Why I don't believe in God

I thought I was full of soul. Now you say I'm full of malarkey?. Lol.

Haven't you heard? There's no such thing as souls!

Yes, you're full of malarkey, as your last post demonstrated. We didn't climb down out of the trees because the trees went away-- because the monkeys are still in the trees. Some of them went extinct but that's because they failed to adapt. Our saving grace... pardon the pun... was our ability to spiritually connect with something greater than self. We were inspired by something beyond ourselves, just like when we harnessed fire. Our myriad of remarkable achievements as humans all stem from our ability to be inspired by something greater than self. And this is the pattern of the human experience all the way down to Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein.
The "Almighty" and "Everlasting" is spiritual nature. It is what created crocodiles, Flora, Fauna, and everything physical in a physical universe with a physical reality of mathematics, matter. time and space. It's logical because none of those things are capable of creating themselves.

Boss: It is what created crocodiles, Flora, Fauna, and everything physical ... It's logical because none of those things are capable of creating themselves.

somewhere there is a gap between yourself (bossy) and all other beings that you have made as the construct for Spiritualism that could not be any further from reality than the Sun would be defined as a floating Iceberg, including your delineation that does exist for the interchangeability from Physical to Spiritual ... you are a near hopeless state.

Life is both Spiritual and Physical Nature, from its building block have emerged all living beings that though distinct are all from the same origin. there is no difference between the Tree a crocodile or a human, Spiritually.

Our myriad of remarkable achievements as humans all stem from our ability to be inspired by something greater than self. And this is the pattern of the human experience all the way down to Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein.

all living beings are inspired, you confuse the accomplishments of humanity as something different or that the end product is pre determined as something specific only humanity has accomplished. the Crocodile and t-Rex chose their divergent paths the same as eventually humans.

the difference for humans seems to be a desire for knowledge the other species haven't a need for however were a specific human able to accomplish imortality in the Everlasting they surly would find both Flora and Fauna already there.

There was a time when I realized religions were made up but I still had a personal relationship with God. Then I realized I was talking to myself. And now I think believing in God has and is holding us back.

Look how much time you spend trying to convince us that there's something greater than self. I disagree. Does that make you better? I don't see the need for it.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Just trying to show you how your assumptions and conjectures are invalid and aren't supported by logic or scientific evidence.If you want to remain a dummy the rest of your life, that's up to you... to quote a certain poster we both know... ignorance is bliss.

I've not argued in favor of any conceptualization of God. To me, these are simply evidence that humans have intrinsic spiritual awareness and therefore, have a need to explain that somehow. If there IS or ISN'T some "Godhead" figure or deity... I can't say.... I don't know that. What I know, again, is that there IS a spiritual force surrounding us all the time. It compels us toward the light and away from the darkness. It drives us toward good and away from evil. Fundamentally, it is what makes us human beings with humanity.

Can it also manifest itself in negative ways to the detriment of mankind? Certainly. But by and large, it is why we climbed down out of the trees, harnessed fire, invented the wheel, created written and spoken language, formed great civilizations, went to the moon, cured diseases and harnessed nuclear energy, etc.

People who realize the falsehood of your statements are not dummies. That would be you, I think. Your postings on this topic are nothing but superstitious nonsense and figments of your own imagination.
I thought I was full of soul. Now you say I'm full of malarkey?. Lol.

Haven't you heard? There's no such thing as souls!

Yes, you're full of malarkey, as your last post demonstrated. We didn't climb down out of the trees because the trees went away-- because the monkeys are still in the trees. Some of them went extinct but that's because they failed to adapt. Our saving grace... pardon the pun... was our ability to spiritually connect with something greater than self. We were inspired by something beyond ourselves, just like when we harnessed fire. Our myriad of remarkable achievements as humans all stem from our ability to be inspired by something greater than self. And this is the pattern of the human experience all the way down to Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein.

