Why hasn't anyone denounced those women who texted with Weiner as immoral tramps?

Well,I happen to agree with ya Bass. Sluts. Where are their own morals? The man is married, a perv and ugly as well as disgusting. Birds of a feather, says I. Like attracts like. Which means they are just as nasty as he is.


No one knows if they responded to him after he started sending racy pictures.

I thought I heard of some that responded just as lewdly. He's a moron. Sending nude pics at all, with him being in the position he's in? Representing the USA? Kick his sorry ass to the curb and let him jack off there. The women involved? Skanks. And they should be ashamed at their lack of morals and judgement.
Well,I happen to agree with ya Bass. Sluts. Where are their own morals? The man is married, a perv and ugly as well as disgusting. Birds of a feather, says I. Like attracts like. Which means they are just as nasty as he is.


No one knows if they responded to him after he started sending racy pictures.

Typical, liberal, feminist response and excuse for the slutty immoral behavior of some women.

typical nonthinking, negroid response and excuse for flinging feces.
Who are you to judge anybody?

Shouldn't that be left up the the devine superbeing?

Did any of these women break any laws.

IMO your holier than thou additude much more disgusting than what these women (or even Oscar Myers) did.

The women acted like sluts and whores, thats a fact and they knowingly did it with a man they knew to be married, if they wanted to come out with their stories they should have rejected his advances and came out with his attempts, not after participating with him in doing the same acts after the fact.

Weiner broke no laws either.

So they got paid to get laid? Or they get laid and liked it?

That would be sluts and whores. Not flirting or ever sexting.

What was it that "Hey Zeus" said about casting the first stone and sinners?
Well,I happen to agree with ya Bass. Sluts. Where are their own morals? The man is married, a perv and ugly as well as disgusting. Birds of a feather, says I. Like attracts like. Which means they are just as nasty as he is.


No one knows if they responded to him after he started sending racy pictures.

I thought I heard of some that responded just as lewdly.
He's a moron. Sending nude pics at all, with him being in the position he's in? Representing the USA? Kick his sorry ass to the curb and let him jack off there. The women involved? Skanks. And they should be ashamed at their lack of morals and judgement.
I have not heard that at all.

I think it would be wise to learn the truth before accusing these woman of immoral behavior.
The truth is, these women knew exactly who he was and giggled, accepted his pics and messages. If they hadn't accepted them, they wouldn't be known now, would they? How many have come forward to get their piece of the limelight?
No morals.
The truth is, these women knew exactly who he was and giggled, accepted his pics and messages. If they hadn't accepted them, they wouldn't be known now, would they? How many have come forward to get their piece of the limelight?
No morals.

Oh so it's their fault the Weiner Man is a weird little degenerate. Now i get it. My apologies Mr. Weiner Man.
Well,I happen to agree with ya Bass. Sluts. Where are their own morals? The man is married, a perv and ugly as well as disgusting. Birds of a feather, says I. Like attracts like. Which means they are just as nasty as he is.


No one knows if they responded to him after he started sending racy pictures.

Typical, liberal, feminist response and excuse for the slutty immoral behavior of some women.

Is there any group of people on this planet that you actually like? I mean, we know you hate Jews, gays, women, white people, hispanics..... there's gotta be somebody you like?
Whatever retard, have some common sense.

Denounce them if it makes you feel better, in fact you sissies can denounce women in general if you want to but it doesn't exonerate the weenie.

My denouncing isn't about bashing women in general, its about holding those women who engage in immoral behavior knowingly to the same standard as men, when women cheat the media and people in general go out of their may to make excuses for cheating women while branding all cheating men as dogs by nature. Double standard.

Good luck on your crusade to rid the world of immoral women. If they run for office you can bring up their moral standards or lack of them. Until then the scandal is about a congressman.
I think it's DA BOOOOOOOOSH fault the ole Weiner Man is such a weird little perv!! Oh and DAT PALIN lady fault too!! Seriously people,blaming the victim really is a pathetic attempt at defending this little creep. Grow up and move on.
Ravi trying to set up strawmen to knock down, so typical of you and the rest of the feminists who turn a blind eye to the slutty behavior of some women.
What other women do is not my business. Nor is it yours.

Just like what Weiner does isn't your business, I'm just pointing out that the behavior of those women who engaged in sex-texting with Weiner were just as immoral as he was, you're the one chimping out talking about stoning.

