Why I Plan to Vote For Joe Biden (or the First Moderate Dem that Opposes the GND)


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have something I think of as the 'W Principle' which is that "You can never be sure that your party will win the next election simply because the opposition is controlled by self-hating morons. Your candidate might still be worse."

All Bush 43 had to do was campaign for his party in 2018 and they would have won, but he was so bad, in the Establishments view, he was hidden in shame and was not even allowed to speak at their own party convention that year passing on the baton to their next candidate, who sucked worse than Bush did. And so the GOP's credibility would still have been lifted up on average.

The W Principle reminds us that we cannot let one of our two viable parties to fall into the hands of Marxist dunderheads. Eventually they will win the office of POTUS, like it or not, existential suicide for America or not.

That is how two party systems roll, they alternate sharing power, roughly.

More important to the US than getting the deficit paid down, our military revived or the Southern Border Secured is to rip control of the Dimocratic Party from the hands of these Marxist shit4brains that control it now. To do that we have to make the next moderate they nominate be a winner so he can fumigate the Dimocratic Party and run all those little bastards into the lagoon where they came from.

So if the Dims give me a moderate who is not a Marxist brain amputatee, I am going to vote for them.

So sorry Mr President for not rewarding your excellence with the vote it deserves. I really do want to vote for you again. But we have to quarantine and then eradicate a much deeper threat to our way of life in the form of Marxist Zombies that control half of our political institutions right now. Sorry.

Democratic Party Marxists must be purged from our political system come Hell, High water or death by a thousand cuts.

Do it, England.
A vote for Joe is a vote for Soros. Full bore.
We have to stop pretending that we have a Reb vs Dem problem in this country. We have a Nation vs UN issue. And we are losing the battle because half of this country can't see the enemy.
Here is Soros latest pic for our country:

In a June 27 interview with Uygur on his YouTube channel “The Young Turks,” Ocasio-Cortez thanked Uygur and other media platforms for covering her before the primaries, which she says “in no small part” helped her win.

“I wouldn’t be running if it wasn’t for the support of Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez told Uygur. “In fact it was, it was JD (Justice Democrats) and it was Brand New Congress that asked me to run in the first place.”

The Young Turks is a member of The Media Consortium — a network of far left media publications which includes Mother Jones, Democracy Now!, and dozens of other outlets, funded by Soros.
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A vote for Joe is a vote for Soros. Full bore.

For Biden to do Soros bidding (see what I did there? lol) he would have to sign on to the Green New Deal.

I will not vote for anyone who signs on to that piece of Satanic Self Destruction. Period.
Anyone see a pattern here?


and this...



Do we see the pattern yet?

Democrat Marxist Far Left is as dangerous and evil as the wack job Salafi Islamacists.
Biden is weak and is a bumbling boob. Hardly presidential....hell he was a lousy VP

This is not about Biden.

It is about leaving one of our two major parties in the control of lying, evil, ruthless, conniving Marxist murderers.

That has to end and the only way to do it is to vote for the next moderate the Democrats give the nomination to.

Or else they eventually win due to the W Principle and America commits suicide.

It is as simple as that.
Biden is weak and is a bumbling boob. Hardly presidential....hell he was a lousy VP

This is not about Biden.

It is about leaving one of our two major parties in the control of lying, evil, ruthless, conniving Marxist murderers.

That has to end and the only way to do it is to vote for the next moderate the Democrats give the nomination to.

Or else they eventually win due to the W Principle and America commits suicide.

It is as simple as that.

There isn't a dem that has announced they're running I'd vote for.
There isn't a dem that has announced they're running I'd vote for.

Normally I would agree, but this is an exceptional year with the ascendant Brainless Mob in charge of the Democratic PArty.

Ending that and eradicating the Marxists from our political and collegial institutions is much more important than the monkey wearing the POTUS label.

I consider myself a democratic socialist, but these people are Chavistas that even the Socialist Internationale cannot tolerate.
There isn't a dem that has announced they're running I'd vote for.

Normally I would agree, but this is an exceptional year with the ascendant Brainless Mob in charge of the Democratic PArty.

Ending that and eradicating the Marxists from our political and collegial institutions is much more important than the monkey wearing the POTUS label.

I consider myself a democratic socialist, but these people are Chavistas that even the Socialist Internationale cannot tolerate.

Schultz seems to be the most level headed but he's not loony enough for the demoquacks to embrace him
There isn't a dem that has announced they're running I'd vote for.

Normally I would agree, but this is an exceptional year with the ascendant Brainless Mob in charge of the Democratic PArty.

Ending that and eradicating the Marxists from our political and collegial institutions is much more important than the monkey wearing the POTUS label.

I consider myself a democratic socialist, but these people are Chavistas that even the Socialist Internationale cannot tolerate.

Schultz seems to be the most level headed but he's not loony enough for the demoquacks to embrace him
My favorite was Jim Webb, but he was too sane for the Dems.
There isn't a dem that has announced they're running I'd vote for.

Normally I would agree, but this is an exceptional year with the ascendant Brainless Mob in charge of the Democratic PArty.

Ending that and eradicating the Marxists from our political and collegial institutions is much more important than the monkey wearing the POTUS label.

I consider myself a democratic socialist, but these people are Chavistas that even the Socialist Internationale cannot tolerate.

They (Democrats) could just implode, you know.
They (Democrats) could just implode, you know.

In theory, yes, but the two party system is too entrenched in the political system for that to happen.

There is the Federal Pork system, the ballot qualification system, the Federal matching funds, the whole Corporate Crony system, etc, all designed to absolutely and totally 100% prevent another Ross Perot from happening.

I just think it would be easier to raise the Titanic and polish it up than to knock one of the two major parties out and replace it with another party.
Sorry Biden is a moron. It would be like having another Jimmy Carter.

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Sorry Biden is a moron. It would be like having another Jimmy Carter.
Biden is not a moron. He is one of the few Dems who can actually think. He just talks too much, lol, and grabs too much, but I dont care about either one.
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I disagree with Biden on the red lines, but over all he is very moderate and not some nutjob like AOC or Pelosi.
Sanders has the best chance of beating Trump and should win the Dem nomination.....there are enough rino's in DC to give him what he wants if elected
I don't buy that Biden is moderate. He didn't seem to have any problem with what Obama was doing while he was VP. He was in the least complicit. It is the new norm for dems to pretend to be moderate, and then vote lock step for their authoritarian agenda. I agree with the above poster about Shultz. Being an outsider is the only chance to get a free thinking democrat candidate. What happens if someone like Shultz got elected is anyone's guess. They normally just vote in lock step, like they got run over by the system.
Sanders has the best chance of beating Trump and should win the Dem nomination.....there are enough rino's in DC to give him what he wants if elected
But not if he signs off on the GND, and I think h e has, hasnt he?

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