Why exactly do you have a problem footing the bill for the daily survival of the poor?

We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

I have no problem being generous and encouraging opportunity for the poor. But, I am on the selective side. African Americans, Jews, Native Americans, Whites and some Asians contributed to building and maintaining this nation. I agree with the Democrats on the point that there should be a welfare net for these groups, but welfare should not be a lifestyle.


My problem is with the freeloaders such as illegal immigrants or Muslims who would like to kill us. Remember if a Muslim is not a fundamentalist who believes in beheading infidels, (that's us folks), their own sect considers them "bad Muslims." It is important to remove these troublemakers and mooches.

Their goal is to take over our culture. Whatever it takes to remove them from the United States is fine with me. Just get them out with some legal program like "Operation Wetback." Operation Wetback - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Anyone want to discuss the Mexican or Muslim agendas? Wake up America.

Get this through your thick Neanderthal skulls libs...I'm sick of working overtime to pay the bills of able bodied deadbeats who sit around on their lazy fat asses.
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

^^^ translation, I'm a communist.

and a brainwashed loser idiot. I'd be ashamed to post something like they did. demanding everyone else to take care of them.

That's the alarming part, they are not ashamed.
boy oh boy, reading that crap gave me a chill I was reading something HILTER would have said.

We are all a family except those Jews.
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

Collectivist Poppycock.

The End.
It is collectivist. This is true. Healthy families are inherently collectivist by nature. Father and Mother don't work for themselves and leave Junior to die. Father and Mother work for the benefit of each other and Junior. We should be acting like the family that we are. I even would go so far as to argue that, even if you don't accept our kinship, a certain level of collectivism is a necessary component of a functional pro-life ideology. One cannot put the belief in the inherent value of life into practice without devoting themselves to defending and nurturing life. One might as well not even hold that belief if they're not willing to work towards it as a goal.

B'loney. Healthy families are NOT collectivist. Families are self-contained units. They decide their priorities and how to work to take care of them.

Collectivism is The State directing whom you should work to support, and it has nothing to do with the people one knows and loves.
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Public Aid, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are all grossly abused in this country. To the tune of tens of billions of dollars. That is what I object to. Not to the care of the truly needy who sincerely want to improve their lot in life through personal effort.

So you cut the funds to those very people that are supposed to be looking for this. You want it both ways and keep doing deep cuts that harms the whole system rather than pushing to get more oversight in place.
So you cut the funds to those very people that are supposed to be looking for this. You want it both ways and keep doing deep cuts that harms the whole system rather than pushing to get more oversight in place.

How about we just fire the incompetent bastards that cannot do their jobs and root out the abusers?
The abusers aren't giving themselves benefits ... And if the government cannot manage their funds without wasting more money ... Then they shouldn't have the job to start with.

If they can afford to advertise on radio, television and billboards ... They can afford to police their services.
If they have trouble understanding the proper allocation of funds and proper diligence in ensuring accountability ... Perhaps they would be better served with a little experience in the private sector.

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Why exactly do you have a problem footing the bill for the daily survival of the poor?

Yet another liberal troll thread, where some fanatic ask "Why is it that..." followed by some lie about conservatives.

You people really need some new material. Nobody believes your lies any more. In case you were wondering why you got tossed out on your keisters in the last election.

BTW, I have no problem supporting the poor. I've been doing it all my life. (You don't think their free food and housing was really free, did you?)

I have a problem with some holier-than-thou do-gooder tries to steal from me and hand the stolen goods to the poor (or hand it to his favorite betting parlor or crack dealer etc.). Whether the theft is at gunpoint in a dark alley, or by government doing what it has no authority to do.

When I see that happening, yes, I'll do all I can to stop it and make sure the perps are thrown in jail as they deserve.

While I simultaneously support the poor without complaining, as I've done all my life.

Hope that clears up your misunderstanding. Though I know it won't. Liberals always make sure they don't understand, so that they can keep committing their thefts and pretend they're somehow "doing good".
So you cut the funds to those very people that are supposed to be looking for this. You want it both ways and keep doing deep cuts that harms the whole system rather than pushing to get more oversight in place.

