Why I am a Republican

I cannot forecast to you the political ideology of Mac. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: but perhaps there is a key. That key is to understand what is the opposite view of whatever it is you have just said....and to grasp the fact that you really don't understand that which you have just said.
A living wage..... if no one works at a place because they pay to low then that business ether raises it wages to attract workers or it goes belly up. No one forces you to take a job. The fact the the job choices are do limited are a direct result if democrats trying to make things fair as they see it.

tapatalk post
"Selfish" is an evolutionary imperative. The quest to survive is part of human nature. The attempt to suppress our natural tendencies is the basis of most societies, yet to deny that these are our natural foundations is dangerous.

And this is how we end up with ideology that is not workable in the modern world.

We don't live in caves, Uncensored.

No, we don't live in caves. But I don't live my life for you and I don't expect you to live yours for me. Every person should obey the laws of the civilization he lives in, but he/she should also be free to live as they choose and to keep what they earn or create.

thats really where we differ, you want the government to determine what each person can have, I want freedom to make that determination.

in red: there are laws that are unconstitutional, illegal and totally absurd, i would bet that you, me and every American citizen breaks a law in some small way every day, there is this guy some folks call "president" who has broken more laws since he entered the U.S.A. illegally than you and i in our entire lifetime :up:

agreed ?????
Maybe being a Republican is ordained by God.

A living wage..... if no one works at a place because they pay to low then that business ether raises it wages to attract workers or it goes belly up. No one forces you to take a job. The fact the the job choices are do limited are a direct result if democrats trying to make things fair as they see it.

tapatalk post

Yeah.....that would be bullshit.
A living wage..... if no one works at a place because they pay to low then that business ether raises it wages to attract workers or it goes belly up. No one forces you to take a job. The fact the the job choices are do limited are a direct result if democrats trying to make things fair as they see it.

tapatalk post

Yeah.....that would be bullshit.

Then you are not worth debating because you refuse to admit the truth

tapatalk post
Republicans want to pollute rivers and the sky
Republicans want to defund science
hate the highway/freeway
and want only people that make good money to be able to educate their children.

Sounds kind of like the 19th century.


thats just plain stupid, matty boy. no one WANTS to pollute rivers and the sky. no one wants to defund science. who do you think hates highways??????? are you a total fucking lunatic?

But if BOTH of those things happen in the course of events, oh well. Right Red?

which specific GOP policies will cause river and air pollution? Which specific GOP poliicies will cause the study of science to be defunded?

BTW, do you know which president cut NASA funding? Do you? his initials are BHO.
Republicans want to pollute rivers and the sky
Republicans want to defund science
hate the highway/freeway
and want only people that make good money to be able to educate their children.

Sounds kind of like the 19th century.


thats just plain stupid, matty boy. no one WANTS to pollute rivers and the sky. no one wants to defund science. who do you think hates highways??????? are you a total fucking lunatic?

are you certain "lunatic" fully describes that fucking liberal ? how about "crackbrained" ? providing he has a brain. :up: .... :lmao:

i wonder if he knows it was a Republican president who got the national interstate highway system started. the pollution of our streams and rivers is a result of liberalism. :up:
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And this is how we end up with ideology that is not workable in the modern world.

We don't live in caves, Uncensored.

No, we don't live in caves. But I don't live my life for you and I don't expect you to live yours for me. Every person should obey the laws of the civilization he lives in, but he/she should also be free to live as they choose and to keep what they earn or create.

thats really where we differ, you want the government to determine what each person can have, I want freedom to make that determination.

in red: there are laws that are unconstitutional, illegal and totally absurd, i would bet that you, me and every American citizen breaks a law in some small way every day, there is this guy some folks call "president" who has broken more laws since he entered the U.S.A. illegally than you and i in our entire lifetime :up:

agreed ?????

yes, I agree, but that was not the topic I was responding to.
We live in a country where the laws are determined by We the People in legislatures assembled, which are democratically elected. We obey those laws, while we work to change the ones we don't like. If you guys are in agreement with that, then I have no problem with your beliefs.
We live in a country where the laws are determined by We the People in legislatures assembled, which are democratically elected. We obey those laws, while we work to change the ones we don't like. If you guys are in agreement with that, then I have no problem with your beliefs.

everyone but Obama seems to agree on that.
As long as he gets majorities in the elections and in Congress, he can do as he wishes.
"We stand for a living wage. Wages are subnormal if they fail to provide a living for those who devote their time and energy to industrial occupations. The monetary equivalent of a living wage varies according to local conditions, but must include enough to secure the elements of a normal standard of living--a standard high enough to make morality possible, to provide for education and recreation, to care for immature members of the family, to maintain the family during periods of sickness, and to permit of reasonable saving for old age."-------Theodore Roosevelt

"Much of what is posted on the Internet is false. Words are often attributed to persons who did not and would not use such words." -- George Washington.
As long as he gets majorities in the elections and in Congress, he can do as he wishes.

a majority gives him the right to violate laws that he signed? really?

Only in your head is his actions illegal, friend. SCOTUS, for instance, refused to hear the ACA case of Liberty University. Tough, huh?

the implementation schedule is PART OF THE LAW. He has changed it, granted exemptions, and violated the basic provisions of the law----illegally.
a majority gives him the right to violate laws that he signed? really?

Only in your head is his actions illegal, friend. SCOTUS, for instance, refused to hear the ACA case of Liberty University. Tough, huh?

the implementation schedule is PART OF THE LAW. He has changed it, granted exemptions, and violated the basic provisions of the law----illegally.

When there are wrinkles and it becomes impossible to implement the law fully on time, someone has to make a decision about how to salvage the situation. I has to be legal for someone to change deadlines in a situation like that, and the executive has the power to do that.

Changing deadlines for political reasons is something else, but it's arguable about whether Obama was doing that. (I definitely believe he was, but couldn't prove it in court.)

The Obama administration made more fundamental changes to the law though, not just deadlines, and not just temporary exemptions. Legal cases pertaining to those changes are still working their way through the system.
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a majority gives him the right to violate laws that he signed? really?

Only in your head is his actions illegal, friend. SCOTUS, for instance, refused to hear the ACA case of Liberty University. Tough, huh?

the implementation schedule is PART OF THE LAW. He has changed it, granted exemptions, and violated the basic provisions of the law----illegally.

If both parties since Clinton didn't off-shore our economy, we wouldn't need the ACA.

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