Forging documents to commit fraud is a felony in Texas. National Guard units fall under the duel command of the Governor AND the US Army. Wonder what the Army has to say about these forged documents ?
If Kerry's campaign is behind this it also violates McCain/Feingold, more federal trouble.
isn't it illegal to protect a criminal forger , particularly when attacking the president ?
Wouldn't knowingly broadcasting the fraud on network television be considered an interstate crime, and thus a federally prosecutable offense ?
But CBS is trying to explain that the ends justify the means, the "heart of the story" is true.
The more I think about this the less amusing it becomes and the angrier I get.
If Kerry's campaign is behind this it also violates McCain/Feingold, more federal trouble.
isn't it illegal to protect a criminal forger , particularly when attacking the president ?
Wouldn't knowingly broadcasting the fraud on network television be considered an interstate crime, and thus a federally prosecutable offense ?
But CBS is trying to explain that the ends justify the means, the "heart of the story" is true.
The more I think about this the less amusing it becomes and the angrier I get.