Why is Hillary acting like a winner?


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
From the WSJ this morning:

"""With all but one of the Iowa precincts reporting, Mrs. Clinton had garnered 49.9% of the delegates to the state convention, and Mr. Sanders had 49.6%."""
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Dig in for Long Battle Beyond Iowa Caucus

I guess she's ripped a page from either Trump or Charlie Sheen's playbook. "Winning....!!!!! Winnnnning....!!!!

I'm backing Bernie. Have been for about six months actually. The Clintons need to go down to their storage locker and roll around on their money like Walter and Skyler White, and leave the country alone.

I'm sure Goldman Sachs will keep both Hill and Bill and Chel rolling in dough for the next few years, anyway.

From the WSJ this morning:

"""With all but one of the Iowa precincts reporting, Mrs. Clinton had garnered 49.9% of the delegates to the state convention, and Mr. Sanders had 49.6%."""
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Dig in for Long Battle Beyond Iowa Caucus

I guess she's ripped a page from either Trump or Charlie Sheen's playbook. "Winning....!!!!! Winnnnning....!!!!

I'm backing Bernie. Have been for about six months actually. The Clintons need to go down to their storage locker and roll around on their money like Walter and Skyler White, and leave the country alone.

I'm sure Goldman Sachs will keep both Hill and Bill and Chel rolling in dough for the next few years, anyway.

The same reason any candidate acts like a winner when they are ahead in the polls or in a caucus. My prediction is that Hillary will get the Dem nomination because she is the establishment candidate. Of course I may be proven wrong, but that is my prediction.
From the WSJ this morning:

"""With all but one of the Iowa precincts reporting, Mrs. Clinton had garnered 49.9% of the delegates to the state convention, and Mr. Sanders had 49.6%."""
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Dig in for Long Battle Beyond Iowa Caucus

I guess she's ripped a page from either Trump or Charlie Sheen's playbook. "Winning....!!!!! Winnnnning....!!!!

I'm backing Bernie. Have been for about six months actually. The Clintons need to go down to their storage locker and roll around on their money like Walter and Skyler White, and leave the country alone.

I'm sure Goldman Sachs will keep both Hill and Bill and Chel rolling in dough for the next few years, anyway.

Hillary looked crazy last night. Her eyes were bugging out something fierce. She finally won. After all of these years being called a loser to Obama, she finally won something. 90 precincts had to go missing and she had to win 6 coin flips in a row to win, but a win is a win. The ends justifies the means.
1. Politics, especially during these elections, momentum is a HUGE thing. If you get it you seem to keep it rolling...and it grows. If you don't have it, especially when it is this close, you CLAIM you have it, give every impression that you have it - project confidence.

2. The FBI investigation and all the negative press about what is in her e-mails have DOMINATED the news surrounding her. The question on everyone's lips when they interview her is about the scandal. This 'win' is a godsend because she now has something positive (even if partly manufactured) to talk about other than her e-mails/the investigation.
From the WSJ this morning:

"""With all but one of the Iowa precincts reporting, Mrs. Clinton had garnered 49.9% of the delegates to the state convention, and Mr. Sanders had 49.6%."""
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Dig in for Long Battle Beyond Iowa Caucus

I guess she's ripped a page from either Trump or Charlie Sheen's playbook. "Winning....!!!!! Winnnnning....!!!!

I'm backing Bernie. Have been for about six months actually. The Clintons need to go down to their storage locker and roll around on their money like Walter and Skyler White, and leave the country alone.

I'm sure Goldman Sachs will keep both Hill and Bill and Chel rolling in dough for the next few years, anyway.

Hillary looked crazy last night. Her eyes were bugging out something fierce. She finally won. After all of these years being called a loser to Obama, she finally won something. 90 precincts had to go missing and she had to win 6 coin flips in a row to win, but a win is a win. The ends justifies the means.

So she won with a 0.3% lead against someone everybody was laughing and 40 points behind last summer? I'd say that's losing badly.

But it's all about projecting a perception to the peeps. Sanders at least isn't trying to bullshit his supporters like that.

I'll send more $ to Sanders and if he falls too far behind I'll support Trump. Fuck the establishment. They have Goldman Sachs too far up their @sses. Hillary makes speeches for them and Ted Cruz is married to them.

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So she won, and it means she lost? The HDSers are getting increasingly desperate.

Sanders needed to do much better than he did to have a chance in any states that aren't lily-white. The end of this isn't in doubt. Hillary romps on Super Tuesday, and then it's over.
From the WSJ this morning:

"""With all but one of the Iowa precincts reporting, Mrs. Clinton had garnered 49.9% of the delegates to the state convention, and Mr. Sanders had 49.6%."""
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Dig in for Long Battle Beyond Iowa Caucus

I guess she's ripped a page from either Trump or Charlie Sheen's playbook. "Winning....!!!!! Winnnnning....!!!!

I'm backing Bernie. Have been for about six months actually. The Clintons need to go down to their storage locker and roll around on their money like Walter and Skyler White, and leave the country alone.

I'm sure Goldman Sachs will keep both Hill and Bill and Chel rolling in dough for the next few years, anyway.

Hillary looked crazy last night. Her eyes were bugging out something fierce. She finally won. After all of these years being called a loser to Obama, she finally won something. 90 precincts had to go missing and she had to win 6 coin flips in a row to win, but a win is a win. The ends justifies the means.

Coin flips? Yikes! WTG Dems. :cuckoo:
From the WSJ this morning:

"""With all but one of the Iowa precincts reporting, Mrs. Clinton had garnered 49.9% of the delegates to the state convention, and Mr. Sanders had 49.6%."""
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Dig in for Long Battle Beyond Iowa Caucus

I guess she's ripped a page from either Trump or Charlie Sheen's playbook. "Winning....!!!!! Winnnnning....!!!!

