Why Is Biden First President Since 1981 To Not Give First SOTU Speech By End Of February?…Will Kamala Have To Step In?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why Is Biden First President Since 1981 To Not Give First SOTU Speech By End Of February?…Will Kamala Have To Step In?
Why Is Biden First President Since 1981 To Not Give First SOTU Speech By End Of February?…Will Kamala Have To Step In? (thegatewaypundit.com)
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Patty McMurray
President Joe Biden should have already given his first State of the Union address. Why is the media ignoring the clear obfuscation of the long-held tradition for an “elected” President to address the nation before the end of February?
Becker News– Although the mainstream press is issuing “fact checks” to dispute the claim, Biden was supposed to have had one by February 20th; the AP earlier reported that he was supposed to have had one by… *checks calendar*… yesterday.
“US President Joe Biden is expected to deliver the annual State of the Union address on 23 February 2021 (date is still to be confirmed),” the Associated Press reported.
Here we are in March, and still, there is no SOTU speech on the White House schedule.
Every elected president since 1981 gave their first SOTU speech by the end of February.
President Ronald Reagan (first term): February 18, 1981
President Ronald Reagan (second term): February 06, 1985
President George H.W. Bush: February 09, 1989
President Bill Clinton (first term): February 17, 1993
President Bill Clinton (second term): February 04, 1997
President George W. Bush (first term): February 27, 2001
President George W. Bush (second term): February 02, 2005
President Barack Obama (first term): February 24, 2009
President Barack Obama (second term): February 12, 2013
President Donald Trump (first term): February 28, 2017​
According to the American Thinker, last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:
“Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my ‘Build Back Better’ recovery plan,” he said. “It will make historic investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, and research and development in clean energy.”
The AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed.
From the AP:
But on February 16, Jen Psaki denied such a plan in a press conference:
[W]hen asked about the timing, his press secretary Jen Psaki said there had never been a plan for him to address a joint session this month.
“We don’t know where the Feb. 23 date came from. It’s a great mystery,” she said during the regular daily briefing.
Democrats know that Biden is not all there. That’s why a bunch of them want to take away the power for him to launch a nuclear strike. Just yesterday, he had to be reminded by Kamala, at a COVID event, not to go wandering up to people without wearing a mask:
How much longer will Democrats wait before they start taking the appropriate steps to make Kamala Harris the person many believe will be the second unelected president in 2020?
Joe is unable to speak coherently for more than 2 minutes, it’s fairly clear he would never be able to withstand the pressure of addressing a Joint Session of Congress without a Barack Obama-like figure whispering to him from behind a curtain into a hidden earpiece.

Actually President Trump gave a great State Of The Union speech Sunday. Dementia Joe could only watch after calling another "Lid" in impotent awe as President Trump drew a bigger crowd than Dementia addled Joey Xi has seen.
We all know the China Joe was not elected president and can not competently stand up and deliver a cogent speech to the House and the People who supposedly elected him.
In the meantime, hey how's the rise in food and fuel prices, bombing countries, deploying more troops, while keeping the Nat'l Guard in DC and abusing them with poor sleeping conditions, and serving them raw uncooked food laced with metal filings.
All in all, I understand that President Trump got good ratings for his Feb 2021 SOTU, more than 50 million watched it, while JoeyXi slept during his 5PM nap.
Why Is Biden First President Since 1981 To Not Give First SOTU Speech By End Of February?…Will Kamala Have To Step In?
Why Is Biden First President Since 1981 To Not Give First SOTU Speech By End Of February?…Will Kamala Have To Step In? (thegatewaypundit.com)
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Patty McMurray
President Joe Biden should have already given his first State of the Union address. Why is the media ignoring the clear obfuscation of the long-held tradition for an “elected” President to address the nation before the end of February?
Becker News– Although the mainstream press is issuing “fact checks” to dispute the claim, Biden was supposed to have had one by February 20th; the AP earlier reported that he was supposed to have had one by… *checks calendar*… yesterday.
“US President Joe Biden is expected to deliver the annual State of the Union address on 23 February 2021 (date is still to be confirmed),” the Associated Press reported.
Here we are in March, and still, there is no SOTU speech on the White House schedule.
Every elected president since 1981 gave their first SOTU speech by the end of February.
President Ronald Reagan (first term): February 18, 1981​
President Ronald Reagan (second term): February 06, 1985​
President George H.W. Bush: February 09, 1989​
President Bill Clinton (first term): February 17, 1993​
President Bill Clinton (second term): February 04, 1997​
President George W. Bush (first term): February 27, 2001​
President George W. Bush (second term): February 02, 2005​
President Barack Obama (first term): February 24, 2009​
President Barack Obama (second term): February 12, 2013​
President Donald Trump (first term): February 28, 2017​
According to the American Thinker, last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:
“Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my ‘Build Back Better’ recovery plan,” he said. “It will make historic investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, and research and development in clean energy.”
The AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed.
From the AP:
But on February 16, Jen Psaki denied such a plan in a press conference:
[W]hen asked about the timing, his press secretary Jen Psaki said there had never been a plan for him to address a joint session this month.
“We don’t know where the Feb. 23 date came from. It’s a great mystery,” she said during the regular daily briefing.
Democrats know that Biden is not all there. That’s why a bunch of them want to take away the power for him to launch a nuclear strike. Just yesterday, he had to be reminded by Kamala, at a COVID event, not to go wandering up to people without wearing a mask:
How much longer will Democrats wait before they start taking the appropriate steps to make Kamala Harris the person many believe will be the second unelected president in 2020?
Joe is unable to speak coherently for more than 2 minutes, it’s fairly clear he would never be able to withstand the pressure of addressing a Joint Session of Congress without a Barack Obama-like figure whispering to him from behind a curtain into a hidden earpiece.

