Why I am a Republican

All the reactionary whining about the president legally implementing ACA is pathetic, and the American people as a whole will support the program not the far right.
All the reactionary whining about the president legally implementing ACA is pathetic, and the American people as a whole will support the program not the far right.

current polling proves you wrong. A majority want it repealed or changed in a major way. support for it in its current form is less than 10%.

70% of americans are opposed to socialized medicine---the intended end product of ACA.
Only in your head is his actions illegal, friend. SCOTUS, for instance, refused to hear the ACA case of Liberty University. Tough, huh?

the implementation schedule is PART OF THE LAW. He has changed it, granted exemptions, and violated the basic provisions of the law----illegally.

If both parties since Clinton didn't off-shore our economy, we wouldn't need the ACA.

Unions and the tax code have driven business (and jobs) out of this country. and yes, both parties are responsible.

want to see a business success story? look at the car companies building cars in the southern states---BMW, Mercedes, Honda, Subaru, Hyundai, Kia, Toyota. Non union companies providing good blue collar jobs, good wages and good benefits.

Now, shall we look at Detroit? the product of liberals and unions for the last 60 years or more.
All the reactionary whining about the president legally implementing ACA is pathetic, and the American people as a whole will support the program not the far right.
That's right fakey show us all who you are lol

That I am a Republican who is not afraid of calling out the stupidity of his party.

We will lose on this argument, thanatos. We can lose the House next year if we keep up trying to break the government. The American people will crucify the GOP.
All the reactionary whining about the president legally implementing ACA is pathetic, and the American people as a whole will support the program not the far right.
That's right fakey show us all who you are lol

That I am a Republican who is not afraid of calling out the stupidity of his party.

We will lose on this argument, thanatos. We can lose the House next year if we keep up trying to break the government. The American people will crucify the GOP.

Do you expect any one to believe that bullshit?

tapatalk post
That's right fakey show us all who you are lol

That I am a Republican who is not afraid of calling out the stupidity of his party.

We will lose on this argument, thanatos. We can lose the House next year if we keep up trying to break the government. The American people will crucify the GOP.

Do you expect any one to believe that bullshit?

tapatalk post


Most cognizant Americans won't join your club....we don't call 'em tea party patriots, we call 'em teabaggers, traitors, radicals, domestic terrorists, extortionists and SCUM.
That I am a Republican who is not afraid of calling out the stupidity of his party.

We will lose on this argument, thanatos. We can lose the House next year if we keep up trying to break the government. The American people will crucify the GOP.

Do you expect any one to believe that bullshit?

tapatalk post


Most cognizant Americans won't join your club....we don't call 'em tea party patriots, we call 'em teabaggers, traitors, radicals, domestic terrorists, extortionists and SCUM.

That's because you're too stupid to formulate a cogent argument as to why they are wrong.
That's right fakey show us all who you are lol

That I am a Republican who is not afraid of calling out the stupidity of his party.

We will lose on this argument, thanatos. We can lose the House next year if we keep up trying to break the government. The American people will crucify the GOP.

Do you expect any one to believe that bullshit?

tapatalk post

All true Americans believe me. True Americans understand that the TPM is undermined with hatred, racism, elitism, and a willingness to get its way at all costs, up to and including breaking the government.
That I am a Republican who is not afraid of calling out the stupidity of his party.

We will lose on this argument, thanatos. We can lose the House next year if we keep up trying to break the government. The American people will crucify the GOP.

Do you expect any one to believe that bullshit?

tapatalk post

All true Americans believe me. True Americans understand that the TPM is undermined with hatred, racism, elitism, and a willingness to get its way at all costs, up to and including breaking the government.

Yeah, wanting more individual freedom and lower taxes are terrible ideas. :cuckoo:
Do you expect any one to believe that bullshit?

tapatalk post

All true Americans believe me. True Americans understand that the TPM is undermined with hatred, racism, elitism, and a willingness to get its way at all costs, up to and including breaking the government.

Yeah, wanting more individual freedom and lower taxes are terrible ideas. :cuckoo:

You think you will get that by breaking the government and causing a world depression?
Yeah, wanting more individual freedom and lower taxes are terrible ideas. :cuckoo:

They run contrary to the goals of the left. Leftists seek authoritarianism as a path to totalitarianism.

The Rdeans and Fakey Jakes of the world believe that the government is better suited to decide what socks and underwear you put on in the morning, and SHOULD dictate every detail of your life.
You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.

The honest truth is that the only people who have held blacks back are blacks themselves. Helping them with programs such as affirmative action and many other support mechanisms was the right thing to do and still is, but it is up to blacks themselves to take advantage of those mechanisms. Some do, but unfortunately that some is much too small of a percentage.

I agree, to a small extent. When Europeans came to America, it was either "stand or fall". In other words, you either made it on your own or you died. The plains and the mountains are littered with the skeletons of the pioneers. When slaves were first freed, it was much the same.

Somewhere along the line, it was decided that blacks needed "help" - a code word for making them into social welfare addicts, thus insuring their dependence on the democrat party for their "livelihood". Generation after generation of young blacks were born and knew nothing more than "give me".

Democrats are great at providing a "hand out" - but all anyone has ever needed was a "hand up". To make addicts out of millions of people to insure your voting block is reprehensible and unconscionable, but it has continued on since the days of Lyndon Baines Johnson when he, after refusing to support Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill UNTIL he, (Johnson) became President supposedly make the remark that "I will have these ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years".

