‘Why Even Wait’ To Decertify Arizona,

Arizona already proven to have tens of thousands of fake votes to push Biden over
. Entire election is more fraudulent than Cuba
since cyber ninjas has no auditing experience, and their records are secret, nobody's gonna give them credibility.

Significantly, the information the judge said should be released to the public includes who is financing the audit. The $150,000 the Senate agreed to pay Cyber Ninjas “appears to be far short of paying the full cost,’’ Kemp said.

“The public does not know who is financing the remaining costs,’’ the judge wrote.
We decertified Trump. Deal with it.
Trump was defrauded. Deal with it. People want their country back.

Your point is no different than the silliness of the Democrats pouting about Russia giving the election to Trump.
The Arizona Senate held a hearing yesterday with audit officials which revealed mind-blowing discrepancies including over 74,000 more ballots RECEIVED by Maricopa County than the number of ballots sent out.
That is fraud.
We decertified Trump. Deal with it.
Trump was defrauded. Deal with it. People want their country back.

Your point is no different than the silliness of the Democrats pouting about Russia giving the election to Trump.
The Arizona Senate held a hearing yesterday with audit officials which revealed mind-blowing discrepancies including over 74,000 more ballots RECEIVED by Maricopa County than the number of ballots sent out.
That is fraud.
Any arrests yet?
Arizona already proven to have tens of thousands of fake votes to push Biden over
. Entire election is more fraudulent than Cuba
since cyber ninjas has no auditing experience, and their records are secret, nobody's gonna give them credibility.

Significantly, the information the judge said should be released to the public includes who is financing the audit. The $150,000 the Senate agreed to pay Cyber Ninjas “appears to be far short of paying the full cost,’’ Kemp said.

“The public does not know who is financing the remaining costs,’’ the judge wrote.
I actually thought that the state was paying for it. That would give it a smidgin of respectability.

So we have an audit.
Financed by somebody.
Undertaken by an uncertified auditor.
Whose owner was calling foul before the audit.
That finds huge discrepancies.
But is unable to produce those discrepancies.

Really ?
Arizona already proven to have tens of thousands of fake votes to push Biden over
. Entire election is more fraudulent than Cuba
since cyber ninjas has no auditing experience, and their records are secret, nobody's gonna give them credibility.

Significantly, the information the judge said should be released to the public includes who is financing the audit. The $150,000 the Senate agreed to pay Cyber Ninjas “appears to be far short of paying the full cost,’’ Kemp said.

“The public does not know who is financing the remaining costs,’’ the judge wrote.
I actually thought that the state was paying for it. That would give it a smidgin of respectability.

So we have an audit.
Financed by somebody.
Undertaken by an uncertified auditor.
Whose owner was calling foul before the audit.
That finds huge discrepancies.
But is unable to produce those discrepancies.

Really ?
An opinion from an overseas shithole means nothing.
Trump's cult is a fascinating study.

'The Effect of President Trump's Election on Hate Crimes'

'Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump'

Hadn't you noticed? That's precisely what the audits are setting the stage for. Tick Tock...

I can see the similarity to how the Democrats dealt with it four years ago with the Russian crap and the impeachment. If it wasn't for false hope then party partisans would have no hope at all.
When they start arresting mofos....I'll get enthused

Welcome to the fusa
Surely this
Hard evidence all over the place
Has this life altering, most important data in the history of the country been submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States of America? Surely this new "evidence" would compel the court to reinstate Trump post haste. Has a swearing in ceremony been scheduled? Opps, my bad! No swearing in ceremony needed; Trump would just lie his head off! Bigly!!!
Believe it or not Trump had something to say.

Wendy Rogers

2:40 PM · Jul 15, 2021

Trump always has something to say, but he is REAL stupid and can't read.

Arizona Senate has substantial evidence that Arizona was stolen
TRUMP, citing “74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots).”

THE FACTS: No, there were no magically appearing ballots. He is alleging that the number of filled-out ballots received in the mail by election officials exceeded the number of people who had asked earlier for mail-in ballots, by 74,000. But that’s not at all what happened.

The claim mischaracterizes reports created for political parties to track who has voted early so they can target their get-out-the-vote efforts.

One report tracks all requests that voters make for early ballots, either by mail or in person, up to 11 days before the election. The other report tracks all ballots received through the day before the election. That leaves a 10-day window during which people who vote in-person but don’t request a mail ballot would appear on one report but not the other

Arizona Senate has substantial evidence that Arizona was stolen
You would think that they would issue a report then.

Now the OP doesn't even want that report.


Because he is afraid there will be nothing worth a shit in it
The Big Lie is an IQ test and the only thing proven is that a slice of Trumpers are the dumbest fucking humans in the country. Never seen mass hysteria so openly in action like this before. Man up and suck it up that the Blob was the most hated man this country has put in office. He lost. Now you’re lost.
Coming from a retard who thinks AOC is a genius!

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