Why England Sucks


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2017

Looks like Brexit has uncovered other stuff.

Oh my.

This is the country that spawned the United States and has been slowly slipping into darkness for a century.

They are the ones who gave us Neville Chamberlain.

From the article:

In January, the Sunday Times reported a looming constitutional crisis for the UK: New polls revealed that 51 percent of voters in Northern Ireland, 50 percent of voters in Scotland and 31 percent of voters in Wales want a border poll in the next five years. Though the Sunday Times report is framed around the disintegration of “British” identity – with voters in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland all identifying more closely with their national identity as opposed to Britain – what the reports omit is how much this rejection of the union is to do with just how shit England is.
Wow....U.K. has higher death/1000 than the U.S due to Covid.

Wonder why anyone from England would be critical of Trump when it appears they did worse.

And they are an island.

And my favorite: The vaunted and stupid NHS:

From the article:

There are very real gaps in the care socialized medicine provides. Gunter and others like her fail to address, or possibly learn in the first place, what these are. An example near and dear to my heart is the lack of preventive care provided under many of these systems. In the United Kingdom, where I lived off and on for seven years, you don’t have “well visits.” You see a doctor only once a problem is apparent. This never really bothered me until I became a mother.

For the first seven months of my son’s life, I was essentially on my own in fostering his health. A lactation consultant lectured me on the evils of bottle feeding, and a midwife weighed him two days after he was born, but that was it. My son didn’t have a pediatrician. He saw the same doctor I did, a man who admitted he knew little about babies and would Google my questions.

The difference when we moved to the United States was stark. Right away my son’s pediatrician noted he had weak muscle tone and was behind in several key areas of development. After an MRI, it was determined he had autism. He started a rigorous course of treatment including speech, physical, occupational, and feeding therapy. He is now incredibly high-functioning, which would not have been the case had his condition been spotted later on.


I don't accept the well visits stuff as true.

It simply defys all logic.

But maybe it is the case.

In any event... the article is nice counter to the wishful thinking of those who are so in love with it.
Is there enough bandwidth to list all the reasons England sucks? Its a rotting corpse of a country with a few coats of fresh paint spackled over the tourist traps the fool the rubes into thinking England is somehow still relevant in the globalized world.
And my favorite: The vaunted and stupid NHS:

From the article:

There are very real gaps in the care socialized medicine provides. Gunter and others like her fail to address, or possibly learn in the first place, what these are. An example near and dear to my heart is the lack of preventive care provided under many of these systems. In the United Kingdom, where I lived off and on for seven years, you don’t have “well visits.” You see a doctor only once a problem is apparent. This never really bothered me until I became a mother.

For the first seven months of my son’s life, I was essentially on my own in fostering his health. A lactation consultant lectured me on the evils of bottle feeding, and a midwife weighed him two days after he was born, but that was it. My son didn’t have a pediatrician. He saw the same doctor I did, a man who admitted he knew little about babies and would Google my questions.

The difference when we moved to the United States was stark. Right away my son’s pediatrician noted he had weak muscle tone and was behind in several key areas of development. After an MRI, it was determined he had autism. He started a rigorous course of treatment including speech, physical, occupational, and feeding therapy. He is now incredibly high-functioning, which would not have been the case had his condition been spotted later on.


I don't accept the well visits stuff as true.

It simply defys all logic.

But maybe it is the case.

In any event... the article is nice counter to the wishful thinking of those who are so in love with it.
How can a MRI determine autism?
Is there enough bandwidth to list all the reasons England sucks? Its a rotting corpse of a country with a few coats of fresh paint spackled over the tourist traps the fool the rubes into thinking England is somehow still relevant in the globalized world.

That sounds like where the US is heading under Joe Dufus.
They allowed Karl Marx to be buried on their soil. That is why they're cursed.

Had they made it a public toilet instead of a monument they'd probably be OK.

Looks like Brexit has uncovered other stuff.

Oh my.

This is the country that spawned the United States and has been slowly slipping into darkness for a century.

They are the ones who gave us Neville Chamberlain.

From the article:

In January, the Sunday Times reported a looming constitutional crisis for the UK: New polls revealed that 51 percent of voters in Northern Ireland, 50 percent of voters in Scotland and 31 percent of voters in Wales want a border poll in the next five years. Though the Sunday Times report is framed around the disintegration of “British” identity – with voters in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland all identifying more closely with their national identity as opposed to Britain – what the reports omit is how much this rejection of the union is to do with just how shit England is.
Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.

Looks like Brexit has uncovered other stuff.

Oh my.

This is the country that spawned the United States and has been slowly slipping into darkness for a century.

They are the ones who gave us Neville Chamberlain.

From the article:

In January, the Sunday Times reported a looming constitutional crisis for the UK: New polls revealed that 51 percent of voters in Northern Ireland, 50 percent of voters in Scotland and 31 percent of voters in Wales want a border poll in the next five years. Though the Sunday Times report is framed around the disintegration of “British” identity – with voters in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland all identifying more closely with their national identity as opposed to Britain – what the reports omit is how much this rejection of the union is to do with just how shit England is.
Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.

Doing something right......?

You mean like supression ?

Why do you think the colonies revolted.

Looks like Brexit has uncovered other stuff.

Oh my.

This is the country that spawned the United States and has been slowly slipping into darkness for a century.

They are the ones who gave us Neville Chamberlain.

