Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

"[W]e at the FBI see -- up close, day in and day out -- the actions that hatred drives. Jewish people continue to face repeated violence and very real threats, from all kind of actors, simply for being who they are. A full 63% of religious hate crimes are motivated by antisemitism -- targeting a group that makes up just 2.4% of our population." -- Christopher Wray, FBI Director, Nov. 2022
So true. But among the left, and as seen on this forum, the focus is on black racism and discussions of antisemitism are discouraged. That’s because it makes blacks look bad for blaming racism for failure when Jews experience more prejudice and succeed despite it.

Jews are more likely to experience a hate crime than blacks. I myself have been victimized twice.
And still every year, more hate crimes are committed against blacks according to the FBI.
Because there are more blacks. Duh. But a Jew is much more likely to be victimized by a hate crime than a black.
That's why white women have benefitted most from the policy. And Asians are not being discriminated against.

In the case before the Supreme court Asians were 26 percent f the students admitted into Harvard, blacks, 15 percent.

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”
Daniella Silva, Study on Harvard finds 43 percent of white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff, percent-white-students-are-legacy-athletes-n1060361

Peter Arcidiacono, Josh Kinsler, Tyler Ransom, National Bureau Of Economic Research, Legacy And Athlete Preferences At Harvard, Working Paper 26316, Legacy and Athlete Preferences at Harvard

Study Questions Bias Against Asians in Admissions​

If only standardized test scores were used to admit students to the most selective colleges, Asian enrollments would increase by just two percentage points, researchers say.

The debate over affirmative action has been framed in part (by opponents of affirmative action) as a matter of protecting the rights of Asian Americans. These students are outperforming other groups on the SATs and ACT and would earn many more spots at top colleges if admissions focused on academics, the argument goes. After all, the enrollment of Asian American students has become stagnant at many of the leading colleges and universities (although it is far more than their share of the U.S. population). And the admit rate for Asian American students is lower than for other groups at these colleges.

But what if bias doesn't explain those realities?

A report being released today by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce finds no "strong evidence" of discrimination against Asian American applicants in admissions to the 91 most selective colleges.

  • The share of Asian American students has been "consistent" with the share of Asian American applicants who are "highly qualified."
  • While the Asian American admit rate is indeed lower than the rates of other groups at selective college, "they are also much more likely to apply to these colleges, regardless of their test scores."
  • "Even if standardized test scores were the only factor considered in admissions, the Asian American share of enrollment at the most selective colleges would increase by no more than 2 percentage points."

White racists are using Asians to try ending equal opportunity.
People who are opposed to racist policies are trying to eliminate having different admissions standards depending on what race a person is.
I think I'll pass on that one.

When I drew attention to racial differences in average IQ on a website I pay for, I was prevented from ever posting comments there.
Is that a big no-no here? I think everyone knows that the average IQ of Asians (and Jews) is higher than blacks. That, combined with the emphasis in higher education in these two minorities, explains why they over-represented in college classes. Smart, education-focused kids tend to go to college.
well, if you were repeating the discredited "Bell Curve" data, that definitely wasn't true.
How has The Bell Curve data been discredited? Do not say that a bunch of presumed "experts" in the field have discredited The Bell Curve by condemning it. Explain how they discredited it. Present evidence of intrinsic racial equality in average intelligence.

Use your own words.

Notice that I am saying "average." The rules of this section say "You cannot use stereotyping or generalizations which include NEGATIVE biases. Like 'All (or most) purple people are lazy/stupid/dishonest/racist' without any evidence to support that linked in."

When discussing racial differences I am careful to speak in terms of tendencies and averages. Now the "or most" caveat alarms me somewhat, but I am willing to present supporting evidence, if I can do so without fear of banishment.

Unless we are allowed to discuss average differences in intelligence by important criteria it is impossible to have a candid discussion of affirmative action, legacy admissions, and so on.

I am well aware that talented football and basketball players who cannot read and write at an eighth grade level are given athletic scholarships at elite colleges. I think that is wrong, but let's deal with one problem at a time.