I'm backing Bernie. Have been for about six months actually. The Clintons need to go down to their storage locker and roll around on their money like Walter and Skyler White, and leave the country alone.

I'm sure Goldman Sachs will keep both Hill and Bill and Chel rolling in dough for the next few years, anyway.

So she won, and it means she lost? The HDSers are getting increasingly desperate.

Overall in the campaign I wouldn't say it was a loss, but I would consider Iowa a loss only because she should have had a much larger lead than she has.

In the long run I agree I think Super Tuesday is going to go to Hillary big time though.
mamooth I disagree. As pointed out, many people were laughing at Sanders not long ago. Hillary SHOULD be kicking his ass instead of eking out a win based on 6 miraculous straight coin flips. Sanders has ALREADY surpassed what people thought he would do when he 1st announced he would run.

The end of this IS in doubt. Hillary is pulling in the older vote, as expected, but Sanders is reaching the younger voters and motivating a lot of young people to come out. I think he is going to take New Hampshire. If you like polls, the latest one I saw shows Sanders ahead of Hillary. And let's not forget the 'e-mail scandal / FBI investigation' wild card. More negative news COULD swing votes, and an indictment called for, should the FBI do so, would severely damage Hillary.

The 'runners' just came off the block and cleared the 1st hurdle - there is a lot of race still to run.
From the WSJ this morning:

"""With all but one of the Iowa precincts reporting, Mrs. Clinton had garnered 49.9% of the delegates to the state convention, and Mr. Sanders had 49.6%."""
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Dig in for Long Battle Beyond Iowa Caucus

I guess she's ripped a page from either Trump or Charlie Sheen's playbook. "Winning....!!!!! Winnnnning....!!!!

I'm backing Bernie. Have been for about six months actually. The Clintons need to go down to their storage locker and roll around on their money like Walter and Skyler White, and leave the country alone.

I'm sure Goldman Sachs will keep both Hill and Bill and Chel rolling in dough for the next few years, anyway.


Actually, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citibank have been stewarding your money....long before they caused the crash in 2008 and sent trillions out of our economy. Do you think any of these people are flipping burgers today?

Financial Crisis Cost Tops $22 Trillion, GAO Says
Financial Crisis Cost Tops $22 Trillion, GAO Says
Financial Regulatory Reform: Financial Crisis Losses and Potential Impacts of the Dodd-Frank Act
mamooth I disagree. As pointed out, many people were laughing at Sanders not long ago. Hillary SHOULD be kicking his ass instead of eking out a win based on 6 miraculous straight coin flips. Sanders has ALREADY surpassed what people thought he would do when he 1st announced he would run.

The end of this IS in doubt. Hillary is pulling in the older vote, as expected, but Sanders is reaching the younger voters and motivating a lot of young people to come out. I think he is going to take New Hampshire. If you like polls, the latest one I saw shows Sanders ahead of Hillary. And let's not forget the 'e-mail scandal / FBI investigation' wild card. More negative news COULD swing votes, and an indictment called for, should the FBI do so, would severely damage Hillary.

The 'runners' just came off the block and cleared the 1st hurdle - there is a lot of race still to run.

I hope Sanders and Trump win in "New Hamster", as they call it in Boston.
From the WSJ this morning:

"""With all but one of the Iowa precincts reporting, Mrs. Clinton had garnered 49.9% of the delegates to the state convention, and Mr. Sanders had 49.6%."""
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Dig in for Long Battle Beyond Iowa Caucus

I guess she's ripped a page from either Trump or Charlie Sheen's playbook. "Winning....!!!!! Winnnnning....!!!!

I'm backing Bernie. Have been for about six months actually. The Clintons need to go down to their storage locker and roll around on their money like Walter and Skyler White, and leave the country alone.

I'm sure Goldman Sachs will keep both Hill and Bill and Chel rolling in dough for the next few years, anyway.


Actually, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citibank have been stewarding your money....long before they caused the crash in 2008 and sent trillions out of our economy. Do you think any of these people are flipping burgers today?

Financial Crisis Cost Tops $22 Trillion, GAO Says
Financial Crisis Cost Tops $22 Trillion, GAO Says
Financial Regulatory Reform: Financial Crisis Losses and Potential Impacts of the Dodd-Frank Act
Thanks to an overbearing sold out federal government... For many, many decades now.
Andrea Mitchell Says Clinton Camp Was 'In a Meltdown' As 'Race Got Closer and Closer'

Andrea Mitchell has her head so far up Hillary's ass it's hilarious to watch Andrea constantly make excuses for Hillary's habitual criminality.
But not even Andrea was able to spin her usual bullshit last night.
The Clinton machine needed to win 6 coin tosses in a row to 'win' against an avowed Socialist who doesn' t stand a chance after NH.
Ha ha! She is acting like she pulled off a major victory when in fact she should have crushed an untermensche like Sanders.
Andrea Mitchell Says Clinton Camp Was 'In a Meltdown' As 'Race Got Closer and Closer'

Andrea Mitchell has her head so far up Hillary's ass it's hilarious to watch Andrea constantly make excuses for Hillary's habitual criminality.
But not even Andrea was able to spin her usual bullshit last night.
The Clinton machine needed to win 6 coin tosses in a row to 'win' against an avowed Socialist who doesn' t stand a chance after NH.

I wasn't watching Fox but I'm sure Ted had a packed lower colon, too.
Well, she did win. She won a whole lotta coin tosses. Seriously, WTF Democrats? :cuckoo:

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