Weiner lied to everyone. I would have much more respect for him if he told the truth from the start. The sexting? I couldn't care less.
I think it's DA BOOOOOOOOSH fault the ole Weiner Man is such a weird little perv!! Oh and DAT PALIN lady fault too!! Seriously people,blaming the victim really is a pathetic attempt at defending this little creep. Grow up and move on.

I said the "victim" in this case is just as immoral as the "offender" and it is true.
The truth is, these women knew exactly who he was and giggled, accepted his pics and messages. If they hadn't accepted them, they wouldn't be known now, would they? How many have come forward to get their piece of the limelight?
No morals.

Oh so it's their fault the Weiner Man is a weird little degenerate. Now i get it. My apologies Mr. Weiner Man.

I see my being a prude makes some not able to comprehend what I say. Nor have reading comprehension skills. Where did anyone say it's their fault or Asshole Weiner is exempt? He is a disgusting man. He is pond scum. The women who knew who he was and accepted his messages are pond scum. Period.
I think it's DA BOOOOOOOOSH fault the ole Weiner Man is such a weird little perv!! Oh and DAT PALIN lady fault too!! Seriously people,blaming the victim really is a pathetic attempt at defending this little creep. Grow up and move on.

I said the "victim" in this case is just as immoral as the "offender" and it is true.


However, I am done with this thread. Y'all carry on defending girls with no class, morals or values.
EETZ DA BOOOOOOOOSH I TELL YAZ!!!! Dat Weiner Man ok. Oh and DAT PALIN lady had somthin to do with it too!!...Stop defending the little perv twerp. You're only embarrassing yourselves people. Have a nice day. :)
Again chimp, I'm talking about the *MORAL* aspect, what don't you primates get about that? A person's position is irrelevant is this case, it doesn't make them more wrong.

From a MORAL standpoint, little feral baboon, Weiner is FAR worse. HE alone lied about being hacked, HE alone smeared the reporters who broke the story.

You know, had the stupid dick come out day one and said, "OOPS, didn't mean for that to go public," this would all be over. But NO, the sack of shit had to LIE and start smearing others.

Sorry, your fallacy has failed.

I agree with you and I just heard it was snowing in Hell.
I think it's DA BOOOOOOOOSH fault the ole Weiner Man is such a weird little perv!! Oh and DAT PALIN lady fault too!! Seriously people,blaming the victim really is a pathetic attempt at defending this little creep. Grow up and move on.

I said the "victim" in this case is just as immoral as the "offender" and it is true.


However, I am done with this thread. Y'all carry on defending girls with no class, morals or values.

The retards in this thread are defending the women and portraying them as victims when they were most certainly willing in their behavior. Slamming Weiner in all his immoral behavior doesn't excuse the immorality of those women, that was the whole premise of this thread.
Anthony Weiner faces ethics probe as more accusers emerge - Yahoo! News

Sure........those immoral women didn't sex-text with him and one even tried to pretend that she thought it wasn't him, she's just as immoral, such slutty immoral morons trying to play innocent.

lol! Do you realize you just described what the Democratic Party is all about? "Slutty immoral Morons." Bingo! You nailed em. If these Women really are "immoral morons",you should be defending them as well. They're most likely Democrats like you & the Weiner Man no? Please don't hurt yourself thinking about this too much. I would feel responsible. :lol:
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Anthony Weiner faces ethics probe as more accusers emerge - Yahoo! News

Sure........those immoral women didn't sex-text with him and one even tried to pretend that she thought it wasn't him, she's just as immoral, such slutty immoral morons trying to play innocent.

lol! Do you realize you just described what the Democratic Party is all about? "Slutty immoral Morons." Bingo! You nailed em. If these Women really are "immoral morons",you should be defending them as well. They're most likely Democrats like you & the Weiner Man no? Please don't hurt yourself thinking about this too much. I would feel responsible. See Ya! :lol:

Of course if Weiner had been Sexting with men, then he would be like the Republicans..........
The truth is, these women knew exactly who he was and giggled, accepted his pics and messages. If they hadn't accepted them, they wouldn't be known now, would they? How many have come forward to get their piece of the limelight?
No morals.
:confused: None of them came forward until it was made an issue of...