Why exactly do you have a problem footing the bill for the daily survival of the poor?

Most of the people who want to dump the poor are narcissists, they are incapable of caring about anyone except themselves and all they know is that they want to keep more of their money for their own purposes.
Hey asshole..When we're struggling just to get by and we then have to listen to you people berate us for being "selfish" you get the backlash you deserve.
I doubt, spoon, you are struggling to get by. And if you are, then are you paying federal income tax?
Every year I write a check on 4/15.....You?
Oh, I don't give a fuck what you doubt.
Public Aid, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are all grossly abused in this country. To the tune of tens of billions of dollars. That is what I object to. Not to the care of the truly needy who sincerely want to improve their lot in life through personal effort.

Shrugging off your responsibility, If you really know people who are scamming the system you should report them, instead I think you are generalizing and spewing talking points
I think you're full of shit. :slap:
Public Aid, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are all grossly abused in this country. To the tune of tens of billions of dollars. That is what I object to. Not to the care of the truly needy who sincerely want to improve their lot in life through personal effort.

Shrugging off your responsibility, If you really know people who are scamming the system you should report them, instead I think you are generalizing and spewing talking points
Isn't it time for you to start another Pro terrorist anti Semitic thread?
My cousins and nieces and nephews support themselves they don't expect me to do it. I will help any member of my family that needs it as best I can when I can but I can't support them forever. it's the same with the poor I'm all for helping the poor get back on their feet and in a better situation but I'm not for just giving the poor money with no end in sight if you truly care about the poor you will want to help them find a way out of poverty instead of just giving them enough to survive in poverty.
Public Aid, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are all grossly abused in this country. To the tune of tens of billions of dollars. That is what I object to. Not to the care of the truly needy who sincerely want to improve their lot in life through personal effort.

Shrugging off your responsibility, If you really know people who are scamming the system you should report them, instead I think you are generalizing and spewing talking points
Isn't it time for you to start another Pro terrorist anti Semitic thread?

I am Jewish you subhuman filthy goy
My cousins and nieces and nephews support themselves they don't expect me to do it. I will help any member of my family that needs it as best I can when I can but I can't support them forever. it's the same with the poor I'm all for helping the poor get back on their feet and in a better situation but I'm not for just giving the poor money with no end in sight if you truly care about the poor you will want to help them find a way out of poverty instead of just giving them enough to survive in poverty.

yep, the people like the op doesn't really care about ANYONE. they just use people for their own agendas. none of them good for us or the poor. It's for the purpose of beating their chest like apes saying. see how much a better person I am...pfeesh
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

I have no problem being generous and encouraging opportunity for the poor. But, I am on the selective side. African Americans, Jews, Native Americans, Whites and some Asians contributed to building and maintaining this nation. I agree with the Democrats on the point that there should be a welfare net for these groups, but welfare should not be a lifestyle.

My problem is with the freeloaders such as illegal immigrants or Muslims who would like to kill us. Remember if a Muslim is not a fundamentalist who believes in beheading infidels, (that's us folks), their own sect considers them "bad Muslims." It is important to remove these troublemakers and mooches.

Their goal is to take over our culture. Whatever it takes to remove them from the United States is fine with me. Just get them out with some legal program like "Operation Wetback." Operation Wetback - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So you have no problem with a Muslim that wants to behead westerners if he is not on welfare?
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-
I am living on $30K a year.

I pay my taxes.

I give away literally tons of food a year, that I grow for fun.

All one has to do is ask, and pick it themselves.

I give to my church.

I give to my neighbors.

I help stangers that break down out here in the sticks.

Yet you are going to tell me how I treat my brotherman.

Nobody objects to helping the needy.

I object to the government taking my taxes and giving them to the able bodied.

What happened to Roosevelt's work programs, where a man earned money, didn't have it handed to him?

BTW, do you have a link to how many people starve and die in the streets in this country per year?
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-


Are we being serious?

When did the poor become unable to tend to their basic survival?

WHY would they be incapable of tending to what humanity has managed to do for 20,000 years?

Is it because... (They're Brown?) What about the White ones? Do they get more or less basic survival subsidy?
My cousins and nieces and nephews support themselves they don't expect me to do it. I will help any member of my family that needs it as best I can when I can but I can't support them forever. it's the same with the poor I'm all for helping the poor get back on their feet and in a better situation but I'm not for just giving the poor money with no end in sight if you truly care about the poor you will want to help them find a way out of poverty instead of just giving them enough to survive in poverty.

yep, the people like the op doesn't really care about ANYONE. they just use people for their own agendas. none of them good for us or the poor. It's for the purpose of beating their chest like apes saying. see how much a better person I am...pfeesh

Steph in all seriousness , you are 60 don't work live in a trailer and made statement yourself that you are on the government dole. Is it just OK for you to receive benefits and screw anyone else who might need them to servive
what happened to that OBAMA and his progressive party SWOOPING in and saving us all from being POOR. he's only had SIX YEARS. I guess that was another lie just like this op and his ILK of idiots

DIDN'T we all want to be like this....?????

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what happened to that OBAMA and his progressive party SWOOPING in and saving us all from being POOR. he's only had SIX YEARS. I guess that was another lie just like this op and his ILK of idiots
I figured what Jesus told the rich would help, but humans ignore that part of Jesus...
Notice how they all still consider it "their" money.

Notice how they think your property is their property



I say we just beat Mexico's Ass again and take the whole dam' thing. Lay the entire country in sod and just let nature take it's course.
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

^^^ translation, I'm a communist.
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-
Thank you. Well said.
We're family, both as a species and a nation. I mean that in the most literal sense. We're all descended from a relatively small pool of people that becomes even smaller the farther back you go. The homeless guy you sneer at on your way to work is your fourth cousin and you don't even know it. The kid you're wishing would just die already so you don't have to pay her medical bills is his third cousin's niece by marriage. It kind of makes me sad to see how people treat their own family like shit like this just because they don't think poor people deserve a safe place to sleep every night and quality medical care.

It's especially frustrating how many of these people claim to be "pro-life" and claim to understand the moral truth that all life has inherent value but only mean they're against killing babies and are utterly apathetic to other forms of human suffering. Why can't people just accept these facts? Why do people have to turn their back on their alleged values when they're asked to put them into practice? If you believe in the inalienable value of life, if you truly understand that we're a massive, inbred, dysfunctional family, then why do you shirk your responsibility to your cousins and nieces and nephews and allow them to starve and die on the street? -.-

^^^ translation, I'm a communist.

and a brainwashed loser idiot. I'd be ashamed to post something like they did. demanding everyone else to take care of them through some nonsense WE ARE ALL A FAMILY.

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