From the article:

In January, the Sunday Times reported a looming constitutional crisis for the UK: New polls revealed that 51 percent of voters in Northern Ireland, 50 percent of voters in Scotland and 31 percent of voters in Wales want a border poll in the next five years. Though the Sunday Times report is framed around the disintegration of “British” identity – with voters in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland all identifying more closely with their national identity as opposed to Britain – what the reports omit is how much this rejection of the union is to do with just how shit England is.
Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.

Doing something right......?

You mean like supression ?

Why do you think the colonies revolted.
Why do you think they have outlasted every other government on the planet? Why haven't other countries been able to do what they have done? Our country is an infant in terms of age and continued success.

Looks like Brexit has uncovered other stuff.

Oh my.

This is the country that spawned the United States and has been slowly slipping into darkness for a century.

They are the ones who gave us Neville Chamberlain.

From the article:

In January, the Sunday Times reported a looming constitutional crisis for the UK: New polls revealed that 51 percent of voters in Northern Ireland, 50 percent of voters in Scotland and 31 percent of voters in Wales want a border poll in the next five years. Though the Sunday Times report is framed around the disintegration of “British” identity – with voters in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland all identifying more closely with their national identity as opposed to Britain – what the reports omit is how much this rejection of the union is to do with just how shit England is.
Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.

Doing something right......?

You mean like supression ?

Why do you think the colonies revolted.
Why do you think they have outlasted every other government on the planet? Why haven't other countries been able to do what they have done? Our country is an infant in terms of age and continued success.

Success ????

Don't make me laugh to hard.

Looks like Brexit has uncovered other stuff.

Oh my.

This is the country that spawned the United States and has been slowly slipping into darkness for a century.

They are the ones who gave us Neville Chamberlain.

From the article:

In January, the Sunday Times reported a looming constitutional crisis for the UK: New polls revealed that 51 percent of voters in Northern Ireland, 50 percent of voters in Scotland and 31 percent of voters in Wales want a border poll in the next five years. Though the Sunday Times report is framed around the disintegration of “British” identity – with voters in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland all identifying more closely with their national identity as opposed to Britain – what the reports omit is how much this rejection of the union is to do with just how shit England is.
Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.

Doing something right......?

You mean like supression ?

Why do you think the colonies revolted.
Why do you think they have outlasted every other government on the planet? Why haven't other countries been able to do what they have done? Our country is an infant in terms of age and continued success.

Success ????

Don't make me laugh to hard.
More time in power than any one else. That is reality. You are a fucking idiot.

Looks like Brexit has uncovered other stuff.

Oh my.

This is the country that spawned the United States and has been slowly slipping into darkness for a century.

They are the ones who gave us Neville Chamberlain.

From the article:

In January, the Sunday Times reported a looming constitutional crisis for the UK: New polls revealed that 51 percent of voters in Northern Ireland, 50 percent of voters in Scotland and 31 percent of voters in Wales want a border poll in the next five years. Though the Sunday Times report is framed around the disintegration of “British” identity – with voters in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland all identifying more closely with their national identity as opposed to Britain – what the reports omit is how much this rejection of the union is to do with just how shit England is.
Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.

Doing something right......?

You mean like supression ?

Why do you think the colonies revolted.
Why do you think they have outlasted every other government on the planet? Why haven't other countries been able to do what they have done? Our country is an infant in terms of age and continued success.

Success ????

Don't make me laugh to hard.
More time in power than any one else. That is reality. You are a fucking idiot.

Keep crowing........
Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.
Yes, but they're headed downhill. Expansion was and still is the way to go. The problem is with all of Europe. Once they started to let go of their colonies, they became less powerful.
Why England Sucks

Failed at most everything they ever set out to do, England no longer even commands control over their own country.

They are a nation of dhimmis.

This leaves us with a rather pathetic shell of its former self, exemplified most by its now typically pathetic, airhead subjects.

Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.
Yes, but they're headed downhill. Expansion was and still is the way to go. The problem is with all of Europe. Once they started to let go of their colonies, they became less powerful.

Really, nobody cares.....

What other country has a king who kept cutting off the heads of his wives ?

Looks like Brexit has uncovered other stuff.

Oh my.

This is the country that spawned the United States and has been slowly slipping into darkness for a century.

They are the ones who gave us Neville Chamberlain.

From the article:

In January, the Sunday Times reported a looming constitutional crisis for the UK: New polls revealed that 51 percent of voters in Northern Ireland, 50 percent of voters in Scotland and 31 percent of voters in Wales want a border poll in the next five years. Though the Sunday Times report is framed around the disintegration of “British” identity – with voters in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland all identifying more closely with their national identity as opposed to Britain – what the reports omit is how much this rejection of the union is to do with just how shit England is.
Ya, let's just forget that England has had a continuous government since 1033. They must be doing something right. No other nation on the planet can boast that length of success.

Doing something right......?

You mean like supression ?

Why do you think the colonies revolted.
Why do you think they have outlasted every other government on the planet? Why haven't other countries been able to do what they have done? Our country is an infant in terms of age and continued success.

Success ????

Don't make me laugh to hard.
More time in power than any one else. That is reality. You are a fucking idiot.

Keep crowing........
I am not crowing dumb fuck I don't live in fucking England you fucki g moron. I can't take credit for it what so ever. I just pointed out facts your idiot ass does not like to hear.

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