Why I believe in UFO's and you should to.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
This author explains it very well. Like he says,there are many airline pilots if they report to the FAA that they saw a UFO,they get fired on the spot.

I saw one back in the mid 70's, and it was flying above the mountains on the eastern side of the Missoula valley around Corvallis MT.

Yes, I've seen a couple in my time.
You know, ever since I read a book called Chariots of the Gods, I've always thought that it is a possibility that the human race was started by aliens.
Why are we so hoity toity to believe we are the only "intelligent" beings in this vast universe. Those who don't believe, get over yourselves.
If you think about all the time and effort NASA goes through redacting photos.

Why were astronauts talking in code about things they saw on the Moon....Condorset Hotel
This author explains it very well. Like he says,there are many airline pilots if they report to the FAA that they saw a UFO,they get fired on the spot.

I do believe in them, I am just skeptical of the idea they are from outer space.

All you got to do is look at the Roswell case.there were way too many credible air force officers who said the ship that crashed was not that of anything known to mankind,that it was not of earth origin. Plus witnesses to the crash identified a couple of aliens and too many credible people over the years have said they have seen aliens as well.were not talking science fiction writers or people seeking attention by throwing a hubcap in the air and claiming they saw a flying saucer,were talking credible military personal that have come forward over the years.
Why are we so hoity toity to believe we are the only "intelligent" beings in this vast universe. Those who don't believe, get over yourselves.

there are some that will never look at the evidence,to think that there are aliens visiting us from other planets,thats a road they dont want to go down they are too much in denial mode.
I've been to areas where anti aircraft weapons were being employed and I've been a passenger on many military aircraft at night...I've been in desolate areas of the planet so absent of city lights that the stars above look like salt tossed into a cast iron black pan...

But one night at a party in the mid 80's in the Hollywood Hills I walked into the pools area of the residence...I was 17 and did not drink or do drugs of any kind...The band was very good and very loud but I noticed the few people at the pool area were not watching the band they were all looking up into the sky...

Well I looked up too and saw a light no bigger or smaller than any other star in the night sky moving at a rapid pace in a zig zag pattern...

It was not a plane or a jet or a chopper....nothing I've ever scene moves like that...

It was obviously strange enough to cause others to look up but I will always regret not talking to those kids to see what they thought about what we were looking at...

Even though I've always doubted the existence of alien spacecraft I've never been able to reconcile to myself what I witnessed that night...
This author explains it very well. Like he says,there are many airline pilots if they report to the FAA that they saw a UFO,they get fired on the spot.

I remember hearing many many decades ago about one of the American astronauts that said while on the moon that "now I believe in Santa Claus". What did he mean by that no one will ever know. That is of course if America did go to the moon.
I saw one back in the mid 70's, and it was flying above the mountains on the eastern side of the Missoula valley around Corvallis MT.

Yes, I've seen a couple in my time.
I saw one too, in the later 1970's with a friend.... we were not old enough to drive yet and were walking home from the Movie Theater....

The only thing that has kept me from being completely convinced that it was an alien craft of some sort,

was that we were less than 20 miles from


National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center....

basically, it could have been ours...
I dont buy it. Not one bit. Ever wonder why most of these 'sightings' happened prior to the video phone? Yet, lately...not a whole lot? I think it's either drugs or schizophrenia.
This author explains it very well. Like he says,there are many airline pilots if they report to the FAA that they saw a UFO,they get fired on the spot.

As an astronomer, I've seen them many times, both visually and via telescope and have had many credible eyewitness accounts. Even took some pictures of one.
Why are we so hoity toity to believe we are the only "intelligent" beings in this vast universe.

Not believing that UFO's have visited or are visiting us has nothing to do with a belief that we are the only or supreme intelligence in the Universe.

It's an understanding of the vast dimensions of the Universe in which we live that makes such visits unlikely as well as a healthy skepticism that demands the most prosaic explanation is almost always the correct one.

The idea that any of the possible alien civilisations that might exist would have technology in any way similar to ourselves is beyond ridiculous. The odds of two alien civilisations evolving along a timeline only a few centuries apart so that their 'ships' would just be slightly more advanced than our own is even less likely than their visitation.

Fantastic theories demand fantastic proof and, 'I once saw something in the sky I couldn't identify', isn't enough proof to support a fantastic theory.

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