A hypothetical story to prove hate crimes are nothing more than liberals pandering to minorities.Let us say that there is a white woman having coffee with her black friend in the house of their best other friend who witnesses this whole situation and lives to testify in court what took place.A black man and a white man kick the door in where the women are sitting.They both have 38 specials.The white man before he shoots the black woman says,I hate you you mother fu&%^ng ni%$er bitch.He then empties the revolver 6 times into her and she is dead.The black man then shoots the white woman 6 times without saying a word and the white woman is dead.The 3rd woman testifies and the jury finds the white man did a more heinous crime and deserves to serve more of a sentence because he said he hated his victim.
Is there really such a thing as a love crime?I think guidlines should be well defined in murders where everyone gets as harsh a sentence as possible with no exceptions.Why when Clinton,Kennedy or any other liberal politician tried to get hate crime legislation did they only hit on white on minority hate crime.If you look into statistics,you are far more likely to be a victim of black on white serious crime than white on black crimes of that nature.How often do you hear of black men raping white women?All the time!!!!!How often do you hear of white men raping black women?Hardly ever!!!!Isn't that a hate crime epedemic that has to be a priority in the Kerry campaign platform?
Is there really such a thing as a love crime?I think guidlines should be well defined in murders where everyone gets as harsh a sentence as possible with no exceptions.Why when Clinton,Kennedy or any other liberal politician tried to get hate crime legislation did they only hit on white on minority hate crime.If you look into statistics,you are far more likely to be a victim of black on white serious crime than white on black crimes of that nature.How often do you hear of black men raping white women?All the time!!!!!How often do you hear of white men raping black women?Hardly ever!!!!Isn't that a hate crime epedemic that has to be a priority in the Kerry campaign platform?