If it makes you feel any better I never attended Basketball or Football games when I was in college. I have never watched my university teams on college.
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Is that a big no-no here? I think everyone knows that the average IQ of Asians (and Jews) is higher than blacks. That, combined with the emphasis in higher education in these two minorities, explains why they over-represented in college classes. Smart, education-focused kids tend to go to college.
As one Japanese soldier would say to another when faced with an American amphibious invasion during World War II, "I will see you at Yasukuni."
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During World War II, the black press supported the war effort through the “Double V Campaign” for victory over Nazism and against racism at home. The African-American community’s well-publicized recognition of Jewish oppression at the hands of Nazi Germany propelled support for the war, as well as support for the Jewish people. In turn, Jewish community leaders and organizations lent their support for securing “victory at home” for African Americans, whose civil rights remained curtailed in the post-war years. During the landmark Supreme Court case Brown vs. Broad of Education, which outlawed public school segregation and declared that “separate but equal is inherently unequal,” the NAACP enjoyed the support of major Jewish organizations like the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress. United by opposition to the religious intolerance and racism of the Ku Klux Klan and others, Jewish and African-American organizations worked to promote intergroup tolerance. In addition, many members of the Jewish community worked with African Americans on the front lines of civil rights campaigns, including Freedom Summer. In June 1964, the murder of black activist James Chaney and Jewish activists Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, who were working to register African Americans to vote in Mississippi, shocked the nation and garnered national attention for the civil rights movement. A month later, President Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned discrimination based on “race, color, religion, or national origin” in employment practices and public accommodations, marking an important achievement for both the Jewish and African-American communities.

However, in spite of such progress, the relationship between the two groups became unsettled, as new dynamics within the civil rights movement began to take hold. By the mid-1960s, the civil rights movement’s focus on non-violence was giving way to a more militant approach. Within the Black Power movement, activists highlighted tensions between Jewish and African-American urban communities that had existed for decades. In addition, some black activists drew attention to the fact that while Jews had held leadership positions within civil rights organizations for decades, the same was not true for African Americans within Jewish organizations.

How has The Bell Curve data been discredited? Do not say that a bunch of presumed "experts" in the field have discredited The Bell Curve by condemning it. Explain how they discredited it. Present evidence of intrinsic racial equality in average intelligence.

Because it claims a genetic component while failing to take into account economic considerations.

But white trash losers hang on to it, thinking you are the smartest guy in the trailer park.

When discussing racial differences I am careful to speak in terms of tendencies and averages. Now the "or most" caveat alarms me somewhat, but I am willing to present supporting evidence, if I can do so without fear of banishment.

Oh, I doubt you'll last that long here, so might as well go out with a bang.
Because it claims a genetic component while failing to take into account economic considerations.

But white trash losers hang on to it, thinking you are the smartest guy in the trailer park.

Oh, I doubt you'll last that long here, so might as well go out with a bang.
According to The Bell Curve an IQ test given to a seven year old gives a better prediction to the child's life time earning than the incomes of the parents. Like other assertions in The Bell Curve, this assertion is documented.
According to The Bell Curve an IQ test given to a seven year old gives a better prediction to the child's life time earning than the incomes of the parents. Like other assertions in The Bell Curve, this assertion is documented.

The Bell Curve was junk the minute it was put out by racists.

Having conditioned its audience to view IQ as all-important, The Bell Curve then manipulates statistics in a way that makes IQ look bigger, and everything else smaller, in determining Americans’ life-chances.

But by now the statistics have been gone over by professionals, who have come up with different results. The key points of their critique of The Bell Curve are as follows:

What Herrnstein and Murray used to measure IQ is actually a measure of education as well as intelligence. All the people tracked in the National Longitudinal Study of Youth took the Armed Forces Qualifying Test, which Herrnstein and Murray treat as a good measure of intelligence. Because the material covered in the test includes subjects like trigonometry, many academic critics of The Bell Curve have objected to its use as a measure only of IQ and not at all of academic achievement. Herrnstein and Murray concede in the footnotes that scores tend to rise with the subjects’ education–but they seriously underestimate the magnitude of this rise, as shows. And they resist the obvious inference that the test scores are measuring something other than intelligence.
Murray’s research may provoke discourse, but its inaccuracy means it has no place being showcased at a course on data science when more qualified scientists could have been invited. As Viterna argues, a “balanced” debate should not be the goal if providing balance requires legitimating shoddy pseudoscientific work. “[The University’s] goal is not to create political balance for the United States,” she said. “Our goal is to create the best knowledge possible, and to teach the best knowledge that we have available to our students.”
The Bell Curve was junk the minute it was put out by racists.
The Bell Curve is more obviously true now than when it was published in 1994. Gene alleles are being discovered for intelligence.


MIT Technology Review

DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one​

Scientists have linked hundreds of genes to intelligence. One psychologist says it’s time to test school kids.
By Antonio Regalado, April 2, 2018

Ready for a world in which a $50 DNA test can predict your odds of earning a PhD or forecast which toddler gets into a selective preschool?
Robert Plomin, a behavioral geneticist, says that’s exactly what’s coming.

For decades genetic researchers have sought the hereditary factors behind intelligence, with little luck. But now gene studies have finally gotten big enough—and hence powerful enough—to zero in on genetic differences linked to IQ.

A year ago, no gene had ever been tied to performance on an IQ test. Since then, more than 500 have, thanks to gene studies involving more than 200,000 test takers. Results from an experiment correlating one million people’s DNA with their academic success are due at any time.


