Why has the red blooded American male lose their fascination of space and love of space battles?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
The best thing set in space in the recent years was made by the Japanese!

BSG meets mech anime!

Space was big on Western TV in the 80s and 90s!

As a matter of fact the last great Western space adventure was a video game!
Mass Effect 3 - Aspiration (Fan Tribute)

What happened to all our space adventures?

It seems like Japanese pop culture is more interested in making stories set in space than US!

Why has the Western world lost interest in space? How can us red blooded Americans lose our fascination of space and love of space dogfights?

Shit started to get real...

SYFY channel and Disney Star Wars ruined the entire genre with their retarded, recycled bullshit.
We belong in space with our nordic alien brothers ...they say the greys are thier servants and slaves ...

Firefly was a great show
Ah last week BBC was running ds9


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