Why I Don't Like Illegal Aliens

Jose Illegal pays no taxes...

An incorrect statement - HUGE majority of my illegal immigrant friends (and I had many) paid taxes. Why? Because by paying taxes they hoped they would be able to stay in the US longer and not get kicked out... also, they wanted to build up their social security so that after they retired, they could get their retirement money. Does that sound logical enough for you? Reconsider.how did they get a social security card if they were here illegaly? did they break another law and steal someone's number?????

WHAT? IF there is such a thing as free healthcare in the US, please tell me where so I can go there and get it. IF you're talking about going to the emergency room and subsequently not paying for it... I know plenty of AMERICAN CITIZENS that did just that - gave made up names and addresses...so that makes it okay for illegals to do it???? the one's who steal identity.. boy are you screwed up

So fuck off.no you fuck off.

I think in order to be eligible for any state assistance, you need social security number - AT THE LEAST - and it is so much paperwork and red-tape, that I really can't see many illegal aliens going through with it and getting it... really can't. Of course, if your kid is born in the USA, it's different story - because those kids, like it or not, are AMERICANS. you just said they pay taxes so they can get social security.. bozo.

Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps
and Welfare Joe Illegal got house loan NINJA loans.. bozo

Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy

I say: bullshit. See the point above.

Like you, I also think that illegal immigration has to be curbed and more tightly controlled, but don't go on making false statements, especially without backing them up.

What a idiot.. you actually root for people who break into your house and steal your money and your identity.. what a loon.

Are you high on crack?
It's FUCKING EASY NOT to be an illegal immigrant innit? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do you have a point? I did not say it is not hard to be an immigrant - it is tough to be an immigrant period - however, it is definitely harder to be an illegal immigrant. It's quite logical, think about it.

what you said was "it's tough to be an illegal immigrantand then I said It's easy not to be an illegal immigrant innit?

Yes, you are high on crack.
Do you have a point? I did not say it is not hard to be an immigrant - it is tough to be an immigrant period - however, it is definitely harder to be an illegal immigrant. It's quite logical, think about it.

what you said was "it's tough to be an illegal immigrantand then I said It's easy not to be an illegal immigrant innit?

Yes, you are high on crack.

why? cause I shot down your bullshit argument? :eek:
They are narcissistic? They think they're perfect culturally? Have you ever heard of something called 'culture shock'? Obviously you haven't, which means you're being ignorant and are making ignorant statements. By extension, you just showed us a perfect example of a pot calling a kettle black... How about you read up about what culture shock is and how it affects people and then go back and read your anti-immigrant posts... you'll feel embarrassed.

The shit that most immigrants - especially illegal immigrants - have to go through should make you respect and even admire them... It is FUCKING TOUGH to be an illegal immigrant. Just like Chris Rock said - and AVG Joe quoted him saying - hate the game, not the player. You can still be against illegal immigration WITHOUT being a FUCKING JERK and having issues with illegals as a group.


It's FUCKING EASY NOT to be an illegal immigrant innit? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do you have a point? I did not say it is not hard to be an immigrant - it is tough to be an immigrant period - however, it is definitely harder to be an illegal immigrant. It's quite logical, think about it.

it's definitely easier not to be an illegal immigrant.. stay the fuck in yer own damn country!!! easy smeazy!
It's FUCKING EASY NOT to be an illegal immigrant innit? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do you have a point? I did not say it is not hard to be an immigrant - it is tough to be an immigrant period - however, it is definitely harder to be an illegal immigrant. It's quite logical, think about it.

it's definitely easier not to be an illegal immigrant.. stay the fuck in yer own damn country!!! easy smeazy!

Are you really that dumb or are you just acting like a total airhead for the fun of it?
Do you have a point? I did not say it is not hard to be an immigrant - it is tough to be an immigrant period - however, it is definitely harder to be an illegal immigrant. It's quite logical, think about it.

it's definitely easier not to be an illegal immigrant.. stay the fuck in yer own damn country!!! easy smeazy!

Are you really that dumb or are you just acting like a total airhead for the fun of it?