Molecular Psychiatry, February 2, 2021
Genetic variation, brain, and intelligence differences

Individual differences in human intelligence, as assessed using cognitive test scores, have a well-replicated, hierarchical phenotypic covariance structure. They are substantially stable across the life course, and are predictive of educational, social, and health outcomes. From this solid phenotypic foundation and importance for life, comes an interest in the environmental, social, and genetic aetiologies of intelligence, and in the foundations of intelligence differences in brain structure and functioning. Here, we summarise and critique the last 10 years or so of molecular genetic (DNA-based) research on intelligence, including the discovery of genetic loci associated with intelligence, DNA-based heritability, and intelligence’s genetic correlations with other traits. We summarise new brain imaging-intelligence findings, including whole-brain associations and grey and white matter associations. We summarise regional brain imaging associations with intelligence and interpret these with respect to theoretical accounts. We address research that combines genetics and brain imaging in studying intelligence differences. There are new, though modest, associations in all these areas, and mechanistic accounts are lacking. We attempt to identify growing points that might contribute toward a more integrated ‘systems biology’ account of some of the between-individual differences in intelligence.

Individual differences in human intelligence​

This article is about some new contributions toward understanding the aetiology of individual differences in human intelligence. The focus is on genetic variation and brain imaging-derived differences, including where those two sources overlap. For more than a century, the field of research that studies intelligence differences has had some controversies (Box 1). Notwithstanding these, research findings on intelligence have much consensus, based on robust findings. The first part of this article summarises some of the findings from which reductionist approaches—including brain imaging and genetics—to intelligence differences proceed.

Genetic variation, brain, and intelligence differences - Molecular Psychiatry


Genes don't just influence your IQ—they determine how well you do in school​

Twin study shows that many different inherited traits shape a person's grades and test scores, by Sarah C.P.Williams, October 6, 2014​

If you sailed through school with high grades and perfect test scores, you probably did it with traits beyond sheer smarts. A new study of more than 6000 pairs of twins finds that academic achievement is influenced by genes affecting motivation, personality, confidence, and dozens of other traits, in addition to those that shape intelligence. The results may lead to new ways to improve childhood education.

"I think this is going to end up being a really classic paper in the literature," says psychologist Lee Thompson of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, who has studied the genetics of cognitive skills and who was not involved in the work. "It's a really firm foundation from which we can build on."

Researchers have previously shown that a person's IQ is highly influenced by genetic factors, and have even identified certain genes that play a role. They've also shown that performance in school has genetic factors. But it's been unclear whether the same genes that influence IQ also influence grades and test scores.

Only to racists...
Calling someone a racist is name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse. It does not advance the discussion the United States needs to be having. It is an effort to coerce an end to the discussion. In my comment #253 I post information about discoveries since 1994, when The Bell Curve was published, of gene alleles that influence intelligence.
Calling someone a racist is name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse. It does not advance the discussion the United States needs to be having. It is an effort to coerce an end to the discussion. In my comment #253 I post information about discoveries since 1994, when The Bell Curve was published, of gene alleles that influence intelligence.
And we’ve been seeing more and more of that in recent years. Any time a Democrat (sorry, but it comes from Democrats) doesn’t agree with what you’re saying, and has no way to argue the point, he slams the door shut with “racist!!”
And we’ve been seeing more and more of that in recent years. Any time a Democrat (sorry, but it comes from Democrats) doesn’t agree with what you’re saying, and has no way to argue the point, he slams the door shut with “racist!!”
I would replace "Democrat" in your comment to "anti racist." All Democrats are not anti racists. The New Deal was popular with Southern whites and white blue collar workers.

I dislike changes the Democrat Party made after 1963. I also dislike changes the Republican Party made beginning with the Reagan administration. For example, Reagan nearly tripled the national debt by cutting taxes for the rich while doubling military spending. Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that?

Consequently, I continue to vote Democrat, although not with enthusiasm.

I am a white male heterosexual Christian who is not rich. When the Democrat Party advanced the economic interests and social concerns of people like me the Democrat Party dominated the United States.
Because it claims a genetic component while failing to take into account economic considerations.

But white trash losers hang on to it, thinking you are the smartest guy in the trailer park.

Oh, I doubt you'll last that long here, so might as well go out with a bang.
Those of my persuasion can be silenced. We cannot be refuted. By suppressing heriditarians and race realists anti racists prevent a debate they cannot win in an atmosphere that respects facts and insights.
Because it claims a genetic component while failing to take into account economic considerations.

But white trash losers hang on to it, thinking you are the smartest guy in the trailer park.
I doubt Hector is white trash. His writing style and well-cited research suggests he is an intelligent, educated man,
Oh, I doubt you'll last that long here, so might as well go out with a bang.

It is true that certain topics are not tolerated.

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