How about we just fire the incompetent bastards that cannot do their jobs and root out the abusers?
The abusers aren't giving themselves benefits ... And if the government cannot manage their funds without wasting more money ... Then they shouldn't have the job to start with.

If they can afford to advertise on radio, television and billboards ... They can afford to police their services.
If they have trouble understanding the proper allocation of funds and proper diligence in ensuring accountability ... Perhaps they would be better served with a little experience in the private sector.


Sounds like a plan. Now, who is going to pay for this oversight? You already lobbied hard top cut funds where the oversight isn't where is should be.

Now, I see many people on Welfare of various types. Almost ALL need it to exist, not live, but exist. I know of three that keep filing for it but can't get it since they are just too lazy to work. I know of many that are waiting to get it that really need it. Welfare isn't making anyone rich except for the ones at the top and the Congress. How about cutting the Corporate Welfare and have an independant oversight for Congress. More than half of the Congress People went in not rich but ended up being multi millionaires. If any company found that their managers were living way past their means they would be looked at hard. Instead, we put these crooks in charge of policing their own. It's only when one of them gets some really bad press do they actually go after them. And then, it's just to get them out of whatever power job in congress they have. If it were done like it should, the Justice Department should lock their butts up. Isn't happening too often.

Are you aware of a discresenary fund that the Senators have that isn't on the books. They can use it for their own personal needs such as prostitutes, new cars, houses, etc.. That idiot that redid his office with other funds was so arrogant that he knew he would get away with it. This is done at all levels of office by just about everyone and it needs to have them locked up. But if it has an R beside it's name, it's okay, right?

The point is, we need oversights that are not controlled by Government. You can't hire the fox to guard the henhouse and expect anything different.
Public Aid, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are all grossly abused in this country. To the tune of tens of billions of dollars. That is what I object to. Not to the care of the truly needy who sincerely want to improve their lot in life through personal effort.

This is actually very untrue. Yes, there is a segment of those who receive benefits who abuse and take advantage of these programs, but the fact is that most people receiving benefits work, and many actually work full-time. They just do not make enough to support themselves and their kids.
The bottom 47% of wage earners pay negative income taxes. They get more back than they pay. WHy arent they willing to support the poor?
As for the OP. Fuck off. Let people get jobs and support themselves. IT isnt our responsibility to enable bad behavior.
They pay the bulk of state and local taxes so it more than evens out. When ALL taxes and fees are included the working poor pay a much larger percentage of their income than the wealthy.
Move those goalposts. They may pay state and local taxes but the bennies are coming from the feds. ANd the top 5% of income earners pay more than 100% of those taxes.
FAR RIGHT wants all the pro to work as ******* for their corporations. Do you really think they give a single fuck about helping people. lol.
the question is do I think you have a functioning brain. let me think about that. that would be a no.
Are we being serious?

When did the poor become unable to tend to their basic survival?

WHY would they be incapable of tending to what humanity has managed to do for 20,000 years?

Is it because... (They're Brown?) What about the White ones? Do they get more or less basic survival subsidy?
1. Yes.
2. Technically it's been a problem for at least as long as recorded history. In this country specifically it's become the omnipresent problem it is today because of the economic shift from an agrarian society to one based on providing services through specialist skills. In centuries past you could be dirt poor yet still have the land and knowledge to feed yourself as long as the climate, soil, and rich man remained favorable. Now you either have the fortune to be born with sufficient positive circumstances (such as good family or remarkable intelligence) or you don't.
3. See the above. Humanity has largely relied on an agrarian lifestyle to see to our basic needs. That is no longer practical for most of us. How many of the urban poor can just buy arable land and start a successful farm?
4. Conservatives have been the only ones to mention race in this thread so far. You say that it might not be fair to "white" people to the benefit of "black" people. I say that historical factors cause you to be the same ethnicity and you don't even know it. Your focus on the remaining physical differences and the legacy of bigoted cultural attitudes blinds you to your common descent. I wonder how many enslaved Africans you count as your ancestors...

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