Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

The only minority left in this great nation is the white male
either way
I thought BHO was 1/2 white anyway

And yes your spot on
as hard as BHO is trying he cannot change the greatness that once was over night

I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You are the one that brings up skin color. I doubt very seriously that you would understand that O is incompetent and it has nothing to do with skin color.

There has been NO incompetance on Obamas part.

the facts dont agreee with your partisan claim
If you put up a fight, you will meet the same end as Randy Weaver and family.

You will execute our children and spouses like Weaver.... only to be set free on all charges ?

Randy Weaver was alone.

The government paid him 3.1 million dollars for the government's mistake.

What happened to Randy Weaver is not lost on the American people. If anything they know and are preparing for future conflict so that the next Randy Weaver isn't alone. obama really can turn into America's Assad. He can make war on the American people just like Assad is killing off the Syrians. It is entirely possible for obama to bomb American cities, or use toxic gas on American people. It will certainly put his name in the history books.
We are on the wrong track. the country has been for years. sadly, I see nothing happening that is to our bennefit. all they pass is feel good legislation and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. take Obamacare. the worst thing about it is not that it doesn't improve anything or actually reform healthcare. It's that people now walk around saying oh good, we finally have health care reform. So our focus is taken off a real issue. We haven't fixed our economy, we haven't even guided in the right direction.

We need to stop lying to ourselves, we need to stop allowing our politicians to continue to lie to us. We're going backwards fast and the long term costs are more than we can handle.
I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You are the one that brings up skin color. I doubt very seriously that you would understand that O is incompetent and it has nothing to do with skin color.

There has been NO incompetance on Obamas part.

the facts dont agreee with your partisan claim

High unemployment, low gdp, record numbers on welfare, 6 trillion more in debt, shrinking economy....yeah, he's incompetent. The facts do agree.
If you put up a fight, you will meet the same end as Randy Weaver and family.

You will execute our children and spouses like Weaver.... only to be set free on all charges ?

they will if you teach them to point guns at people.

Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.
You can FEEL that way, but it's not true, nor was it ever true. Which is why even his pretend leadership is ineffective.

Nothing personal

It is "We the People" who feel that way

Given a non-stop smear campaign from the right, We the People prefer a Kenyan over the best the GOP has to offer

Most of "We the People" are uninformed voters.
The majority of voters know very little of what they are voting for. They vote for their party, on both sides.
Many can not name who their Representative is or who their Senators are or even who the VP is let alone any of the issues.

Oh yes

Calling those who do not support your candidate stupid

How lame can you get?
Sounds like the OP is living in a dream world.

The country is moving forward.

The party of Lincoln and Reagan is dying a slow and painful death caused by the CANCER that is the Tea Party extremists.

Cling to your guns and your bible and be a joke. We don't care. Your gay sons will not be ashamed to be gay. You daughters will have their privacy violated. Wife beaters and mental patients will lose the guns.

If you put up a fight, you will meet the same end as Randy Weaver and family.

Your spokesman Wayne LaPierre went on TV and said basically we shouldn't have traffic lights because criminals fleeing a bank robbery won't stop at them.

Can you imagine anything more retarded?

Can you?

Weaver didn't put up a fight. The FBI murdered his wife and daughter.
Since you are counting those that choose not to vote, you could say the same thing about every president in the history of the United States. Fail.

It is true about every president in the history of the United States. But, in the past, the ones who didn't vote, or voted for an opposing party was willing to accept the winner's leadership. That's what has changed. At the end of the day, after the election, we were all united in the goals, even if we had differences of how to get there. That isn't true any more. It isn't that obama won by a small majority, it's that very close to half the nation, or more than that if you count the entirety of people who didn't vote for him, is unwilling to accept his role.

OP. The cause is the most divisive president in history.

I have to agree

Obama has been unable to unite the country like George Bush did

After 9-11, America united behind President Bush and gave him an 83% approval rate

By the time he left, America had once again united in disapproval of everything Bush was doing an gave him only a 23% approval rating
You will execute our children and spouses like Weaver.... only to be set free on all charges ?

they will if you teach them to point guns at people.

Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.

The cops had a right to fire at someone who had fired at them.

That boy died becuase his father taught him to shoot at people with a gun.

If the boy had been a black panthers son you would have cheered his death
Liberals learned how to hate the president under Bush. Conservatives learned to hate the president under obama.

That's not going to change.
they will if you teach them to point guns at people.

Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.

The cops had a right to fire at someone who had fired at them.

That boy died becuase his father taught him to shoot at people with a gun.

If the boy had been a black panthers son you would have cheered his death

So we shoot people in the back?