Why don't you define "soul" for us?
There is no Swedish God how can help me with believe I trust only the Swedish God but if he donät exist I am ateist but I know sometimes and in forum I though how are that believers never exist or what ?? Help exist for humans who need support when able not enough to them. Maybe Oden anyway. Oden exists of Asa Gods. And Thor the son of Oden.
People who realize the falsehood of your statements are not dummies. That would be you, I think. Your postings on this topic are nothing but superstitious nonsense and figments of your own imagination.

"Realize the falsehood" implies you have somehow proven something to be false and you haven't. Dismissing things as "superstitious nonsense" is not proving something false. I have backed everything I've stated with indisputable logic and science. All you seem to ever do is refute and reject on the basis of your uninformed opinion.
People who realize the falsehood of your statements are not dummies. That would be you, I think. Your postings on this topic are nothing but superstitious nonsense and figments of your own imagination.

"Realize the falsehood" implies you have somehow proven something to be false and you haven't. Dismissing things as "superstitious nonsense" is not proving something false. I have backed everything I've stated with indisputable logic and science. All you seem to ever do is refute and reject on the basis of your uninformed opinion.
Indisputable logic? Lol
People who realize the falsehood of your statements are not dummies. That would be you, I think. Your postings on this topic are nothing but superstitious nonsense and figments of your own imagination.

"Realize the falsehood" implies you have somehow proven something to be false and you haven't. Dismissing things as "superstitious nonsense" is not proving something false. I have backed everything I've stated with indisputable logic and science. All you seem to ever do is refute and reject on the basis of your uninformed opinion.
Indisputable logic? Lol

Yep... Until you can come up with a logical explanation of how physics created itself.
People who realize the falsehood of your statements are not dummies. That would be you, I think. Your postings on this topic are nothing but superstitious nonsense and figments of your own imagination.

"Realize the falsehood" implies you have somehow proven something to be false and you haven't. Dismissing things as "superstitious nonsense" is not proving something false. I have backed everything I've stated with indisputable logic and science. All you seem to ever do is refute and reject on the basis of your uninformed opinion.
Indisputable logic? Lol

Yep... Until you can come up with a logical explanation of how physics created itself.
How did your gods create themselves?
Now my hate about Allah Akbar is biger loses by mouslims in world and he will they get kill by terrorists even they faith in Allah Akbar they how Allah Akbar will have in loses. Why is Allah disapear about me hate about he ?? I wondering who and when my voices are from so I creater God, Christ and Allah hates in forum so God can help me he who never help me before against my voices. It is only my town citizens how are my voices. Very stupid against me with voices in brain. My voices are cp injured.
Maybe one tousand or 1 voices in my brain. It's my old friend I dumped ? And he have Allah sin. It were mr Abdul how are planned 11/9 terrorist attack in NYC. He live in my town yet. He wanted me to like terror attack for 15 years ago.
How did your gods create themselves?

How many times do I need to answer this, Hollie?

Spiritual things don't require physical creation.

To "create" something is to bring something into physical state of existence.

Spiritual things are not physical things. This is why you have such a difficult time understanding God... you keep wanting to imagine God as a physical being of some kind.
matter and physics are interchangeable and neither require maintenance unlike life.


That doesn't even make sense. Beer and cupcakes are interchangeable and neither require maintenance unlike a washing machine! What the fuck does that even mean??? :dunno:
that their creation is irrelevant to their existence whereas life is a variable without certainty, for those participating for why there would be an Almighty for one and not necessarily for the other. how matter and physics together created life.

matter and physics are interchangeable and neither require maintenance unlike life.


That doesn't even make sense. Beer and cupcakes are interchangeable and neither require maintenance unlike a washing machine! What the fuck does that even mean??? :dunno:
that their creation is irrelevant to their existence whereas life is a variable without certainty, for those participating for why there would be an Almighty for one and not necessarily for the other. how matter and physics together created life.


I still have no idea what you're attempting to say. Sorry.

Now my hate about Allah Akbar is biger loses by mouslims in world and he will they get kill by terrorists even they faith in Allah Akbar they how Allah Akbar will have in loses. Why is Allah disapear about me hate about he ?? I wondering who and when my voices are from so I creater God, Christ and Allah hates in forum so God can help me he who never help me before against my voices. It is only my town citizens how are my voices. Very stupid against me with voices in brain. My voices are cp injured.
Are you a foreigner who doesn't know how to write english or are you retarded?
matter and physics are interchangeable and neither require maintenance unlike life.