Dumb? Me? It never once occurred to me to sneak into a foreign country, steal services and identity.. so now who is DUmb?
it's definitely easier not to be an illegal immigrant.. stay the fuck in yer own damn country!!! easy smeazy!

Are you really that dumb or are you just acting like a total airhead for the fun of it?

Dumb? Me? It never once occurred to me to sneak into a foreign country, steal services and identity.. so now who is DUmb?

Willow, dear... I understand you're afraid of the evil blood-sucking monster illegal aliens doing just what you described above - stealing your identity and US 'services'... but honestly, not all illegal immigrants steal identities, as a matter of fact, I think that is rather rare because by doing that, those same illegal immigrants are taking a huge risk - that one day, when they are eligible for a green card or any 'legal' document allowing them to stay in the US, they won't be able to get it because of just such an act. It is usually just criminals and people with a lot to hide that do such things - and there is a criminal element to every group of people... because there is a criminal element to people.

When it comes to 'services'... US has no services for immigrants to take advantage of... your social services are a fucking hoot that the rest of the world makes fun of - the MAIN reason why immigrants move to the US, therefore, is not to take 'advantage of your almost nonexistent SHITTY as fuck services, but rather, TO MAKE MONEY because your job market is unregulated enough for them to be able to do so. As a matter of fact, if I were an immigrant and wanted to take advantage of a country's services, I'd rather go to fucking Canada or somewhere in Europe, where they actually have something called social services. USA is the only country, where immigrants have a lesser rate of unemployment than its citizens.

Think abouts it...
Are you really that dumb or are you just acting like a total airhead for the fun of it?

Dumb? Me? It never once occurred to me to sneak into a foreign country, steal services and identity.. so now who is DUmb?

Willow, dear... I understand you're afraid of the evil blood-sucking monster illegal aliens doing just what you described above - stealing your identity and US 'services'..nice ploy,, trying to make me look like the bad guy won't work, . but honestly, not all illegal immigrants steal identities, as a matter of fact,then tell us how illegal aliens get social security cards whydoncha? I think that is rather rare because by doing that, those same illegal immigrants are taking a huge risk - that one day, when they are eligible for a green card or any 'legal' document allowing them to stay in the US, they won't be able to get it because of just such an act. It is usually just criminals and people with a lot to hide that do such things - and there is a criminal element to every group of people... because there is a criminal element to people. you are the very person who stated illegal aliens are working and paying taxes so they can draw social security,, now tell us how if they don't steal Identity how they get a social security card.

When it comes to 'services'... US has no services for immigrants to take advantage of... your social services are a fucking hoot that the rest of the world makes fun of -fuck the world,, you should know by now we don't give a shit what you in the rest of the world think,, then take your precious illegals out of our hospitals and our schools and off our welfare rolls,, leave the shit for US in the the USA> the MAIN reason why immigrants move to the US, therefore, is not to take 'advantage of your almost nonexistent SHITTY as fuck services, but rather, TO MAKE MONEY because your job market is unregulated enough for them to be able to do so. As a matter of fact, if I were an immigrant and wanted to take advantage of a country's services, I'd rather go to fucking Canadago to Canada you will hear them squeal very loudly or somewhere in Europe, Europe is good, go there,, why donchya like Mexico?? What's the problem,, ain't Mexico great???where they actually have something called social services. USA is the only country, where immigrants have a lesser rate of unemployment than its citizens.

Think abouts it...

The above deserves a big Phuck Yew! Happy Trails.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Dumb? Me? It never once occurred to me to sneak into a foreign country, steal services and identity.. so now who is DUmb?

Willow, dear... I understand you're afraid of the evil blood-sucking monster illegal aliens doing just what you described above - stealing your identity and US 'services'..nice ploy,, trying to make me look like the bad guy won't work, . but honestly, not all illegal immigrants steal identities, as a matter of fact,then tell us how illegal aliens get social security cards whydoncha? I think that is rather rare because by doing that, those same illegal immigrants are taking a huge risk - that one day, when they are eligible for a green card or any 'legal' document allowing them to stay in the US, they won't be able to get it because of just such an act. It is usually just criminals and people with a lot to hide that do such things - and there is a criminal element to every group of people... because there is a criminal element to people. you are the very person who stated illegal aliens are working and paying taxes so they can draw social security,, now tell us how if they don't steal Identity how they get a social security card.

