Why haven’t Conservatives marched on D.C. to protest Biden’s border policy? Why haven’t any republican politicians assembled such a protest?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is it because Conservatives are controlled by PC programming and afraid to look RACIST?
Is it because Conservatives have something better to do...saving their nation from becoming thirdworld is just not that important?
Apparently protests work...over the last few decades the Left has gained lots of ground by way of protests....they aren’t shy, they’ll get out and assemble to keep their right to kill babies...you’d think Conservatives could find it in them to do the same to force our government to do their most fundamental job and defend our sovereignty.
So why haven’t Conservatives and Republican politicians taken aggressive action on this?
To protest now means you are placed on a black list for jobs and everything else. It means IRS audits and NSA and FBI spying on you...falsified charges in many instances Then yes you have the mind control of the stupid fear of being called a name--"racist" for doing so. People are preferring to hide in corners.
Whining on an internet message board on a daily basis is not the same as actually protesting in person.
I am busy with my life, work and responsibilities.
Who has time or even interest in carrying signs and yelling at people all day?

If I have a day off, I will go fishing instead where there are no people to annoy me.
Republicans are afraid to get the Trumpbots back together in DC. The crazy hit too close to home for them.
I am busy with my life, work and responsibilities.
Who has time or even interest in carrying signs and yelling at people all day?

If I have a day off, I will go fishing instead where there are no people to annoy me.
That’s how the Left stole America...they always knew Conservatives were too occupied to fight for their country...What’s bizarre is most conservatives pretend they’d die for their country...I’m guessing the’d do that right after they go fishing?
To protest now means you are placed on a black list for jobs and everything else. It means IRS audits and NSA and FBI spying on you...falsified charges in many instances Then yes you have the mind control of the stupid fear of being called a name--"racist" for doing so. People are preferring to hide in corners.
Seriously? Why worry about things like jobs? If you get put on a blacklist all you need to do is become a democrat and sit on your porch and collect. If the government wants to audit or spy on you, so what? Those are easy. You can call me a racist all you want. I can call them low-IQ criminals.

Any other reasons not to protest? Remember, the democrats have to run on their record in 2022 and 2024, so the democrats will lose power soon, and then the shoe is on the other foot.
Is it because Conservatives are controlled by PC programming and afraid to look RACIST?
Is it because Conservatives have something better to do...saving their nation from becoming thirdworld is just not that important?
Apparently protests work...over the last few decades the Left has gained lots of ground by way of protests....they aren’t shy, they’ll get out and assemble to keep their right to kill babies...you’d think Conservatives could find it in them to do the same to force our government to do their most fundamental job and defend our sovereignty.
So why haven’t Conservatives and Republican politicians taken aggressive action on this?

Only one answer, they're all in on this.
Is it because Conservatives are controlled by PC programming and afraid to look RACIST?
Is it because Conservatives have something better to do...saving their nation from becoming thirdworld is just not that important?
Apparently protests work...over the last few decades the Left has gained lots of ground by way of protests....they aren’t shy, they’ll get out and assemble to keep their right to kill babies...you’d think Conservatives could find it in them to do the same to force our government to do their most fundamental job and defend our sovereignty.
So why haven’t Conservatives and Republican politicians taken aggressive action on this?
Most conservatives work for a living and cannot take time off or risk getting fired for protesting.

Liberals have no such fear. Their direct deposits or checks from the government never stop.
Republicans need to organize in covert groups and conduct clandestine operations. The FBI, NSA and DOJ are all communist controlled. They will infiltrate any public demonstration.
To protest now means you are placed on a black list for jobs and everything else. It means IRS audits and NSA and FBI spying on you...falsified charges in many instances Then yes you have the mind control of the stupid fear of being called a name--"racist" for doing so. People are preferring to hide in corners.

just ask the political prisoners held since jan. 6 without bond while blm and antifa go free.

this is 1930s Germany all over again
Is it because Conservatives are controlled by PC programming and afraid to look RACIST?
Is it because Conservatives have something better to do...saving their nation from becoming thirdworld is just not that important?
Apparently protests work...over the last few decades the Left has gained lots of ground by way of protests....they aren’t shy, they’ll get out and assemble to keep their right to kill babies...you’d think Conservatives could find it in them to do the same to force our government to do their most fundamental job and defend our sovereignty.
So why haven’t Conservatives and Republican politicians taken aggressive action on this?
How the hell can we atheists look racist as we watch the Catholic-CIA puppet JoeXi and his sleep-up traffic (genuflectors [italics]) into Florida where the case-rate is 1 in 5?
Republicans need to organize in covert groups and conduct clandestine operations. The FBI, NSA and DOJ are all communist controlled. They will infiltrate any public demonstration.
American Gestapos that hunt down human beings is not a fairy tale. Cherish derelict spaces.

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