Zone1 Why Is American Afraid of Black History?


Black History exposes the very ugly underside of White History in the US.
From Rosewood, to Tulsa, to the Tuskegee experiments Black history exposes things White people would rather not see.
Black History punches that gloriously noble American Myth right in the nose.

And don't get me started on Wounded Knee.
Thank you for that brilliant, thoughtful and informative OP. As an older white guy who has seen a lot, I would not say the America as a whole is afraid of black history, but it is true that too many whites are and I find that disturbing. Too many buy into the great replacement hysteria and believe that allowing others to gain ground will somehow take something away from them They see it as a zero sum game where there has to be winners and losers, or at least they pretend to believe that to justify their racism. Therse are the same people who rai against women’s rights and LGBT rights and they do so out of a profound and pathological level of fear and insecurity. I am saddened and sickened by what is happening to this country, We are being pulled backwards, to a great extent by Trump and the MAGA movement, but also the worldwide trend towards intollerance and authoritarianism

I absolute believe that teaching true and accurate history is the path to healing and to improving race relations, and not at all divisive as some would have us believe. Then they have the temerity to claim that those who want to teach some form of critical race theory are the ones who want to rewrite history. History has already been rewritten. Now those revisions need to be exposed for the lies that they are. Those who seek to whitewash history –ostensibly to “protect their white kids from shame and self loathing are underestimating the and selling them short. Kids are smarted and more accepting than ever of diversity. They will understand the difference between acknowledging the fact that their ancestors did some awful things as opposed to feeling personally responsible for the past. Rather, they now have the opportunity to take responsibility for the future / At the same time I do not think that an honest accounting of history will turn blacks against whiles Rather, I believe that black folks will appreciate an honest airing of the dirty laundry that is the history of this country from 1619. However, these people who fear the truth are not interested in healing , they want to perpetuate the status quo
Well said.
When white explorers first went to Africa.
They discovered black people living in mud huts with dirt floors and rubbing their bodies and hair with cow manure to keep the mosquitoes from biting them.
They didn't know how write or read books, and had no concept of using a wheel to move things.
After thousands of years the only thing black Africans had invented was the spear. .. :cuckoo:
No, that's not what they found. And that's what you're scared of learning.

Black History exposes the very ugly underside of White History in the US.
From Rosewood, to Tulsa, to the Tuskegee experiments Black history exposes things White people would rather not see.
Black History punches that gloriously noble American Myth right in the nose.

And don't get me started on Wounded Knee.
An honest course on black history would would explain that blacks were not enslaved by whites; they were enslaved by other blacks and sold to whites. It would explain how the institution of slavery always harmed the vast majority of whites, and how blacks continue to harm whites with their crimes, the way they ruin white working class neighborhoods by moving into them, and how they raise the cost of our criminal justice and welfare systems.
An honest course on black history would would explain that blacks were not enslaved by whites; they were enslaved by other blacks and sold to whites. It would explain how the institution of slavery always harmed the vast majority of whites, and how blacks continue to harm whites with their crimes, the way they ruin white working class neighborhoods by moving into them, and how they raise the cost of our criminal justice and welfare systems.
No, it would point out
That White slavers paid for Black prisoners.
That white slavers then enslaved these people under British then US law
That these White slavers then transported these captives under abominable conditions forsale in the US
That many of these captives died during transport...

It would point out that White racism is the primary cause of White flight and ...

Please son.
Your ignorance of actual factual history is too broad and deep to be addressed here.
May I suggest middle School.
No, it would point out
That White slavers paid for Black prisoners.
That white slavers then enslaved these people under British then US law
That these White slavers then transported these captives under abominable conditions forsale in the US
That many of these captives died during transport...

It would point out that White racism is the primary cause of White flight and ...

Please son.
Your ignorance of actual factual history is too broad and deep to be addressed here.
May I suggest middle School.
And that's why he is scared of history.
An honest course on black history would would explain that blacks were not enslaved by whites; they were enslaved by other blacks and sold to whites. It would explain how the institution of slavery always harmed the vast majority of whites, and how blacks continue to harm whites with their crimes, the way they ruin white working class neighborhoods by moving into them, and how they raise the cost of our criminal justice and welfare systems.

You have had ZERO schooling.
It would point out that White racism is the primary cause of White flight and ...

Please son.
Your ignorance of actual factual history is too broad and deep to be addressed here.
May I suggest middle School.
White racism is not the result of irrational color prejudice. It is the result of knowing that Negroes bring with them crime and welfare expense wherever they go.

East Asians faced prejudice and discrimination when they came to the United States. They dispelled it by behaving and performing well.

What don't I know that would change my opinion of the Negro race if I learned?

By every objective, measurable criterion Negroes are on the average considerably less intelligent than whites. In the United States they have have a murder rate nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate two and a half the white rate.
They got them into GOVT where they have extra cover to do anything they want. Untouchable, like the home O & Trans. Fani& NY paid millions to harrass Trump and crew. DEMS don’t care, faster collapse with them holding power.


Stuff like this and the massive out of proportion Black & Brown unprovoked violence. its everyday, everyhour one-sided. Can’t sugar coat it anymore. 4 Black cities paid to rig 2020 vote late noght OCT 03.

An investigation of an East Village ghost gun factory revealed a massive theft perpetrated by ten government workers, including one former NYPD officer, with plans to steal more than $1 million from New York City’s disadvantaged, officials said.

A Manhattan District Attorney’s Office investigation led to four indictments charging 18 people with a number of offenses, including conspiracy to manufacture ghost guns, conspiracy to rip off the state’s pandemic benefits program, and residential burglary, all of which stemmed from a probe launched in 2022.
White racism is not the result of irrational color prejudice. It is the result of knowing that Negroes bring with them crime and welfare expense wherever they go.
If white people "know" this
Why did they import them by the million?
Why did they selectively breed them?

Let me help you with your intellectual shortcoming.


Read this book and get back to us.
They got them into GOVT where they have extra cover to do anything they want. Untouchable, like the home O & Trans. Fani& NY paid millions to harrass Trump and crew. DEMS don’t care, faster collapse with them holding power.

View attachment 914917

Stuff like this and the massive out of proportion Black & Brown unprovoked violence. its everyday, everyhour one-sided. Can’t sugar coat it anymore. 4 Black cities paid to rig 2020 vote late noght OCT 03.

An investigation of an East Village ghost gun factory revealed a massive theft perpetrated by ten government workers, including one former NYPD officer, with plans to steal more than $1 million from New York City’s disadvantaged, officials said.

A Manhattan District Attorney’s Office investigation led to four indictments charging 18 people with a number of offenses, including conspiracy to manufacture ghost guns, conspiracy to rip off the state’s pandemic benefits program, and residential burglary, all of which stemmed from a probe launched in 2022.
And still we have whites running their mouths while they support one man indicted on 91 felony counts to be the president of this country.
You do not prove that by asserting it. What have I said about the Negro race that is not true? Where is there evidence that blacks and whites are genetically equivalent?
Everything you said is nothng but a big stinking heap of dumb ---. OK? None of it is true.
If white people "know" this
Why did they import them by the million?
Why did they selectively breed them?

Let me help you with your intellectual shortcoming.

Amazon product ASIN 0394722264
Read this book and get back to us.
The slave trade was the worst mistake whites in the Americas made. It was always unpopular among large segments of the white population.

In the South family farms could not compete with plantations. Nearly every profession and skilled trade paid less in slave states than free states. The vast majority of European immigrants moved to the free states because that was where the economic opportunities were.

The South has always been the economic back water of the United States. The industrial revolution happened in the North. The computer revolution is happening on the West Coast.

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