When it comes to 'services'... US has no services for immigrants to take advantage of... your social services are a fucking hoot that the rest of the world makes fun of -fuck the world,, you should know by now we don't give a shit what you in the rest of the world think,, then take your precious illegals out of our hospitals and our schools and off our welfare rolls,, leave the shit for US in the the USA> the MAIN reason why immigrants move to the US, therefore, is not to take 'advantage of your almost nonexistent SHITTY as fuck services, but rather, TO MAKE MONEY because your job market is unregulated enough for them to be able to do so. As a matter of fact, if I were an immigrant and wanted to take advantage of a country's services, I'd rather go to fucking Canadago to Canada you will hear them squeal very loudly or somewhere in Europe, Europe is good, go there,, why donchya like Mexico?? What's the problem,, ain't Mexico great???where they actually have something called social services. USA is the only country, where immigrants have a lesser rate of unemployment than its citizens.

Think abouts it...

The above deserves a big Phuck Yew! Happy Trails.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

First off, there are three kinds of immigrants: immigrants that entered the country illegally (almost exclusively south Americans or maybe smuggled Asians), immigrants that entered the country legally, but overstayed their visa and work without a work permit, and then legal immigrants.

Therefore, there are two kinds of 'illegal immigrants'. The group that entered illegally, can't have social security cards. The only way they can get a ssn is either through legal ways (marriage) or by stealing somebody's identity, which is really hard and not to mention expensive.

The other kind of 'illegal' immigrants do have social security numbers because they secured them while their visa was still up to date and before the amount of time they were allowed to stay ran out. Mind you, it used to be easier to get a social security card than it is today. Once you have the social security card, you can usually secure a job without having a work permit - usually of a shitty kind, like working on a construction site or being a housekeeper - where the employer doesn't ask to see the card, just cares for the number.

There are two kinds of social security cards: one says, may work with authorization and the other says nothing. The one that says nothing is the best one - it's the one that american citizens get, the one with the text is for immigrants. The immigrants that I spoke of - that pay taxes and all that are the ones that entered legally and have ssn and pay taxes. The ones that entered illegally have no social security cards and if they do, it is because they stole someone's identity, however, I don't think there are many of them because of the reasons stated above. I guess this would be the time to dig out a study of some sort to see really what percentage of illegals actually do secure SSN illegally.

Taxes: if you're an illegal immigrant and have a SSN, you sure as hell pay taxes so that you don't get found out by the IRS, because you wanna stay as long as possible and make as much money as possible. There are illegals that stay only for a year or two and for them it's not worth paying taxes - but how many 'services' can they really use... in two years one can hardly make sense of the way things work in another country, let alone take full advantage of them (think about it). Illegals with no SSN are a different story - they can't get a drivers licence, can't really do jack shit...I can see some of them seeing the only answer in paying someone to secure a SSN and/or working permit for them. There was a guy in Florida that took $10 000 cash and got you a green card - before the INS found him out and locked him up for a few years.

Illegal immigrants are people like you and me and believe it or not, their lives are so much harder than you could ever imagine... nobody wants to just leave their country and move to another one whose language they don't speak, whose culture they don't share and go through all that fucking stress associated with getting used to it all and figuring all of it out - the illegals that enter illegally are people to be pitied more than anything else...

Statements like: 'I hate illegals' make me wanna barf.

At the same time... I do agree that something has to be done to prevent illegal immigration because I do understand the plight of American citizens. However, I won't feel any sympathy towards anyone that 'hates' immigrants and doesn't take the time to understand what those unfortunate people have to go through. You should be ashamed of yourself if you harbor such negative attitudes towards illegals.