The United States has not needed the Affirmative Action Law for the past 35 or 40 years. Does it go away? No. We still are trying to soothe the collective "white soul" for things that happened a hundred years BEFORE any of us were born.

I thank God every day that I was raised by parents who were (1) educated and (2) staunchly AGAINST this "social justice" nonsense and refused every attempt by young, white college students who would invade our neighborhoods to "help" us on behalf of the government. We never spent one day on food stamps, welfare or any of the other "social drugs" meant to keep us enslaved. Thanks but no thanks.

"Calling all Conservatives"
(Calling All Angels)

I need a sign, to let me know you're here
A simple code, as lines are being crossed over the atmosphere
I need to know, I'm not the only one to see that as an affront
'Cause I feel us drowning in a sea of immigrants

When there is no quiet space and no safe place to avoid the blabber
When you can feel the world shake from the words of the gun grabber

And I'm, calling all Conservatives
And I'm, calling all you Conservatives

And I won't give up, if you don't give up
I won't give up, if you don't give up
I won't give up, if you don't give up
I won't give up, if you don't give up

I need a sign to let me know you're here
'Cause Fox TV just keeps it all from being clear
I want a reason for the way things have to be
I need to hear that code to *build up some kind of hope inside of me

And I'm, calling all Conservatives
And I'm, calling all you Conservatives

When Conservatives have to evade taxes so their money does't disappear
While libs tell lies that allow queers to marry queers
And it seems Affirmative Action is taking away the American dream
In a world where our daddy's birthright no longer has the same gleam

And I'm, calling all Conservatives
And I'm, calling all you Conservatives

And I'm, calling all Conservatives
(I won't give up, if you don't give up)
(I won't give up, if you don't give up)
And I'm, calling all you Conservatives
(I won't give up, if you don't give up)
(I won't give up, if you don't give up)

Calling all you Conservatives
(I won't give up, if you don't give up)
Calling all you Conservatives
(I won't give up, if you don't give up)
Calling all you Conservatives
(I won't give up, if you don't give up)

Yeah, wanting more individual freedom and lower taxes are terrible ideas. :cuckoo:

They run contrary to the goals of the left. Leftists seek authoritarianism as a path to totalitarianism.

The Rdeans and Fakey Jakes of the world believe that the government is better suited to decide what socks and underwear you put on in the morning, and SHOULD dictate every detail of your life.

The uncensoreds to not want to be unfettered in the libertarian pursuit of the stronger torturing the weaker without the interference of law.
All true Americans believe me. True Americans understand that the TPM is undermined with hatred, racism, elitism, and a willingness to get its way at all costs, up to and including breaking the government.

Yeah, wanting more individual freedom and lower taxes are terrible ideas. :cuckoo:

You think you will get that by breaking the government and causing a world depression?

who is advocating breaking the govt? What will break the govt and cause world wide implications is continued increasing the national debt.

Please explain how balancing the budget would cause a world depression and "break" the government.
Yeah, wanting more individual freedom and lower taxes are terrible ideas. :cuckoo:

They run contrary to the goals of the left. Leftists seek authoritarianism as a path to totalitarianism.

The Rdeans and Fakey Jakes of the world believe that the government is better suited to decide what socks and underwear you put on in the morning, and SHOULD dictate every detail of your life.

The uncensoreds to not want to be unfettered in the libertarian pursuit of the stronger torturing the weaker without the interference of law.

Yeah, wanting more individual freedom and lower taxes are terrible ideas. :cuckoo:

You think you will get that by breaking the government and causing a world depression?

who is advocating breaking the govt? What will break the govt and cause world wide implications is continued increasing the national debt.

Please explain how balancing the budget would cause a world depression and "break" the government.

Please explain how shutting down govt and causing debt default will not cause a world depression?

The other 80% of America, red, think your kind are crazy.

The mainstream of the GOP think you are crazy.
They run contrary to the goals of the left. Leftists seek authoritarianism as a path to totalitarianism.

The Rdeans and Fakey Jakes of the world believe that the government is better suited to decide what socks and underwear you put on in the morning, and SHOULD dictate every detail of your life.

The uncensoreds to not want to be unfettered in the libertarian pursuit of the stronger torturing the weaker without the interference of law.



I have the simpering little fraud, Fakey Jake on ignore, but I'm glad you back-quoted him. That is too funny!

Look ma, I'm torturing the weak

Uncensored does not have me on Ignore. We have gone through this before. He gets shut down in argument, he goes on "ignore" he says, and whimpers.

The following is an example of what he can't answer.

Please explain how shutting down govt and causing debt default will not cause a world depression?

The other 80% of America, red, think your kind are crazy.

The mainstream of the GOP think you are crazy.

You think you will get that by breaking the government and causing a world depression?

who is advocating breaking the govt? What will break the govt and cause world wide implications is continued increasing the national debt.

Please explain how balancing the budget would cause a world depression and "break" the government.

Please explain how shutting down govt and causing debt default will not cause a world depression?

The other 80% of America, red, think your kind are crazy.

The mainstream of the GOP think you are crazy.

I have expained it many times, but you seem incapable of comprehending.

Obama shut down the govt, the teaparty minority in the house does not have that power. Obama shut it down, obama barricaded national monuments.

NO ONE ever did anything that would cause us to default on debt payments, NO ONE. There was always plenty of govt revenue to service the debt. Continuing to parrot that lie just proves that you are a liar and a fraud.

and as covered in another thread, the majority believes as I do, you are the fringer and your fringe is getting smaller with each new obama failure and lie.

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