Why I'm Canceling My AARP Membership


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Fifty - The Huffington Post by [email protected] (John Blumenthal) @ Why I'm Canceling My AARP Membership | John Blumenthal

I understand this is supposed to be a humorous piece – and it is. But, he never gets down to the main reason I have never joined AARP – it's become a supporter of the Democrat party and candidates. And it doesn't seem to seek to deal with those in the over 50 crowd who are still working -as the author points oub.

Are you a member? And why?
Are you going to join one of the new supposed conservative ones? If so, which? I think there are 2 vying for supremacy.
Fifty - The Huffington Post by [email protected] (John Blumenthal) @ Why I'm Canceling My AARP Membership | John Blumenthal

I understand this is supposed to be a humorous piece – and it is. But, he never gets down to the main reason I have never joined AARP – it's become a supporter of the Democrat party and candidates. And it doesn't seem to seek to deal with those in the over 50 crowd who are still working -as the author points oub.

Are you a member? And why?
In regard to lobbying, AARP responds to the things most financially important to seniors, Medicare and Social Security which historically has been a priority for Democrats since the day they signed them into law.

I'm a member only because my wife likes their magazine.
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Fifty - The Huffington Post by [email protected] (John Blumenthal) @ Why I'm Canceling My AARP Membership | John Blumenthal

I understand this is supposed to be a humorous piece – and it is. But, he never gets down to the main reason I have never joined AARP – it's become a supporter of the Democrat party and candidates. And it doesn't seem to seek to deal with those in the over 50 crowd who are still working -as the author points oub.

Are you a member? And why?
In regard to lobbying, AARP responds to the things most important to seniors, Medicare and Social Security which historically has been a priority for Democrats since the day they signed it into law.

I'm a member only because my wife likes their magazine.

And, if one reads the magazine, one sees they are not strictly pro-Dem.

They are pro-seniors.
AARP does not support the Dem party.

They support seniors.

That's why we belong.

This is why people think you are a lying hack.:cool:


The AARP, founded in 1958 as the American Association of Retired Persons, officially changed its name to the acronym “AARP” in 1999, to convey that it no longer focused solely on retirees.

Closely tied to congressional Democrats, AARP is the largest non-industry lobbying group in the United States, paying lobbyists huge sums to petition Congress and federal agencies on matters of social and political import. In 2008, the organization's $27.9 million in lobbying expenditures were exceeded only by those of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Exxon Mobil. In 2009, AARP employed more than 60 in-house lobbyists, including luminaries like Nancy LeaMond (a former political appointee in the Bill Clinton administration), Michael Naylor (a former legislative director for Democrat Senator Chris Dodd), and Rhonda Sharon Richards (former staff director under Democrat Senator Barbara Mikulski.
Fifty - The Huffington Post by [email protected] (John Blumenthal) @ Why I'm Canceling My AARP Membership | John Blumenthal

I understand this is supposed to be a humorous piece – and it is. But, he never gets down to the main reason I have never joined AARP – it's become a supporter of the Democrat party and candidates. And it doesn't seem to seek to deal with those in the over 50 crowd who are still working -as the author points oub.

Are you a member? And why?
In regard to lobbying, AARP responds to the things most important to seniors, Medicare and Social Security which historically has been a priority for Democrats since the day they signed it into law.

I'm a member only because my wife likes their magazine.

And, if one reads the magazine, one sees they are not strictly pro-Dem.

They are pro-seniors.
That's true. Social Security and Medicare are just where they do most of their lobbying. They use their ARRP Bulletin, website and magazine to promote senior health, retirement saving, and other issues of interest to seniors.
Fifty - The Huffington Post by [email protected] (John Blumenthal) @ Why I'm Canceling My AARP Membership | John Blumenthal

I understand this is supposed to be a humorous piece – and it is. But, he never gets down to the main reason I have never joined AARP – it's become a supporter of the Democrat party and candidates. And it doesn't seem to seek to deal with those in the over 50 crowd who are still working -as the author points oub.

Are you a member? And why?

I joined when I turned 50. I quite for two reasons: 1) I got flooded with solicitations; and 2) their focus was not what was good for all of our nations population, only on those, and at the expense of others, who belonged to the age group over 50.
I get hotel discounts.

Sent from my ass using USMessageBoard.com

You can get the same discount by being a member of AAA, as well as various other organizations...

plus you can get the discount simply by being a geezer of a certain age without being a member of any organization...
Fifty - The Huffington Post by [email protected] (John Blumenthal) @ Why I'm Canceling My AARP Membership | John Blumenthal

I understand this is supposed to be a humorous piece – and it is. But, he never gets down to the main reason I have never joined AARP – it's become a supporter of the Democrat party and candidates. And it doesn't seem to seek to deal with those in the over 50 crowd who are still working -as the author points oub.

Are you a member? And why?

I joined when I turned 50. I quite for two reasons: 1) I got flooded with solicitations; and 2) their focus was not what was good for all of our nations population, only on those, and at the expense of others, who belonged to the age group over 50.

two words for you:

regarding (1): pussy

regarding (2): sheep

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