As has been said numerous times: hate the game, not the players - yeah, and don't shoot the messenger.
Here's why I don't like illegal aliens, in no particular order: They are narcissistic. They are belligerent. Careless, thoughtless and ignorant. Can I say ignorant, again? Reckless and excessive on any level you wish to chose. Nobody is perfect, they also seem to think they are perfect culturally , but they also see themselves as victims of a law and a culture they are pretending doesn't exist. Call that an inconvenient truth. American culture exists, and has for over 200 years, and it isn't in Espanol for those wimpy losers out there that like Hispanics so much, You wouldn't actually want to contaminate that lily white ass by living with them. I don't know who I despise more, those phony ass pseudointellectuals that kiss illegal booty or illegal aliens. I can relate to the illegals, they are flesh and blood, no some entitled smart asses that get everything handed to them. No, they have the stones to be what they are, that is only thing I can say positive about them. All those rich Gobachos that support and hire illegals, they should be drawn and quartered, then shot. Shame on you jerks.

They are narcissistic? They think they're perfect culturally? Have you ever heard of something called 'culture shock'? Obviously you haven't, which means you're being ignorant and are making ignorant statements. By extension, you just showed us a perfect example of a pot calling a kettle black... How about you read up about what culture shock is and how it affects people and then go back and read your anti-immigrant posts... you'll feel embarrassed.

The shit that most immigrants - especially illegal immigrants - have to go through should make you respect and even admire them... It is FUCKING TOUGH to be an illegal immigrant. Just like Chris Rock said - and AVG Joe quoted him saying - hate the game, not the player. You can still be against illegal immigration WITHOUT being a FUCKING JERK and having issues with illegals as a group.


Did you really just write this? Seriously? Boo-fucking-illegal-alien-hoo.
'National Photo Identification Cards in lieu of a drivers license / State ID.'

How about this: round up all illegals who have entered the country in the last 5 yrs and deport them - offspring and all. Then and ONLY then should we talk about immigration reform. And when that happens, don't make it easy. Make sure that they pay for the 'civil crime' for entering this country illegally. Impose a stiff fine; make sure they learn english BEFORE they can apply for citizenship; don't allow chain immigration; and first and foremost, get rid of the anchor baby 'law'.

The only thing I disagree with is the 'don't make it easy' part. How complicated is it now to become a legal? Is that at all part of the problem or no? Maybe that should be changed so it takes less time to become legal, I don't know. Other than that, I agree with the rest.
Jose Illegal pays no taxes...

An incorrect statement - HUGE majority of my illegal immigrant friends (and I had many) paid taxes. Why? Because by paying taxes they hoped they would be able to stay in the US longer and not get kicked out... also, they wanted to build up their social security so that after they retired, they could get their retirement money. Does that sound logical enough for you? Reconsider.

Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and
local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year

WHAT? IF there is such a thing as free healthcare in the US, please tell me where so I can go there and get it. IF you're talking about going to the emergency room and subsequently not paying for it... I know plenty of AMERICAN CITIZENS that did just that - gave made up names and addresses...

So fuck off.

Joe Legal makes too much money is not eligible for Food Stamps or

I think in order to be eligible for any state assistance, you need social security number - AT THE LEAST - and it is so much paperwork and red-tape, that I really can't see many illegal aliens going through with it and getting it... really can't. Of course, if your kid is born in the USA, it's different story - because those kids, like it or not, are AMERICANS.

Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps
and Welfare

Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy

I say: bullshit. See the point above.

Like you, I also think that illegal immigration has to be curbed and more tightly controlled, but don't go on making false statements, especially without backing them up.