Actually President Trump gave a great State Of The Union speech Sunday. Dementia Joe could only watch after calling another "Lid" in impotent awe as President Trump drew a bigger crowd than Dementia addled Joey Xi has seen.
We all know the China Joe was not elected president and can not competently stand up and deliver a cogent speech to the House and the People who supposedly elected him.
In the meantime, hey how's the rise in food and fuel prices, bombing countries, deploying more troops, while keeping the Nat'l Guard in DC and abusing them with poor sleeping conditions, and serving them raw uncooked food laced with metal filings.
All in all, I understand that President Trump got good ratings for his Feb 2021 SOTU, more than 50 million watched it, while JoeyXi slept during his 5PM nap.
Who is the President again? Let me check my card....
Although this is admittedly a partisan view, there is a serious problem with the Biden Agenda, and it will rise to the surface very conspicuously if he gives a SOTU address and provides any substance whatsoever.

His "first" offical act was to open the southern border, which has ALREADY proved a disastrous move.

His first "diplomatic" acts were to re-join engage the Iranians - which has been a shit storm already, and get back into the Paris Climate Accord, which everyone to the right of Mao Tse Dung considers stupid.

He is daily pushing as "urgent" a gigantic pile of Democrat dog turds that is neither necessary nor urgent, and even a Leftist can see through the bullshit.

And the same is generally true all down the line of his remarkable first month of "accomplishments." He would have to improve dramatically to merely be a failure, so far. And the more he talks about it the more obvious it will become.
Why Is Biden First President Since 1981 To Not Give First SOTU Speech By End Of February?…Will Kamala Have To Step In?
Why Is Biden First President Since 1981 To Not Give First SOTU Speech By End Of February?…Will Kamala Have To Step In? (thegatewaypundit.com)
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Patty McMurray
President Joe Biden should have already given his first State of the Union address. Why is the media ignoring the clear obfuscation of the long-held tradition for an “elected” President to address the nation before the end of February?
Becker News– Although the mainstream press is issuing “fact checks” to dispute the claim, Biden was supposed to have had one by February 20th; the AP earlier reported that he was supposed to have had one by… *checks calendar*… yesterday.
“US President Joe Biden is expected to deliver the annual State of the Union address on 23 February 2021 (date is still to be confirmed),” the Associated Press reported.
Here we are in March, and still, there is no SOTU speech on the White House schedule.
Every elected president since 1981 gave their first SOTU speech by the end of February.
President Ronald Reagan (first term): February 18, 1981​
President Ronald Reagan (second term): February 06, 1985​
President George H.W. Bush: February 09, 1989​
President Bill Clinton (first term): February 17, 1993​
President Bill Clinton (second term): February 04, 1997​
President George W. Bush (first term): February 27, 2001​
President George W. Bush (second term): February 02, 2005​
President Barack Obama (first term): February 24, 2009​
President Barack Obama (second term): February 12, 2013​
President Donald Trump (first term): February 28, 2017​
According to the American Thinker, last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:
“Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my ‘Build Back Better’ recovery plan,” he said. “It will make historic investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, and research and development in clean energy.”
The AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed.
From the AP:
But on February 16, Jen Psaki denied such a plan in a press conference:
[W]hen asked about the timing, his press secretary Jen Psaki said there had never been a plan for him to address a joint session this month.
“We don’t know where the Feb. 23 date came from. It’s a great mystery,” she said during the regular daily briefing.
Democrats know that Biden is not all there. That’s why a bunch of them want to take away the power for him to launch a nuclear strike. Just yesterday, he had to be reminded by Kamala, at a COVID event, not to go wandering up to people without wearing a mask:
How much longer will Democrats wait before they start taking the appropriate steps to make Kamala Harris the person many believe will be the second unelected president in 2020?
Joe is unable to speak coherently for more than 2 minutes, it’s fairly clear he would never be able to withstand the pressure of addressing a Joint Session of Congress without a Barack Obama-like figure whispering to him from behind a curtain into a hidden earpiece.