That doesn't even make sense. Beer and cupcakes are interchangeable and neither require maintenance unlike a washing machine! What the fuck does that even mean??? :dunno:
that their creation is irrelevant to their existence whereas life is a variable without certainty, for those participating for why there would be an Almighty for one and not necessarily for the other. how matter and physics together created life.


I still have no idea what you're attempting to say. Sorry.
How about militants? What the fuck is he trying to say?
You cannot INVENT something to make you happy. It simply doesn't work because your brain knows you invented it an it isn't real. If we had such a capability there would be NO depression... Ever! We'd simply invent something not real and make ourselves happy!

"Ignorance is bliss" still isn't making any sense here... we shouldn't be the least bit distressed by death because we can be blissful in our ignorance... but we're not that way. We are consciously aware of something greater than self... immortality... that is the reason we are distressed about death. It's also why it's unique to our species.
You make a good point. No one really truly believes. Ever see anyone looking forward to death? Or happy when their loveone passes? Hell no! We tell ourselves they are in a better place and one day we will see them again.

Sorry boss but you are trying too hard. You're over thinking this. What you think is improbable or impossible is indeed true. You've invented something in your head. You talk to it and you think it's involved in your life. And it's the most generic vague definition of God. Only you believes the shit you're saying.

A moon is greater than self. The universe is greater than self. What you're doing is thinking you are greater than you actually are. You're just the smartest animal on this planet. But really not that smart yet. You/we have a lot of evolving to do.

And in 5000 years we will still be debating this but I suspect all the ancient religions(Christian Muslim Jewish) will be abandoned

I'm not "over-thinking" anything, just applying basic logic and biological science. We tell ourselves the dead are in a better place because we are spiritually-aware creatures who believe in a better place where our immortal spirit goes... this is an intrinsic and inseparable belief humans have always had and it defines our species. You've fooled yourself into believing this is something we invented even though the evidence shows we couldn't have invented it. It defies nature and logic for this to be something we invented. You can find evidence for when humans invented anything other than spirituality. The reason for that is simple, we didn't invent it... we couldn't have... if we had, it would have quickly become obsolete as our brains figured out it was futile and pointless to believe an invention of something fake. Other than 'novelty' you can't just think up something from imagination and have it serve some vital tangible purpose... it doesn't work. I can believe in fairies and gnomes but I can't cause them to serve some vital purpose in reality.

The moon is not "greater than self" and you demonstrate you don't comprehend what I am saying. I'm not talking about a physical greatness in quantity. I am talking about a power which transcends the physical. I assume you do believe in love, right? That would be an example of something non-physical that can be greater than self. That's not the moon or the physical universe. Does the moon make you love someone or not love them? Does the universe make you desire to leave a better world behind after you're gone? Those are spiritual inclinations driven by your spiritual awareness.

You have no idea what the future holds for our species. You can speculate based on assumptions but you have no crystal ball or way of knowing the future. If we still exist in 5k years, we'll still be spiritual creatures for the most part, just as we always have been... it defines our species. Religions are man-made constructs which CONFIRM our spirituality... they may come and go, they always have. Spirituality is a constant for our species. It will never happen but IF we wiped out all human spirituality, we'd cease to be human. We would devolve into highly-intelligent predatory beasts operating by the laws of the jungle and self-preservation... I promise you, it would be a bad world.
I have no idea what the future holds but you do. Got it. Lol
I don't know any more than you, I speculate based on the assumption we will continue being what we've always been.
I think there might be a creator but believing one exists is not a requirement.

You can believe there is a God but anything beyond that is just wild human speculation. What happens when you die? What happens to bad people vs. Good? Who knows. The Greeks imagined average people didn't to to heaven and we imagined they do, if they are "good". Christianity says good won't cut it. No one is good so we have to believe a story. Very clever.

So we imagined up heaven and most likely God too

You sound confused, and not really making any sense.

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