I didn't read the rest of your post. What part of 'ILLEGAL' are you not getting? They are entitled to NOTHING because they are here ILLEGALLY.
Here's why I don't like illegal aliens, in no particular order: They are narcissistic. They are belligerent. Careless, thoughtless and ignorant. Can I say ignorant, again? Reckless and excessive on any level you wish to chose. Nobody is perfect, they also seem to think they are perfect culturally , but they also see themselves as victims of a law and a culture they are pretending doesn't exist. Call that an inconvenient truth. American culture exists, and has for over 200 years, and it isn't in Espanol for those wimpy losers out there that like Hispanics so much, You wouldn't actually want to contaminate that lily white ass by living with them. I don't know who I despise more, those phony ass pseudointellectuals that kiss illegal booty or illegal aliens. I can relate to the illegals, they are flesh and blood, no some entitled smart asses that get everything handed to them. No, they have the stones to be what they are, that is only thing I can say positive about them. All those rich Gobachos that support and hire illegals, they should be drawn and quartered, then shot. Shame on you jerks.

They are narcissistic? They think they're perfect culturally? Have you ever heard of something called 'culture shock'? Obviously you haven't, which means you're being ignorant and are making ignorant statements. By extension, you just showed us a perfect example of a pot calling a kettle black... How about you read up about what culture shock is and how it affects people and then go back and read your anti-immigrant posts... you'll feel embarrassed.

The shit that most immigrants - especially illegal immigrants - have to go through should make you respect and even admire them... It is FUCKING TOUGH to be an illegal immigrant. Just like Chris Rock said - and AVG Joe quoted him saying - hate the game, not the player. You can still be against illegal immigration WITHOUT being a FUCKING JERK and having issues with illegals as a group.


Did you really just write this? Seriously? Boo-fucking-illegal-alien-hoo.

Ooooh, that hurt... I think I'm gonna cry now.

Go on now, hate on some Mexicans from behind your computer screen... that is so macho and proves to the whole world what a principled guy you are... But don't forget about karma... maybe in your next life, you'll be an indigenous inhabitant of Chiapas... and then you'll finally understand what it is like to be hungry.
Are you really that dumb or are you just acting like a total airhead for the fun of it?

Dumb? Me? It never once occurred to me to sneak into a foreign country, steal services and identity.. so now who is DUmb?

Willow, dear... I understand you're afraid of the evil blood-sucking monster illegal aliens doing just what you described above - stealing your identity and US 'services'... but honestly, not all illegal immigrants steal identities, as a matter of fact, I think that is rather rare because by doing that, those same illegal immigrants are taking a huge risk - that one day, when they are eligible for a green card or any 'legal' document allowing them to stay in the US, they won't be able to get it because of just such an act. It is usually just criminals and people with a lot to hide that do such things - and there is a criminal element to every group of people... because there is a criminal element to people.

When it comes to 'services'... US has no services for immigrants to take advantage of... your social services are a fucking hoot that the rest of the world makes fun of - the MAIN reason why immigrants move to the US, therefore, is not to take 'advantage of your almost nonexistent SHITTY as fuck services, but rather, TO MAKE MONEY because your job market is unregulated enough for them to be able to do so. As a matter of fact, if I were an immigrant and wanted to take advantage of a country's services, I'd rather go to fucking Canada or somewhere in Europe, where they actually have something called social services. USA is the only country, where immigrants have a lesser rate of unemployment than its citizens.

Think abouts it...

Again, you seem to miss the point that these people are in U.S. ILLEGALLY. They are entitled and deserve NADA, ZILCH, ZIP.
Dumb? Me? It never once occurred to me to sneak into a foreign country, steal services and identity.. so now who is DUmb?

Willow, dear... I understand you're afraid of the evil blood-sucking monster illegal aliens doing just what you described above - stealing your identity and US 'services'... but honestly, not all illegal immigrants steal identities, as a matter of fact, I think that is rather rare because by doing that, those same illegal immigrants are taking a huge risk - that one day, when they are eligible for a green card or any 'legal' document allowing them to stay in the US, they won't be able to get it because of just such an act. It is usually just criminals and people with a lot to hide that do such things - and there is a criminal element to every group of people... because there is a criminal element to people.