Actually President Trump gave a great State Of The Union speech Sunday. Dementia Joe could only watch after calling another "Lid" in impotent awe as President Trump drew a bigger crowd than Dementia addled Joey Xi has seen.
We all know the China Joe was not elected president and can not competently stand up and deliver a cogent speech to the House and the People who supposedly elected him.
In the meantime, hey how's the rise in food and fuel prices, bombing countries, deploying more troops, while keeping the Nat'l Guard in DC and abusing them with poor sleeping conditions, and serving them raw uncooked food laced with metal filings.
All in all, I understand that President Trump got good ratings for his Feb 2021 SOTU, more than 50 million watched it, while JoeyXi slept during his 5PM nap.

Democrats know that Biden is not all there. That’s why a bunch of them want to take away the power for him to launch a nuclear strike.

I dont know about all that, I think they should still give him one to keep in the desk. I hear that Nuclear button therapy is a great stress reliever.

They're Hidin' Joe Biden. While trying to figure a way to have Edith Wilson... errrr... Jill Biden give the speech. She already has been sitting in on his interviews, such as they are.
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Could it be that Joe undid what good things Trump has done before he looked into the state of our union?.....that is not the actions of a serious president or a serious man....
Although this is admittedly a partisan view, there is a serious problem with the Biden Agenda, and it will rise to the surface very conspicuously if he gives a SOTU address and provides any substance whatsoever.

His "first" offical act was to open the southern border, which has ALREADY proved a disastrous move.

His first "diplomatic" acts were to re-join engage the Iranians - which has been a shit storm already, and get back into the Paris Climate Accord, which everyone to the right of Mao Tse Dung considers stupid.

He is daily pushing as "urgent" a gigantic pile of Democrat dog turds that is neither necessary nor urgent, and even a Leftist can see through the bullshit.

And the same is generally true all down the line of his remarkable first month of "accomplishments." He would have to improve dramatically to merely be a failure, so far. And the more he talks about it the more obvious it will become.

His first diplomatic *act* was giving Putin a 5-year extension of the START treaty with nothing in return.
For the Biden residency to just to undo things because they were done by Trump...good or bad...is so wrong headed...it's as if we are being governed by high school kids....

Nothing Biden, or whoever, has done has benefitted the American people. But no more mean tweets!

Funny how so many Americans watch so much garbage in the movies, on TV and cable, and read in literature, got steamed-up over tweets.
No president has given a speech in his first year with the official title "State of the Union" since 1964, when Lyndon Johnson was in his first full year as president following the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Seriously, most of you should not be on a political forum. You're more suited to gun forums, NASCAR forums, Monster Truck forums, and Senior Citizen forums where you can discuss your incontinence and share tips on how to keep your diapers from leaking into your grandpa jeans.

Edited to change my wording in the first sentence, as to not have you dumbasses be too confused.
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The SOTU is that the presidency has been stolen by teams of fraud experts, and given to a paid hack of China, suffering from degenerative dementia. Who would want to talk about that ?

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