We shoot women and children?
It is true about every president in the history of the United States. But, in the past, the ones who didn't vote, or voted for an opposing party was willing to accept the winner's leadership. That's what has changed. At the end of the day, after the election, we were all united in the goals, even if we had differences of how to get there. That isn't true any more. It isn't that obama won by a small majority, it's that very close to half the nation, or more than that if you count the entirety of people who didn't vote for him, is unwilling to accept his role.

OP. The cause is the most divisive president in history.

I have to agree

Obama has been unable to unite the country like George Bush did

After 9-11, America united behind President Bush and gave him an 83% approval rate

By the time he left, America had once again united in disapproval of everything Bush was doing an gave him only a 23% approval rating

He is not leading the nation, all he is doing is dividing the nation.
Even the Dems are complaining that he will not meet with them to work things out.
a 14 year old boy can kill you if he fires a gun at you.

If the kid had been a black 14 year old boy you would have cheered his death just like you cheered trayvons
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

You folks on the right don't even listen to moderate conservatives.

The Easy Problem

On immigration, the evidence is overwhelming; the best way forward is clear.

The forlorn pundit doesn’t even have to make the humanitarian case that immigration reform would be a great victory for human dignity. The cold economic case by itself is so strong.

Increased immigration would boost the U.S. economy. Immigrants are 30 percent more likely to start new businesses than native-born Americans, according to a research summary by Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney of The Hamilton Project. They are more likely to earn patents. A quarter of new high-tech companies with more than $1 million in sales were also founded by the foreign-born.

A study by Madeline Zavodny, an economics professor at Agnes Scott College, found that every additional 100 foreign-born workers in science and technology fields is associated with 262 additional jobs for U.S. natives.

Thanks to the labor of low-skill immigrants, the cost of food, homes and child care comes down, living standards rise and more women can afford to work outside the home.

NY Times
OP. The cause is the most divisive president in history.

I have to agree

Obama has been unable to unite the country like George Bush did

After 9-11, America united behind President Bush and gave him an 83% approval rate

By the time he left, America had once again united in disapproval of everything Bush was doing an gave him only a 23% approval rating

He is not leading the nation, all he is doing is dividing the nation.
Even the Dems are complaining that he will not meet with them to work things out.

Links to your claims.

It seem the American voters dont agree with you and liked his leadrship so much they rehired him.

stop lying about him not being a leader the American people already desided that
In the Weaver case, the government admitted wrongdoing and paid off a settlement amount.

Liberals are still claiming that the government was right, they acted reasonably. Even after the admission of error and payment. It is just more evidence of liberal insanity.

The nation has become ungovernable. obama's inability to lead is just evidence of that. His incompetence is part of it but just part of it.
I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You are the one that brings up skin color. I doubt very seriously that you would understand that O is incompetent and it has nothing to do with skin color.

There has been NO incompetance on Obamas part.

the facts dont agreee with your partisan claim

Surely you can't mean that Obama has done all this destruction of the American Life on purpose do you?
OP. The cause is the most divisive president in history.

I have to agree

Obama has been unable to unite the country like George Bush did

After 9-11, America united behind President Bush and gave him an 83% approval rate

By the time he left, America had once again united in disapproval of everything Bush was doing an gave him only a 23% approval rating

He is not leading the nation, all he is doing is dividing the nation.
Even the Dems are complaining that he will not meet with them to work things out.

Obama came in with a Republican Party unwilling to compromise on any Obama intiative. He has a Congress that will vote against anything that Obama proposes....even if it is something they, themselves proposed in the past

Republicans have taken a position that if they cannot lead the nation.....Nobody will
You are the one that brings up skin color. I doubt very seriously that you would understand that O is incompetent and it has nothing to do with skin color.

There has been NO incompetance on Obamas part.

the facts dont agreee with your partisan claim

Surely you can't mean that Obama has done all this destruction of the American Life on purpose do you?

Can there be any doubt? Even the most incompetent person would have a success once in a while. The law of averages is on that side. obama's actions are deliberately taken. On purpose. What you are not understanding is that what obama is doing IS a success to liberals. That's why he's not seen as incompetent. Ruin the economy, that's a plus. Contraction of the economy and a rising unemployment rate are all desirable outcomes. Reduce the effectiveness of our armed forces, that's a plus. Rip apart the social fabric, that's a good thing.

Arguing over whether obama has been incompetent with a liberal is a lost cause. Everything he's done has not been destructive, it's an improvement. They will give you a list of the most destructive things he's done as if they were building blocks of societal stability.

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