When it comes to 'services'... US has no services for immigrants to take advantage of... your social services are a fucking hoot that the rest of the world makes fun of - the MAIN reason why immigrants move to the US, therefore, is not to take 'advantage of your almost nonexistent SHITTY as fuck services, but rather, TO MAKE MONEY because your job market is unregulated enough for them to be able to do so. As a matter of fact, if I were an immigrant and wanted to take advantage of a country's services, I'd rather go to fucking Canada or somewhere in Europe, where they actually have something called social services. USA is the only country, where immigrants have a lesser rate of unemployment than its citizens.

Think abouts it...

Again, you seem to miss the point that these people are in U.S. ILLEGALLY. They are entitled and deserve NADA, ZILCH, ZIP.

Point to the text where I claim that illegal aliens are entitled to any governmental assistance.
They are narcissistic? They think they're perfect culturally? Have you ever heard of something called 'culture shock'? Obviously you haven't, which means you're being ignorant and are making ignorant statements. By extension, you just showed us a perfect example of a pot calling a kettle black... How about you read up about what culture shock is and how it affects people and then go back and read your anti-immigrant posts... you'll feel embarrassed.

The shit that most immigrants - especially illegal immigrants - have to go through should make you respect and even admire them... It is FUCKING TOUGH to be an illegal immigrant. Just like Chris Rock said - and AVG Joe quoted him saying - hate the game, not the player. You can still be against illegal immigration WITHOUT being a FUCKING JERK and having issues with illegals as a group.


Did you really just write this? Seriously? Boo-fucking-illegal-alien-hoo.

Ooooh, that hurt... I think I'm gonna cry now.

Go on now, hate on some Mexicans from behind your computer screen... that is so macho and proves to the whole world what a principled guy you are... But don't forget about karma... maybe in your next life, you'll be an indigenous inhabitant of Chiapas... and then you'll finally understand what it is like to be hungry.

The 'Boo-fucking-illegal-alien-hoo' wasn't directed at you, it was directed at the illegals. Dense much?

Mexican? Who said anything about Mexican? Once again, the race card is played but not by a conservative.

I don't care if an illegal alien is from Mexico, Ireland or Mars. They are here ILLEGALLY and deserve squat.
Jose Illegal pays no taxes...

An incorrect statement - HUGE majority of my illegal immigrant friends (and I had many) paid taxes. Why? Because by paying taxes they hoped they would be able to stay in the US longer and not get kicked out... also, they wanted to build up their social security so that after they retired, they could get their retirement money. Does that sound logical enough for you? Reconsider.

If they're paying taxes and paying into SS, how are they doing this? Don't you need an SS #? If they're here illegally, how'd they get a SS#?
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An incorrect statement - HUGE majority of my illegal immigrant friends (and I had many) paid taxes. Why? Because by paying taxes they hoped they would be able to stay in the US longer and not get kicked out... also, they wanted to build up their social security so that after they retired, they could get their retirement money. Does that sound logical enough for you? Reconsider.

If they're paying taxes and paying into SS, how are they doing this? Don't you need an SS #? If they're here illegally, how'd they get a SS#?

I explained it in the earlier post... Read much before talking bunch of nonsense?
"Why I Don't Like Illegal Aliens "

You shouldn't dislike illegal aliens.

You should dislike the system that affords them the ability to exist as described.

That is a great way to put it! The system is what we hate not the illegal so much!
Look people - MOST of us are not against illegals as a whole. Speaking for myself, I don't like ANYBODY sneaking into ANY country and then proceeding to take advantage of its generosity. I'm against taking advantage of people AND countries of good will. I am for respecting The Rule of Law! I was raised to respect the law and to NOT take what is not mine to take or to use fraud to gain a means to an end. When in a foreign country, I do everything I can to respect its laws and its people! I am sick and tired of reading about criminals who have sneaked into our country and commit more crimes here. I am sick and tired of turning on the spanish speaking channels and hearing the way they tweak the news to make themselves the victims. I am tired of hearing how 'evil' the USA is and then seeing how some cry and kick when they are told to leave. I am tired of seeing the crocodile tears of those who claim that they ONLY came here to work and seek a better life. I am tired of hearing how this country is so 'evil' as to demand that our laws be followed and respected! And most of all I am sick and tired of ALL the lies.