans voted quickly on Wednesday to remove Liz Cheney as their No. 3 leader over her repeated criticism of Donald Trump, a massive shakeup that ties the party tighter to Trump and threatens to create a new litmus test in the GOP.

"But I promise you this, after today, I will be leading the fight to restore our party and our nation to conservative principles, to defeating socialism, to defending our republic, to making the GOP worthy again of being the party of Lincoln," she added.

And now over 100 Republicans have threatened to start a third party, and take votes away from the Trump Humper wing of the party.

The Trumpsters are toast.
House Republicans voted quickly on Wednesday to remove Liz Cheney as their No. 3 leader over her repeated criticism of Donald Trump, a massive shakeup that ties the party tighter to Trump and threatens to create a new litmus test in the GOP.

"But I promise you this, after today, I will be leading the fight to restore our party and our nation to conservative principles, to defeating socialism, to defending our republic, to making the GOP worthy again of being the party of Lincoln," she added.

And now over 100 Republicans have threatened to start a third party, and take votes away from the Trump Humper wing of the party.

The Trumpsters are toast.
This is great news for President Biden! With the Republican Party now fully the Trump Cult, President Biden is a shoo in in 2024. Trump's brand is toxic for Americans, witness President Biden's 63% approval rating with Trump unable to get out of the 30's.

Trump will either run in 2024 or fully and completely endorse a Trumpanzee such as Cruz or Santis. He will then campaign aggressively for whomever with far right wing media singing the praises of the chosen one. Either way, as he did in 2020, President Biden will steamroll the Trump Cult candidate, despite the Cult's efforts to limit the vote to white males.

Trump/Haley 2024!
House Republicans voted quickly on Wednesday to remove Liz Cheney as their No. 3 leader over her repeated criticism of Donald Trump, a massive shakeup that ties the party tighter to Trump and threatens to create a new litmus test in the GOP.

"But I promise you this, after today, I will be leading the fight to restore our party and our nation to conservative principles, to defeating socialism, to defending our republic, to making the GOP worthy again of being the party of Lincoln," she added.

And now over 100 Republicans have threatened to start a third party, and take votes away from the Trump Humper wing of the party.

The Trumpsters are toast.
You're either a liar or incredibly stupid.
Welcome to the Grand Trump Party.

Become a myrmidon or pariah...
House Republicans voted quickly on Wednesday to remove Liz Cheney as their No. 3 leader over her repeated criticism of Donald Trump, a massive shakeup that ties the party tighter to Trump and threatens to create a new litmus test in the GOP.

"But I promise you this, after today, I will be leading the fight to restore our party and our nation to conservative principles, to defeating socialism, to defending our republic, to making the GOP worthy again of being the party of Lincoln," she added.

And now over 100 Republicans have threatened to start a third party, and take votes away from the Trump Humper wing of the party.

The Trumpsters are toast.
You're either a liar or incredibly stupid.
od gawd these people are so fucking stupid.
Why do you duopoly dumbfucks keep voting for these people?

The Trumpers now not only have lost independent and swing voters, they've lost a big chunk of Republican voters also. I can't wait to see the Lincoln Project campaign ads next year, against all of the dotard loyalists. These fools actually believe they are in the drivers seat. Good news for Democrats all around. If 2022 doesn't work out, I see a lot of retirements coming for the GOP, and that's even more good news for Democrats, because the right wing does not learn, it only doubles down, and they will just run further right candidates.
House Republicans voted quickly on Wednesday to remove Liz Cheney as their No. 3 leader over her repeated criticism of Donald Trump, a massive shakeup that ties the party tighter to Trump and threatens to create a new litmus test in the GOP.

"But I promise you this, after today, I will be leading the fight to restore our party and our nation to conservative principles, to defeating socialism, to defending our republic, to making the GOP worthy again of being the party of Lincoln," she added.

And now over 100 Republicans have threatened to start a third party, and take votes away from the Trump Humper wing of the party.

The Trumpsters are toast.
You're either a liar or incredibly stupid.
My bad.
od gawd these people are so fucking stupid.
Why do you duopoly dumbfucks keep voting for these people?

The Trumpers now not only have lost independent and swing voters, they've lost a big chunk of Republican voters also. I can't wait to see the Lincoln Project campaign ads next year, against all of the dotard loyalists. These fools actually believe they are in the drivers seat. Good news for Democrats all around. If 2022 doesn't work out, I see a lot of retirements coming for the GOP, and that's even more good news for Democrats, because the right wing does not learn, it only doubles down, and they will just run further right candidates.
And now they're openly supporting the pedos!

WTF?...Someone get Lorne Michaels on the horn!/....These jokes are actually writing themselves! :rofl: :lmao:
Lookit these moonbats wringing their hands and shedding tears for neocon Bushbots!

SNL never wrote comedy like this!

TFF! :auiqs.jpg:
Like mac said, its party over country ;)
Mac tha hack would know all about that.

But this is the republican party....The party that gets smeared, besmirched, and demonized by these buffoons in every other context.
It was unofficially the party of Trump, now it's official.

Party over country.
The former previous destroyer Governor of Michigan Granholm was snickering when asked about people suffering from the oil pipeline cyberattack. The green deal will save all of us. Except China puts out more greenhouse gasses then all the industrial nations combined. Sadists with egos is part and parcel of many privileged politicians. All the all mighty party...Hail to the Progressive Socialist god.
It was unofficially the party of Trump, now it's official.

Party over country.
The former previous destroyer Governor of Michigan Granholm was snickering when asked about people suffering from the oil pipeline cyberattack. The green deal will save all of us. Except China puts out more greenhouse gasses then all the industrial nations combined. Sadists with egos is part and parcel of many privileged politicians. All the all mighty party...Hail to the Progressive Socialist god.
Purely out of morbid curiosity: What in the world does that have to do with my post?
It was unofficially the party of Trump, now it's official.

Party over country.
An Emperor with no clothes, over country.

(the trumpers are the ones in the crowd agreeing and telling the naked emperor how fine and beautiful his clothes are...)
It was unofficially the party of Trump, now it's official.

Party over country.
An Emperor with no clothes, over country.

(the trumpers are the ones in the crowd agreeing and telling the naked emperor how fine and beautiful his clothes are...)
Joe Lieberman was unavailable for comment.
Good gawd these people are so fucking stupid.
Why do you duopoly dumbfucks keep voting for these people?
That's the question alright.

I think fear plays a big role. And, with government controlling more and more aspects of society, it's not an irrational fear. But it's fear that's blown out of proportion by the major parties, special interest groups, and the media - all of whom have vested interests in keeping us afraid.
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